Director Comp at JLL?

Any insight on how compensation is structured for Directors at JLL? Base + Commission or just straight commission? Also would appreciate some quotes on what they can expect to bring in (Debt in NYC, Multi sales in Chicago, etc..).   


It’s a commission role unless they’re like an office manager. Most likely goes into a team pool and paid out monthly. JLL gives out the Director title like candy. Much like CBRE does with their numerous VP titles.

Comp? Anywhere from 250k to $10mm. Lol.


Just interned there, from what I understood, analysts are tipped out by deals typically around 3% of commissions from deals. Production is Director+ and they have the chance to go on splits when first starting out but they mostly all go commission based meaning they are only paid for deals brought in. I think the absolute minimum that a Director can make is around the 400k range. I know they have a minimum, but I can't remember what it is. 


I worked at JLL as an analyst in socal. I can confirm that most of the directors or higher would come in around 8-9 am and leave around 3-6 pm. There would be the exception of a few broker in my office that would stay late, maybe til 8-11 pm most days.

The directors on my team did very well - in the 600k-1M net fees, but we did have 2 while I was there drop out because they got better opportunities, and they werent producing. Another data point in my office that I think is false on this thread is that most all the people that transitioned to director took at a minimum of 3 years as an analyst. I think this is primarily becasue this was their first job out of undergrad. 


I ended up leaving towards the end of 2021, which was a great year for d/e brokers. To your point, they do both. They're expected to bring in business and prioritize business development, but most end up executing deals for their first year or two. They have their own internal splits usually something like 60 for originaiton and 40 for execution, but all depends. A young broker can do pretty well if their getting fed deals from the MD. 

Another note that might help you understand their responsibility is that, an associate will have to create their own personal business plan to present to the team, so that they can transition to a producer. All these business plans are the same, but they are aimed to be unique. They forecast how many deals they will bring in year 1-5, who the new clients are that they will focus on, what senior they will pair with to execute the business, etc.


The JLL debt team in NYC crushes it. They have the highest volume of any firm in the city by a fairly wide margin every year. I know many of the directors on the debt side will average 700k + net in fees per year in just execution splits but this is also not a 9-5 job. I'd wager that a director's typical day is 9-6 in office, client drinks/event until 8, log on and provide a few comments until around 10 and then call it a night.

I know positions are rare to come by and they typically promote from within. The MDs and office heads do a pretty good job of making sure you get plenty of execution fees in your first couple of years, so if you can guarantee that then I'd for sure take the opportunity.


Sorry but what does net fees mean? This is the portion the director keeps?


Geez, 9-6 in the office and then work doesn’t end after that as well? A+ on the comp but that’s a F on the quality of life especially if you have a family. There is a point of diminishing returns on the comp, it is very important for sure but after a point, it matters less. You will be comfortable regardless, own a home, send your kids to good schools, be able to travel every year, etc. But you cannot quantify spending quality time with your kids when they are growing up, etc. there are many that would gladly take a “pay cut” (but still be very comfortable) and have a better quality of life. 


Just pointing out that JLL (like CB, cushwake, etc.) has a huge corporate RE division that will have director titles. There are transaction management jobs in the local market but there are also directors working on building data centers for Microsoft or faculties for Facebook, local property management directors, local project management directors the list goes on.

This is to say that you need to be more specific about job descriptions when asking questions about an extremely large and diversified company.


True - I’m only trying to point out that this question is silly. The only places that the director tittle actually matters for pay is in every other division of the company.

Cap markets/investment sales teams are paid via commission. Tittles for brokers are “honorary” meaning that it really signifies nothing. Every market is different. Most team splits are different.

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