Undergrad resume review?

Hey everyone, can you take a look at this resume and tell me what you think? I know that my cumulative GPA is low, however my academic performance has definitely improved, and it's on track to pass 3.0 provided I continue doing well this next semester. I started my first year of college as a premed/biology major but I'm not entirely sure how to explain that through the resume...

Also I listed a sport under work and leadership experience... is that recommended?

Thanks a lot, your advice is greatly appreciated!



ok i almost gave you a pass for being a lax bro until i noticed you're at the club level, brandford. everything about your resume screams second-rate. move the business venture position up, add more numbers to describe the budget allocations for your student government position, and network your ass off.

pray to the lax gods that you have the right lettuce for banking


Yea, sorry to say it but Lax doesn't belong under leadership unless you were captain and it DEF doesn't belong there at the club level. That is an activity. Sorry, but anyone who looks at that is going to think you are a lax bro that hangs out and drinks natty ice... not someone I want to spend 12 hours a day with.

Also, the 2.75 GPA is almost an auto-ding unless you are marrying an MD's daughter.


GPA is the first thing that stood out to me; continue to work on improving your academic performance.

Other thing that stood out was your "estimated" revenue of $5,000. If it's your business, I feel like you should know the revenue, especially if you're going into finance.


Amazing test taker that hates going to class? Looking at your res screams talented (SAT score) but lazy(GPA) unless you have a good excuse as to explaining your 2.75...

The answer to your question is 1) network 2) get involved 3) beef up your resume 4) repeat -happypantsmcgee WSO is not your personal search function.

Thanks for the comments on the resume guys, I'll definitely move lax down to activities and throw in my work study experience instead...

Amazing test taker that hates going to class? Looking at your res screams talented (SAT score) but lazy(GPA) unless you have a good excuse as to explaining your 2.75...
I'd say it was the combination of getting the taste of freedom from overbearing parents along with the entire "you go be doctor" mentality that made up my freshman year.

I changed my intent towards the end of freshman year to what it is today, but unfortunately I'll need another good semester to raise it up past a 3.00.... Thanks for the benefit of the doubt though :)


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Sit rerum maxime eveniet quo et. Nihil qui voluptas consequatur.

Architecto ut minima autem harum a quis. Blanditiis quis quo incidunt distinctio delectus non. Tempora aut velit nemo sunt. Eius consequatur eum sit quis.

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