Is this on a wrong forum? Shouldn't I post this here - 'Public Resume Review Service'

Thank you for your suggestion. Will take out strong interviewing skills.


A bit acerbic, I admit.

The real issue is...

1- As a, and I use this term very loosely, "professional" resume writer, you should know that the same person's resume could very well be 100% different for 2 different positions. You're asking people for their resume advice, when they:

a- have no idea what position/field/industry the applicant is vying for b- have no qualifications whatsoever

This itself is indicative of how inept and unqualified you are to review a resume, or a cover letter, or a thank you note, or a change of address form.

2- You have absolutely no idea what this forum is. You're posting someone's resume who is a career changing writer from Singapore on a forum where BEST case scenario, the posters can comment on how to tailor your resume if you are a 20 year American old college Junior applying for an internship in investment banking in New York, London, HK, LA, San Fran, Charlotte, and/or Chicago. Obviously you are clueless and inept, and have no god damn right taking money from someone to do anything other than sweep their floor.


I pity whoever paid you to review their resume. Some feedback you should offer them:

-delete the name. those are superfluous - refer to yourself as ca$hmoney -change "freelance writer" to "pseudo clark kent" - that will show creativity -use ctrl-f to replace every "I" with "your mother" -once finished, plug the entirety in to an online translator to turn it in to latin. that will show you are intelligent

Best Response

this resume is awful


have you done any research to figure out how to actually write a resume? Your usage of phrases such as "I learned how to...." is absolutely unacceptable format for resumes. Always start with an ACTION word such as "LEARNED" or "DEVELOPED" and NEVER USE THE FUCKING WORD "I" ON A RESUME.

your bullets should all have a result associated with them. "used funny writing style which INCREASED CIRCULATION BY 50%". if you make a claim such as "strong interview skills" you better back it up with a fucking result such as "powerful interview skills resulted in 90% conversion rate of interview to job offer" otherwise your claim is totally worthless

i don't know man, maybe for starving authors or something the resume is fine. but if you're trying to break into the upper echelons of business, this resume isn't worth the paper it is printed on. there is countless advice online . i suggest you take it.


I thought I have written a good enof resume! All your comments have been good for my ego.

Holy sorry, I guess this is not the right place to discuss a resume for a writer position.

I took out all the 'I', and started the sentence with a verb.

Any other resume writing tips/resources will be, as you know, greatly helpful.

Thank you.


Hmmmm instead of exacerbating his problems with your criticism why can't any of you post with kind words? Maybe were being a little ignorant here because he is from Singapore and im assuming english isn't his primary language. I do agree that you came to the wrong forum for a resume review unless if your career switch was in finance? Anyways to assuage some of your resume problems I'd start with your career services if you have one and just google resumes for your perspective field. You should start seeing a pattern


Hmmmm instead of exacerbating his problems with your criticism why can't any of you post with kind words? Maybe were being a little ignorant here because he is from Singapore and im assuming english isn't his primary language. I do agree that you came to the wrong forum for a resume review unless if your career switch was in finance? Anyways to assuage some of your resume problems I'd start with your career services if you have one and just google resumes for your perspective field. You should start seeing a pattern


Hmmmm instead of exacerbating his problems with your criticism why can't any of you post with kind words? Maybe were being a little ignorant here because he is from Singapore and im assuming english isn't his primary language. I do agree that you came to the wrong forum for a resume review unless if your career switch was in finance? Anyways to assuage some of your resume problems I'd start with your career services if you have one and just google resumes for your perspective field. You should start seeing a pattern


Thank you all for your inputs. I now know this forum is forum finance geeks and I'll send anyone who needs any input in finance stuff here.

I am taking out the resume from . I guess I'll first have to see some sample writer resumes before putting it up for discussion.

Thank you all, it's been fabulous here.



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