Bilingualism or masters or straight to work?

Recent college grad really confused hoping to get your input on the best next step, to give you the gist of it.
-Hospitality Business grad with a finance specialization (wrong degree off the bat I know but didn’t know any better, the only positive is that I got it in switzerland which is ok in terms of prestige
-speak Portuguese/English/Spanish fluently and my mandarin is intermediate (im half/half tho eu passport holder)

At this point I've been doing a language course in Beijing for 4 months after grad and made good progress however (and I did check the other threads of kids like me asking if they should learn mandarin) and what I understood is that mandarin is not useful unless you want to work in China (which i don't) and any who there are plenty of overachieving Asian kids with native mandarin and good English from western colleges to compete with in asian, however taking into account that my long term goals include migrating to canada/us
that leaves me with 3 options.
1.keep studying mandarin full time but it’d take 2-3+ years of full time learning to get to professional (not close to native) proficiency and hope that gives me a leg up working later ( although from what I can gather its not really useful working in tonronto or ny)
2.go get a job in a finance/accounting department of a hotel which is the only feasible job option seeing that I majored in the wrong thing.
3.get a masters in finance and or accounting and hope to get into the industry afterwards.

Thanks for reading through all of that, basically its all a question of cost of opportunity in terms of time spent/wasted
Any feedback is appreciated.

Best Response

Don't bother with studying Mandarin - as you've said, you're not gonna beat those bilingual Asian kids at their game and you don't plan on working in China. I'd say either option 2 or 3 works, and I would personally choose 3. Get a MSF and rebrand yourself and then recruit for the jobs you really want.


Thank you for the reply, i sort off came to this conclusion after reading all the other posts regarding this。however is there any utility in being quadrilingual? (En-Sp-Pt-Mandarin) My family keeps teeling me this,however the years I would lose to become quadrilingual would be the same for me to get a masters and 1-2 years of experience


Studying Chinese for a job now is like people who studied Japanese for a job in the 80s


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