Is anyone lending?

Who is making loans in this environment? Have heard that many big banks like Wells Fargo are on the sidelines. It seems like the GSEs are lending, but with more structure, such as escrow requirements.

My bank, about $20 B in assets, is lending, but it's still somewhat unknown what we can get approved. We're requiring full recourse, lower leverage, and it will probably take some money pledged for Debt Service in the event that tenants can't pay.


Still hearing loan deals flowing on the mortgage brokerage side. However, sentiment seems to be ‘if you don’t have a relationship with lender X or a DIRE need, wait’


Ground up construction lending is almost non existent. Retail/hotel are not my specialty but I would imagine those are 0% chance of execution. Current personal experience: spec office, completely dead. Multifamily--where proceeds were available for 20+ lenders at 65% LTC pre-crisis, there are now only a couple of balance sheet lenders in the game, proceeds sized closer to 50% LTC with spreads L + 450 or higher.


Can confirm GSE's are still lending and they will be getting more aggressive in the coming weeks. Spreads are still good, but there are treasury floors. There are also escrow requirements, which a lot of Borrower's haven't been willing to sign up for. As already mentioned here, structure has been a little more rigid (75% LTV requests getting approved at 70%, 1.25x requests to 1.30x, etc). Compared to the competition, the spreads and structure are strong. In my experience, Borrower's have only been stepping away due to the escrow requirements. Separately, I've seen the acquisition market get demolished so most of my deals have been refi's.


As thddd mentioned, Freddie's floor is 0.60% and Fannie is 0.90%. Freddie 10 year would be ~2.80% on a 10 year. Expect spreads to drop a little bit soon. If there is a good amount of affordability to the deal (50%+), then the sponsor will get some spread breaks as well.

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I work for a european bank doing CRE balance sheet lending, and we're still lending to existing customers and am going through with the deals we previously committed to.

I wouldn't say we're actively seeking for new financing, but we're open to them and will try to make it work if it's an attractive deal. However, the slow activity in our group is largely driven by our portfolio commitment being capped by our European head office as they don't want to have too much US exposure.


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Aliquid at sunt adipisci rem aperiam. Neque vero aperiam quisquam esse voluptas ipsum.


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