Resume question - Graduated in 2007 and worked a year in trading

Hey guys,

I gradated in 2007 and worked for a year in trading at one of the big new york banks, then left for health reasons (something that won't recur). By the time I got better my job didn't exist. I had never been abroad so I went traveling, and have been doing that for about two and a half years. While traveling I continued trading with my own cash and I've done fairly well, going from about 80 to 160k, although I've had the benefit of a mostly bull market.

I'm back home ready to look for jobs, and I'm faced with a nice big hole in my resume since my last real job was in 2008. I've done a lot of volunteer work on the road but that doesn't really help me out. I'll probably mention the travel but stick it at the bottom which also doesn't help me.

So I'm thinking about treating trading as my job during that time and putting a section under work experience titled "Independent trader", then listing what I did, and basically using that to fill the past 3 years Then in the interviews I would explain that I was traveling and so on, but this would at least fill the resume gap.

I'm a bit worried about how this will come off to people reading my resume though since it's debatable whether this was an actual job...kind of like when I used to see resumes from college kids who listed their daytrading experience.So I'm wondering what your opinions are...would you just list the last job in 2008 or add in the trading stuff?

Btw I'll be applying to jobs in trading but also consulting and perhaps some other stuff. Thanks.


Voluptatem laboriosam voluptatum voluptatem ut occaecati. Natus maxime est occaecati fugit ea velit. Quidem ea voluptates illum amet vero.

Aut dolorum nobis culpa ullam eligendi. Quidem sit rem et neque. Sunt reiciendis et porro repellat rerum necessitatibus. Corrupti atque quibusdam dolores illum.

Maxime dolor ut quisquam voluptas nihil. Qui aliquam adipisci unde illo dolorum.

Career Advancement Opportunities

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
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  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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