Never say never. I went to a non-target (one of your biggest in conference rivals) and landed an IB gig at a BB. The key is networking whenever and however you can. And when you get someone in the industry to listen to you, show them you know your shit and make it count. The goal is to get someone to vouch for you at a BB and help you get an interview. Once that happens it is up to you. Your resume is decent enough, but you will have to work much harder than the targets. Good luck.

Never say never. I went to a non-target (one of your biggest in conference rivals) and landed an IB gig at a BB. The key is networking whenever and however you can. And when you get someone in the industry to listen to you, show them you know your shit and make it count. The goal is to get someone to vouch for you at a BB and help you get an interview. Once that happens it is up to you. Your resume is decent enough, but you will have to work much harder than the targets. Good luck.

Hey, would you mind if I pm'ed you some questions?

Best Response

first thing I see under experience is that you have an ancient job description from 2005...then (bam!) the next thing you have is in 2009. the 2005 experience sounds interesting, but is there a way to close that giant employment/extracurricular gap?

The 'title' (i.e. credit risk analyst, bachelor of ..., m.a. tutor, sys. eng. intern,) sections are not consistent. You italicized the first one for education, bolded the last two, and used normal font for the finance job. use the same format. I'd pick italicized or normal- bolding mixes it up with the name of the institution that's also bolded a line above.

if I were you I'd include another bullet with "relevant courses" and list the hardest.. or just most quantitative and difficult sounding course titles there (that's also relevant to finance, of course). this is personal opinion.. but I think having a small list of courses along with your high major GPA can help.

consider reformatting it to - Major GPA: 3.9 (Overall: 3.4) the main reason for listing your major gpa is because it's higher than your overall. right now your tab/several spaces in between makes the overall gpa stands out even more.

(note: i'm also in college so i'd wait for a certified user to comment)

first thing I see under experience is that you have an ancient job description from 2005...then (bam!) the next thing you have is in 2009. the 2005 experience sounds interesting, but is there a way to close that giant employment/extracurricular gap?

The 'title' (i.e. credit risk analyst, bachelor of ..., m.a. tutor, sys. eng. intern,) sections are not consistent. You italicized the first one for education, bolded the last two, and used normal font for the finance job. use the same format. I'd pick italicized or normal- bolding mixes it up with the name of the institution that's also bolded a line above.

if I were you I'd include another bullet with "relevant courses" and list the hardest.. or just most quantitative and difficult sounding course titles there (that's also relevant to finance, of course). this is personal opinion.. but I think having a small list of courses along with your high major GPA can help.

consider reformatting it to - Major GPA: 3.9 (Overall: 3.4) the main reason for listing your major gpa is because it's higher than your overall. right now your tab/several spaces in between makes the overall gpa stands out even more.

(note: i'm also in college so i'd wait for a certified user to comment)

Thanks! That was very helpful, I have corrected those things.

With regard to the employment gap, between those dates all I have done is regular teenage retail jobs, nothing entirely relevant.

  1. Why the hell do you have a GPA for a UK secondary school? Don't invent grades ...

  2. If "Credit Risk Analyst" isn't boldened, why have you boldened "Systems Engineering Intern"?

  3. Troubleshooting is one word

  4. How could you be Varsity Cricket captain for 4 years if you've only been in university for 2 years?

  5. Interests in greyhound racing and horse racing? Just looks to me like you're admitting a gambling addiction. That's just my personal opinion.

  6. UK Citizen / USA Alien ......

  7. Financial Accounting Tutor / Managerial Accounting Tutor ..... Why not just use "Accounting tutor"?

  8. No dates for high school, and if it was in the UK, shouldn't this be "secondary school"?


I converted GPA since I live in the US, I didn't invent it, my grades were evaluated by WES for when I applied to UNC

That is a typo, thanks for pointing it out.

I'll remove the racing ones.

I wanted to be more specific, there are hundreds of accounting classes but I only tutor those two.

The secondary school I attended has high school in the name. I'll add dates.

Thanks for your help :)

I converted GPA since I live in the US, I didn't invent it, my grades were evaluated by WES for when I applied to UNC

If your UK high school exams were A levels and GSCEs, leave them in that format.

Having a GPA makes no sense to me, considering the UK education system is completely different from the American one anyway.

Also, if you did A levels in the UK, it doesn't make sense to mention an arbitrary "4.0 GPA", without including what your A level subjects were.

OK Updated it:

edit: Forgot to change troubleshooting so ignore that.

Need to make it clear that the subjects you listed are A levels, and seeing as you didn't complete them before transferring to Georgia (which is also worth noting, so it doesn't look like you're hiding your grades), you should include the grades of whatever qualification you left with (if GCSEs, summarise them e.g. 10 GCSEs A-A including A in Maths).

Out of interest, why did you choose to transfer to Georgia?

Also, regarding the tutoring, I think having "Financial/Management Accounting tutor" and bolding that, would look better than the way you've currently displayed it.

OK Updated it:

edit: Forgot to change troubleshooting so ignore that.

Need to make it clear that the subjects you listed are A levels, and seeing as you didn't complete them before transferring to Georgia (which is also worth noting, so it doesn't look like you're hiding your grades), you should include the grades of whatever qualification you left with (if GCSEs, summarise them e.g. 10 GCSEs A-A including A in Maths).

