Resume Help, Trading Resume


I was wanting some general reviews of my resume, and also was wondering if the highlights at the top about me were too much or OK.

FYI This would be for a trading position, thus the lengthy details of my poker playing

Thanks guys!


what do you mean by professional poker player? were you on the WSOP or just playing cash games? you can't really call yourself a pro on your resume if you just played cash games because there is no documentation..if WSOP then you need to elaborate more about your tournaments/placings/rankings/winnings/etc etc etc..those things can be easily looked up by your future employer and you don't want to look like another chump that plays poker on the side and calls himself a pro..also fix the format of the resume.

what do you mean by professional poker player? were you on the WSOP or just playing cash games? you can't really call yourself a pro on your resume if you just played cash games because there is no documentation..if WSOP then you need to elaborate more about your tournaments/placings/rankings/winnings/etc etc etc..those things can be easily looked up by your future employer and you don't want to look like another chump that plays poker on the side and calls himself a pro..also fix the format of the resume.


I had to file taxes as a professional player for over 4 years, so along with my statistics and play history there is plenty of documentation ;)

Thanks for the advice again though!


If you earn over 100k annually from playing poker it should be included on the resume without a question. Much less than that its simply not a meaningful amount to list. Poker and resumes are something that have been discussed here before but its a pretty touchy subject that tends to be hit or miss. The problem is you are at the mercy of the person first reading your resume and getting them to move it into the yes pile. Even at a interview its something that can be difficult to talk about it really depends on the person and being able to size them up and decide if you should discuss poker is a skill entirely in itself.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.
Best Response
If you earn over 100k annually from playing poker it should be included on the resume without a question. Much less than that its simply not a meaningful amount to list. Poker and resumes are something that have been discussed here before but its a pretty touchy subject that tends to be hit or miss. The problem is you are at the mercy of the person first reading your resume and getting them to move it into the yes pile. Even at a interview its something that can be difficult to talk about it really depends on the person and being able to size them up and decide if you should discuss poker is a skill entirely in itself.

I completely agree here. I don't play anymore, but yes I did earn over 6 figures.

I wish I was at the easy end of the spectrum and didn't need to list poker because I came from an Ivy League, but I'm simply not in that position. I feel poker is great experience, and the first two interviews have agreed. I think it may also lose me some interviews, but I think without any experience and coming from the school I did, I doubt I would've gotten the interview regardless.

I think my poker experience translates amazingly well, and if they agree it gives me a shot at a job I don't think I would have gotten otherwise.

I'm going to attach a new resume to a new post I guess, as it seems I cannot attach one here to a reply


Here is another question:

I just want to work in finance and go to NYC. I'll be trying for trading positions first and foremost, because I feel they fit me best, and it is something I really enjoy.

Since my resume is 'meh' with the college, even with the 4.0, I will gladly do other positions as well to get my foot in the door. Does anyone have any ideas for jobs people might see me as more fit for? As in, that I would be more likely to be hired for? Does my business and client work lead to a much better chance of me getting a job sell-side?

This would be my last resort as I much prefer a trading position, but I thought I would ask regardless.


Put numbers in the poker section. "Won XXX" "Placed 4th in a field of 6,000 in the Pokerstars Sunday Million" "Earned X ROI over X No Limit Holdem Sit N' Gos..." you catch my drift. Otherwise you could come off as a degenerate gambler.


You used the poker site to pay for 100% of your expenses but you were on a full ride....that looks kinda weird. The fourth bullet point under Toro makes it sound like you sat around and played with yourself while skimming yahoo finance, might what to tweak the wording there. Kept your risk of ruin low??? Are you a ship's Captain in the Spanish Armada? The fact that you're getting a chapter published in a book about poker is just as impressive, if not more, than 100k over 4 years in returns, might want to play that up.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
You used the poker site to pay for 100% of your expenses but you were on a full ride....that looks kinda weird. The fourth bullet point under Toro makes it sound like you sat around and played with yourself while skimming yahoo finance, might what to tweak the wording there. Kept your risk of ruin low??? Are you a ship's Captain in the Spanish Armada? The fact that you're getting a chapter published in a book about poker is just as impressive, if not more, than 100k over 4 years in returns, might want to play that up.


