Resume Critique - Updated

Please critique my resume...format, content....anything that could make it better is welcome.

My primary goal is to land a position in portfolio management, private wealth or related fields, ideally servicing Latin America.

IB/VC/PE would be a second best, although I believe my chances coming from a non-target school, and not having formal IB training are much lower.

Thanks in advance!

I have updated my resume (v2). Is it looking better?

I tried to get rid off the "Qualifications" section, as I haven't seen it in any of the other resume, but I feel it gives a good 2 phrase synopsis of my background and expertise.

thanks for your feedback.

Attachment Size
Masked Resume (2013).pdf 82.36 KB 82.36 KB
Masked Resume (v2).pdf 84.8 KB 84.8 KB

You are referring to the Mergers & Inquisition template, right? I though it was somewhat similar, but I might be wrong. I will take a look at it. Thanks!


• Use the M&I template (let us know if you don't know what this is) • Don't write such long sentences. You have used it throughout your resume • Remove the Qualification & Skills section. It is awful in your case • You have an interesting educational background. I would put that on top of the resume (replacing the Qualifications & Skills section)

"I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature."

• Use the M&I template (let us know if you don't know what this is)
• Don't write such long sentences. You have used it throughout your resume
• Remove the Qualification & Skills section. It is awful in your case
• You have an interesting educational background. I would put that on top of the resume (replacing the Qualifications & Skills section)

I was using the Q&S section to copy some of the qualifications required by each job posting, in hopes it will help my resume to be selected by the software use by recruiters and HR departments. Is it really that bad?

I will work on the long sentences. Thanks!


You probably don't want to combine your cover letter and resume in one.

As far as getting past the HR screening, did you consider networking?

"I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature."

I wish I was a bilingual CFA, MBA

When a plumber from Hoboken tells you he has a good feeling about a reverse iron condor spread on the Japanese Yen, you really have no choice. If you don’t do it to him, somebody else surely will. -Eddie B.

Explicabo magnam dolore dolorem qui quo beatae quae. Consectetur repellat consequuntur excepturi repellat autem quia facere.

Dolor doloribus ut vero optio dolorum aut. Aut molestiae debitis quo magnam provident laborum fugiat. Amet sit quia consequuntur delectus rerum cumque voluptatem nihil. Impedit quis quisquam non.

Placeat ea asperiores fugiat et non inventore. Qui dolore voluptas qui dicta blanditiis blanditiis. Quam sequi laboriosam dolore aut.

Et earum rerum fugiat voluptas laboriosam ad quo quisquam. Dicta iusto ullam voluptatum. Tempora in quae ut ut voluptatum fugiat ut.

Career Advancement Opportunities

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  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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