I don't know what to put on my resume.

I am an upcoming freshman (class of 2013). I want to start writing my resume, but I don't know what to put on it. I have awards, honors, extra curriculars, community, BUT NO WORKING EXPERIENCE. What can I do here? Also, for education, I definitely know I'm going to major in Economics, but I cant declare until the next year. So should I put undeclared on my resume? I already have a 4.0 at the school through enrollment while in high school. Do I put that 4.0 GPa on my resume, or wait until after the fall semester to include a GPA? Thanks

Best Response

i dont understand why kids feel the need to start this early.

anyway, if you have no work experience, describe your EC's/Volunteer experience.

High School GPA is fine - but at what point do you want to start working? Summer 2010 or this fall/winter season?

See if you can an get an (unpaid) internship through networking at a cold-calling brokerage office (maybe your dad has his account with them), small family owned investment office, private CPA/local accounting firm.

Maybe even at a hedge fund in their mail room so you can network your way into the front office.

Your resume is not important at this point in your "career."

I'm making it up as I go along.

------------ I'm making it up as I go along.
i dont understand why kids feel the need to start this early.

anyway, if you have no work experience, describe your EC's/Volunteer experience.

High School GPA is fine - but at what point do you want to start working? Summer 2010 or this fall/winter season?

See if you can an get an (unpaid) internship through networking at a cold-calling brokerage office (maybe your dad has his account with them), small family owned investment office, private CPA/local accounting firm.

Maybe even at a hedge fund in their mail room so you can network your way into the front office.

Your resume is not important at this point in your "career."

I'm making it up as I go along.

im just trying to find work. That's all. Hopefully it'll be Summer 2010. I guess I'll list my HS GPA on the 4.0 scale and wait until December to list my First semester GPA.

Cornelius, there's nothing wrong with starting early. I started learning about ibanking/consulting career when I was a HS junior and interned in BB PWM in the summer between HS senior and college freshman year. OP, feel free to ask any question. I'll be glad to help.


Just looked at the internship application.

A Summer Analyst role is designed to provide interns with an insight into working at Goldman Sachs. These are short-term roles, available during the summer months. A Summer Analyst position would typically be suited to someone in their junior/penultimate year of their undergrad study.

Says mainly for juniors. Should I even bother?


You have virtually no chance of getting SA w/ Goldman after freshman year. You can try - there's no harm - but you'd be applying for perhaps the most coveted internship in all of IB.


What college do you go to? If you don't go to a target school, then the main issue you face when pursuing internship is no longer the fact that you don't have work experience.


I think a lack of work experience is a bigger problem than lack of a target school. You can have a 4.0 from Yale and if you've never worked in your life, you're going to be a hard sell for an SA position w/ Goldman.


and without going to a target school, the op won't be able to get the work experience right for IB. and when I say work experience, I don't mean working at McDonald's or YMCA. Most IB/consulting recruiters care a lot about prestige. Therefore, the OP first needs to get into a target school, and then go get internships. If he goes to a nontarget, he is unlikely to get quality internships that will secure him a FT offer. That's why right now, the main issue is whether or not he goes to a target. So FutureGekko, what college do you go to?


FutureGekko, Rutgers is not a target school. One thing you need to look at when looking at on campus recruiters is what positions are they recruiting for. For example, as mentioned in another thread, JP Morgan recruits at St Johns University, but for a customer service representative in the commencial banking division. So 4 yrs of finance at St johns qualifies students for a less prestigious division as a customer representative. So you want to transfer to a target.


the target schools are:


Ivy league MIT Stanford NYU Stern Duke Chicago Northwestern USC (only for offices on the west coast)


Michigan Virginia UC Berkeley UC LA (only for offices on the west coast)


FutureGekko, one thing you must learn is never ask for things on this forum that can easily be found on other websites. You can check the transfer admission rate on CollegeBoard.

However, I will tell you things that cannot be found elsewhere. Don't bother transferring to Michigan. IBanks mostly target the business school at Michigan which for external transfers is impossible to get into. Maybe 1 or 2 gets accepted every year. Transferring to Michigan's arts and science may be easy but it's not as targeted by ibanks so in this case, transferring is not really worth it.

Don't bother transferring to Cornell Agriculture/Life sciences, Human Ecology, or ILR schools.



can't believe I just wasted 5 mins reading the whole thread......

Can the kid just google the information that is everywhere? Rogue you are REALLY nice and patient


They're all tough to transfer to - that's WHY they're target schools.

That being said, try transferring to Northwestern, Brown, or Cornell.


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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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