For your points, I did obviously have food, books, car, rent, et cetera expenses. I will try to tweak that.

I will try to somehow change the wording on the toro part.

In poker we often use ROR when talking about bankroll management, is that not remotely a term used by traders? I will try to find an alternate, I thought it was pretty normal.

K, I will move the published info up to the top with the poker parts.


I've heard the term but in this context it just sounds weird. I am not a poker player at all so I could be completely off on this but my initial reaction was that it sounded strange. Don't change it if it's accurate to what you are describing.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

your resume is looking better but it could get much better

you have a very interesting story that could get you noticed but you just need to present yourself better

you need 1) expected graduating year and include locations for your internships 2) list a few relevant coursework (finance electives relevant to trading) 3 Include SAT's if they're over 1400 (1300's you could put down wont hurt really) 4) "spent 70% of your time learning" sounds like you're shooting the wind not doing anything. the idea is fine but you should say you learned extensively about options while doing something objective for the traders 5)take page 1 off the resume


I gotta agree with SanFran here man. It's just such an unusual thing. But I would definitely edit 'nearly every computer program,' Just list them. If you can say I know XYZ, XZY, YYX,CAA, DDS etc computer programs, that will look better and the sheer volume of the programs listed could impress a non-computer HR person.

A WSO Resume Review is seriously worth looking into.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
I gotta agree with SanFran here man. It's just such an unusual thing. But I would definitely edit 'nearly every computer program,' Just list them. If you can say I know XYZ, XZY, YYX,CAA, DDS etc computer programs, that will look better and the sheer volume of the programs listed could impress a non-computer HR person.

A WSO Resume Review is seriously worth looking into.

Main problem with listing is the space constraints.

Basically I would list:

Microsoft Office(Powerpoint, Excel, Word) Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Swish(Flash animator), Other WYSIWYG editors, as well as Cpanel, phpMyAdmin, MySQL databases, and any FTP programs on the server side of things.

I used to run a web design/programming business as well that I haven't listed in my resume because I ran it from like 12-15, although I did win some awards and such for my desgins.


Yep I agree with the crowd here, definitely a unique candidate and since you have earned a large amount playing poker it needs to be on there. I would try to quantify as much as possible, however the problem is even some people that know poker very well wont know what a 4.3bb/100 winrate over a 5 million hand sample really means. If you played tournaments you could list where you rank on OPR not sure if tableratings has a ranking feature.

You could definitely benefit from some sort of professional resume service.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.

-you're winnings from poker are unverifiable unless you list a specific tournament and the prize won.

-your college is not legitimate

  • you have a period at the end of your last sentence under professional poker players. and, the rest of your resume doesn't have periods. AUTO DING, BITCH
New Yorker:
-you're winnings from poker are unverifiable unless you list a specific tournament and the prize won.

-your college is not legitimate

  • you have a period at the end of your last sentence under professional poker players. and, the rest of your resume doesn't have periods. AUTO DING, BITCH


I unfortunately can't do anything with the college.

I have graphs and tax returns to verify my winnings. Most/all of my winnings were before pokertableratings, so I won't have anything there


IMO, your resume is not consistent with the job you are seeking.

At first glance, I see you want to be a teacher, a writer, a poker player, a trader & an entrepneur! Well which one is it??

Your line in your resume about publication of the book does not sound right, try something like 'Featured writer in upcoming book'. You do not need to be specific of how many words/chapters you are writing, that's what the interview is for. Be brief, be concise, be professional.. thats what you need to do in your resume.

When your talking about teaching, you should make it sound professional and sweet for example 'Teaching Assistant for Options class'. BAM we get it! You don't need to say, 'Taught delta strategies to 24 students from 11:00AM to 5:00PM'.

