Connecting with manager in trading internship

I'm working a trading internship on an energy desk this summer, and I've had trouble connecting with my manager. During the day, he's trading, so interrupting him to ask about project work or to check in seems ignorant. But he also hasn't given me a very concrete project to be working on—just vague ideas that I've been piecing together into deliverables the past 1.5 weeks. I've sent him two updates on my work to try to get things going, but to no avail. He's nice, but it is also difficult to actually find time to talk with him, which is a new experience for me (went through a good program last summer). Any suggestions on how to get more direction and feedback from him? Should I just wait it out until he might have more time to get back to me?


Based on the most helpful WSO content, here are some suggestions to help you connect with your manager and get more direction and feedback:

  1. Timing is Key: Try to find a time when your manager is less busy. Early mornings before the market opens or late afternoons after the market closes might be better times to approach him.

  2. Scheduled Meetings: Propose setting up a regular, brief meeting (e.g., 15 minutes once a week) to discuss your progress and get feedback. This can help ensure you get the guidance you need without interrupting his trading activities.

  3. Clear Communication: When you do get a chance to speak with him, be concise and clear about what you need. Prepare specific questions or points you need feedback on to make the most of the limited time you have.

  4. Leverage Email: Continue to send updates via email, but make them more structured. Highlight key points where you need his input and ask direct questions. This can make it easier for him to respond quickly.

  5. Seek Help from Others: If your manager is consistently unavailable, consider reaching out to other team members or mentors within the firm who might be able to provide guidance and feedback on your work.

  6. Be Proactive: Take initiative in your work. If you have vague project ideas, try to develop them further on your own and present more concrete proposals to your manager. This shows your ability to work independently and might prompt more detailed feedback.

By implementing these strategies, you can improve your chances of getting the direction and feedback you need to succeed in your internship.

Sources: Internal Lateraling Guide, CS Interns - Resist the temptation to email a banker/staff to ask about your internship, Any interns sense they're not getting return offer? If so, why?, Full-time intern for 5 months - being taken advantage of?, Following up after sending my resume/how to go about getting an internship.

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