Out of interest, why did you choose to transfer to Georgia?

Also, regarding the tutoring, I think having "Financial/Management Accounting tutor" and bolding that, would look better than the way you've currently displayed it.

OK I've done that. You've been a huge help!

What should I write to say they are incomplete? Incomplete sounds like I just dropped out because I was failing, which I wasn't.

tbh I've no idea why I chose Georgia, I got into UNC Chapel Hill and had every intention of going there but at the last minute I decided Georgia was a nicer place. I regret it a lot but there's nothing I can do about it now.

btw are you on tsr? I browse there occasionally and have seen someone with the same user name posting.


I'm not certified, but I can tell you that having your high school "block" is way too big. I mean... fact is, none of the stuff under high school is even a little bit impressive. And to be honest, half the analysts reviewing your resume over here in the U.S. won't even understand what AS is. The one thing the HS experience suggests is that you left before completing - that isn't a perception you want to give to someone reading your resume. In my opinion, I would definitely leave high school on there because it's cool that you went to HS in England. It'll help you stick out a bit and be a bit more memorable when reading the resume. But it should probably just be one line and one line only.

You should absolutely include relevant college coursework at UGA. As mentioned earlier, include any finance and quantitative coursework to help your major GPA stand out. Your 3.4 cumulative at UGA is not particularly impressive, so try to keep attention focused on the major GPA.

You need to have consistent formatting. I would suggest doing something like this:

boldTitle of Company/Place of Work[/BOLD] boldLocation[/BOLD] [ITALICS]Title of Position[/I] iDates of Employment[/I]

And do not double-space between the title and description of what you did; it doesn't look good. You can format it so it's less than a full space, like .5 space or something, but the full space looks bad.

For your tutoring position, I assume this is done for the UGA Accounting Department? So format it like this:

boldUniversity of Georgia Accounting Department[/B] bAthens, GA[/B] iAccounting Tutor[/I] iJanuary 2009 - Present[/I]

Format in the Activities section looks poor. It's not much of a deal, but you might as well have everything look pretty to give you your best shot. Capitalization is key here. If the economics society is named Economics Society, italicize it so it doesn't look odd. Varsity Cricket Team Captain - there must be a way to do something about this. Your experience is a bit blah, and there's a lot of wasted space. From my experience, banks LOVE athletes. LOVE them. If you're a varsity captain, you NEED to expand this. If you had a jam-packed resume, I may not suggest this, but you don't. I'd suggest creating another section called "INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS" and making this a section of its own. If you're team captain, you must have some awards; at the very least, your team must have done something that is important (won conference, achieved some goal, etc.). This will help you stand out a bit, because most folks over here are obsessed with baseball or football or basketball (and/or any of their college counterparts). Not many people know much about cricket, but seeing that will certainly draw the interest of a sports fan (and there are many of them). The team captain thing is also a pretty big deal, as banks are HUGE on leadership and teamwork and being the captain of a varsity team is THE perfect example.

Sorry for getting a bit off-topic, but what are investment competitions? Sounds gay. Do you and your friends invest against each other? This may be something you want to either revise or remove. I'm assuming Young Enterprise is the title of an organization? Italicize it. Remove cricket - we'll assume you're interested in cricket since you're the captain of a team. World travel is cool, and I may consider moving that up on the activity list because that's far more interesting than anything else on the list.

Consider removing US Alien. In this environment, that could be an automatic ding. Get in the door and worry about that later on, no need to include it on your resume.


WOW! you have been immensely helpful, I will update my resume with your suggestions in the AM. With regards to my experience being blah, could you elaborate a little? essentially I do a lot of company research (basically equity research) and decide credit worthiness. Is there any chance you could help me put a IB spin on this? Is it OK for me to drop you a PM perhaps to discuss it further?

Also, with regard to the stephens comment, do you have any names? I tried to do a linkedin search but both the UGA guys are private.


In addition, I ran into UGA guys at a BB interview in NYC and also at a Stephens interview in Little Rock (there were a bunch of UGA guys there). I am 100% positive Stephens recruits at UGA, and it's a pretty good i-bank. It has an office in Atlanta. I would absolutely suggest trying to find some UGA alums working at Stephens (I'm sure there's a bunch) and emailing them. Not to be a dick, but your cumulative GPA probably isn't high enough to get an interview without someone (or some people) on the inside pulling for you. 3.4 will work from Ivies and some of the top private colleges/universities, but UGA isn't one of 'em - they generally expect 3.8 and above. Network with as many UGA alums on the Street as possible (I know Stephens is in Little Rock, but it's IB - kind of still the Street) and get as many people to pull for you as possible - that'll help you get interviews, and then it's on you from there.


Autem enim fugiat ab nisi. Vero dolorem et et dolor deserunt sapiente. Sed minus sequi quo ut necessitatibus voluptatem aperiam. Facere eveniet rem rerum qui consectetur iste. Sint laudantium quaerat dolores commodi commodi velit. Facere aut aut repudiandae illo ut sequi eos.

Illum qui et itaque magni qui. Reiciendis est vero velit et deserunt molestias perferendis. Commodi inventore omnis porro ad.

Quia quia odit optio cumque amet nobis. Quia ut sit exercitationem sequi. Modi aliquid odit qui deleniti omnis eos possimus. Dolore sit beatae totam consequatur vel non qui repellendus.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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