For your jobs, you need to put a TITLE, so put Trading Analyst at Toro Trading LLC (Intern)

For your site, you need to put something more professional like, Owner of RakeTakers, an online website. Why are you getting a valuation, or in process? Why would I care as an employer that you are getting a valuation? By whom anyways?

You have 5 lines under your RakeTakers, please just liist the 2-3 best ones. Make it sound proffesional. Say VERB --> explanation..

For the professional poker player, this should be in ECs, and shouldn't take up more than 2 lines.

For socialactivities: did you really write your homecoming king?

IMO, your resume is not consistent with the job you are seeking.

At first glance, I see you want to be a teacher, a writer, a poker player, a trader & an entrepneur! Well which one is it??

Your line in your resume about publication of the book does not sound right, try something like 'Featured writer in upcoming book'. You do not need to be specific of how many words/chapters you are writing, that's what the interview is for. Be brief, be concise, be professional.. thats what you need to do in your resume.

When your talking about teaching, you should make it sound professional and sweet for example 'Teaching Assistant for Options class'. BAM we get it! You don't need to say, 'Taught delta strategies to 24 students from 11:00AM to 5:00PM'.

For your jobs, you need to put a TITLE, so put Trading Analyst at Toro Trading LLC (Intern)

For your site, you need to put something more professional like, Owner of RakeTakers, an online website. Why are you getting a valuation, or in process? Why would I care as an employer that you are getting a valuation? By whom anyways?

You have 5 lines under your RakeTakers, please just liist the 2-3 best ones. Make it sound proffesional. Say VERB --> explanation..

For the professional poker player, this should be in ECs, and shouldn't take up more than 2 lines.

For socialactivities: did you really write your homecoming king?

Thanks for everything. The valuation was highlighted, meant to be a note to you guys. It will be changed.

Poker is a huge part and a big reason I have got the jobs I have, as well as the nterest I have gotten from hedge funds. It will definitely keep where it is.

I don't know what to do for social. With everything I have, it is all introverted. The career services place I went said mentioning that I am that well known on campus and can win an election shows good team work and social skills, but yes, I also think it sounds lame.


Non ut commodi cum nulla labore expedita nemo eos. Necessitatibus voluptas ut fuga consequuntur qui recusandae sapiente. Iste qui enim rerum explicabo ad tenetur pariatur. Ut at magnam aliquid similique asperiores autem adipisci autem. Provident aut quam explicabo et vel et.

Magnam placeat sit cum quia odit. Sint molestiae et voluptas ex nemo quia voluptate. Corporis laboriosam ut recusandae necessitatibus. Ea exercitationem esse quasi id aut. Harum dolores id omnis maxime nam possimus. Consectetur similique voluptatem sed qui non.

Qui voluptatem est consequatur reiciendis ea tempore porro quo. Alias exercitationem sint iusto atque cumque facere. Exercitationem aspernatur amet enim reiciendis quis sunt. Odit odio eligendi cupiditate. In rerum est ipsa. At ipsum et quos recusandae distinctio facilis eaque earum.

Nihil dignissimos sunt rerum ducimus ut placeat nihil. Aut et ex voluptatem modi. Distinctio ut doloribus id. Sed aut qui earum eos hic qui autem. Asperiores dolores sint maxime iste est.


Libero ut quisquam quam fuga debitis et aut. Expedita iure sint omnis at et accusantium qui. Nam ratione animi rerum at vel. Minus magni aliquam vero.

Nihil ut consequatur distinctio saepe aut in voluptate. Est repellendus consequatur tempora ducimus similique ducimus. Consequatur aliquam quis consequatur est.

Nobis perferendis animi sapiente. Sit ut rem dolorem necessitatibus quo qui. Nihil eius aut perspiciatis qui laudantium. Modi est ipsam soluta et qui. Possimus veritatis laborum placeat. Quos omnis non ut odit necessitatibus sint officiis qui.

Sint inventore aperiam vitae et eveniet quia. Nemo placeat voluptas incidunt cupiditate vel eum voluptas aperiam. Et repudiandae alias quo voluptates eaque voluptatem aperiam.

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July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
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  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

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  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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