Resume - Give it to me hard...

Hey Everyone,

I'm looking for some advice and critiques of my resume. I'm 1 yr out of undergrad working at a small private investment firm. I was a little unsure of how much stuff I should still include from undergrad.

Also, I recently completed an alternative investments program at Harvard (through the extension/continuing education program) that my firm paid for. Now, I will be the first to admit that all I had to do was pay for the program. There was no rigorous admissions standards like Harvard undergrad or HBS. However, the class was taught by a Harvard MBA and definitely worth my time. Its on my resume now, but I welcome opinions on it.

Overall, I modeled the format after Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business style. Let me know what you guys think and thanks in advance for taking the time to do so.


Experience "Observed board meetings" - Lose "Joined investment firm at inception" 2 problems - "Joining" is not an accomplishment. Saying that you work at a startup adds no value. "member of team" same thing. What did you do? Managing money isn't hard. Doing it well is. Did you outperform your benchmark

"Led team of analysts" You led a team of analysts as a college kid? Bullshit

The rest of your experience bullets are solid but need a little work. You have generallly highlited duities and processes rather than accomplishments. How did your analysis/sourcing/communicating/leading make the company money?

Activities/personal. LOSE THE BOSTON SPORTS FAN THING!!!!! I fucking hate Boston fans. So do a lot of people.


Okay, I get get the picture...I'll lose the Boston sports thing. I understand there is a lot of resentment among the sports community.

Nevertheless, regarding the "led a team of analysts" it was a student run investment fund from the school's endowment so I did in fact lead a team of analysts. Sorry for the lack of clarity.

Thanks to everyone that has taken a look at my resume so far.

quick question to the board - so putting "enrolled in X financial modeling course" is ok?

No, it looks retarded. What did you have to do to get in? What evidence is there you learned anything? Any barriers to entry?

It might not hurt your resume, but when you get to an interview and the interviewer looks down and sees some course listed on your resume as if it adds real value, he's just going to ask you technical questions until eventually you fuck up and he proves he's smarter than you.

quick question to the board - so putting "enrolled in X financial modeling course" is ok?

No, it looks retarded. What did you have to do to get in? What evidence is there you learned anything? Any barriers to entry?

It might not hurt your resume, but when you get to an interview and the interviewer looks down and sees some course listed on your resume as if it adds real value, he's just going to ask you technical questions until eventually you fuck up and he proves he's smarter than you.

drexel, no offense buddy, but advice from an actual banker might be a little more helpful


Drex - really and truly, no offense intended whatsoever. you contribute a lot of quality stuff, but the fact remains (i think) youre a rising jr

Im coming from a liberal arts background, so I'm thinking it might show a little initiative, given i dont have any DCF modeling exp from my internships.

as it is, its not on my resume. if it does look retarded though, id gladly keep it off.

Best Response
Drex - really and truly, no offense intended whatsoever. you contribute a lot of quality stuff, but the fact remains (i think) youre a rising jr

Im coming from a liberal arts background, so I'm thinking it might show a little initiative, given i dont have any DCF modeling exp from my internships.

as it is, its not on my resume. if it does look retarded though, id gladly keep it off.

If you weren't able to take any finance courses at your lib arts college I think listing this course could help to show that you have initiative to at least try and prepare it impressive? no, so it shouldn't be given its own line or highlighted at all in the res. does it send the right message? i would argue yes (similar to "relevant coursework" -- which can be important if he is coming from a school like Williams / Amherst).

...but I'm also several years removed from recruiting analysts so you might want to get another opinion here. I could be wrong.


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Drex - really and truly, no offense intended whatsoever. you contribute a lot of quality stuff, but the fact remains (i think) youre a rising jr

Im coming from a liberal arts background, so I'm thinking it might show a little initiative, given i dont have any DCF modeling exp from my internships.

as it is, its not on my resume. if it does look retarded though, id gladly keep it off.

basically, what patrick said. It is unlikely the presence of it on your resume will hurt you, but I don't see it as a major positive, and if you don't know your stuff cold it certainly could hurt you


Also, Drex makes a very valid point that if you list "DCF and financial modeling course taken" you better know your technical material down cold because then you are opening the door for them to try and bust you in the interview. you have to weigh that into the equation as well. Is your res good enough to get an interview without listing that course?

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But if you list that course, how technical can it get? Forgive my ignorance ignorance, but DCFs don't really seem that complicated..


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