I would not take a job at Iron Point. I worked for Keystone aka the Bass affiliation they have. I would call it a loose affiliation at best. Bill Janes the founder of Iron Point would be allowed to dial in to a few overview calls that Bob Bass would have while he was at his house in Maine. My understanding is Bob never really cared for Bill or any of his colleagues. Definitely did not have a high opinion of him while I worked there but maybe at the predecessor there was a better relationship. 

Their funds performed poorly especially I, II, & III. Funds I & II were absolute dog shit. I used to get the numbers and was scratching my head how they are even in business. It took them years to raise a fund IV. They did some data center stuff that was mainly a tag along with ICONIQ. It has done ok but they where not as involved as they would like to make it out. They have one guy that subleases some space in Silicon Valley. Believe he left DC and his wife got a job at Apple so they let him move.

University of Pennsylvania was one of their LPs and dumped them due to poor performance and has since refused to even look at an PPM they send. From our understanding snooty attitude for a firm that did not produce alpha, and overall they just did not like the management team. My impression with them was they are dilettantes, insecure, and lack social skills to be successful. 

I did get to know one guy who was at Iron Point for a few years. He left under bad circumstances understanding was he had sourced some deals in Alabama and then was terminated over a pay dispute.

Here is his perspective.

- poor culture and definitely low tier Ivy grads who could not get IB offers and have a chip of their shoulders. He said one dbag would not shut up about how he went to Yale. His perspective was the guy was not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

- nobody there works 70 hours a week period they might hang out around the office 70 hours but he said no way anybody works more than 12 hours. Definitely a FaceTime required role. 



I interviewed with this group back in the mid 2010s and could not believe how arrogant these people were.

-5 hour interview

-talked to like 10 people

-every single interviewer asked me about current hours, talking about how hard and long hours they work at Iron Point, like it's a badge of honor

-completely agree that there is some sort of chip on their shoulder. When I got bios of the folks that were interviewing me, one has listed themselves as a "Board Member of Property LLC" for every single Iron Point Property LLC. That's either a chip on their shoulder or some sort of extreme lack of social/professional awareness. Mentally I likened it to listing "First Name, Last Name, MBA" on one's resume/linkedin.

Overall I'd say that they think they are way smarter than they actually are, and that attitude permeates every facet of their culture.

Most Helpful

Pretty much your comments are my opinion. So glad I do not have to deal with them anymore. I would rather have my dick cutoff than have to maintain a professional relationship with that shit show.

At keystone the Iron Point such had a poor reputation and I know our senior members had a negative opinion of them. My understanding is when they launched they would go to meetings and were so unlikeable they barely survived. They had one partner who passed away of cancer a few years ago who was semi likable and was able to convince a few LPs to take a chance on them. The guys I worked with were shocked they raised anything. We attempted to help them source deals and the brokers we introduced them to thought they where dildos & jagoffs. 

I had pretty regular interactions with Partners and other members of the firm and will say they all come off as unlikable, arrogant, and socially inept to pick up on social cues. The guys I talked to below the partner level never shut up about how much they “grind” with some memorable quotes “sorry bro I’m tired I was grinding all night bro just gotta grind these numbers bro grind bro grind then grind some more bro all I do is grind!” I remember I made the comment wow you are working 90 hours a week running CRE models you must suck at your job or just be doing facetime & wow you work 90 hours a week for $115k with a $50k bonus that sucks. I always looked at the whole firm as a shit show but they painted their shit silver but at the end of the day it’s still shit. 

When people act like working long hours is a badge of honor it just means one of a few things 1) you fucking suck at your job period 2) you are understaffed and your firm can’t afford talent 3) incapable of finding a way to do your job more effective 4) you hate your personal life and have no friends so you make up work to have a sense of self worth and your job is your identity. I will bet my left nutt there is not one person at Iron Point who works a true 70+ hours a week. They might spend 70 hours a week at work but true work is less than 20 hours a week. 

They had sent us a few acquisition models and the thing was messy, had unnecessary functions, random macros that looked like a freshman coded, and it was unnecessarily complicated. The reason why it was unnecessarily complicated is because the individuals who built it made it that way for job security. If nobody else can figure out their dog crap then they can never be terminated. This was a direct explanation from a member of their team. The work they did send us was not good and lacked material details and the presentation was always sloppy with a ton of errors. 

The associate I knew was let go said they were passive aggressive towards him the rest of the time he worked there and he knew he was going to get axed. They had another partner take him to dinner to tell him he needed to find a new job and had a few weeks to do it. He was pissed he worked there for a few years and made a ton of personal sacrifices to put work first. He had some other pretty gritty details that I passed to my coworkers. Details he shared show a firm that has a much higher opinion of themselves than the actually have in the cre community. Can’t be arrogant generating subpar alpha with individuals who pretend to work 70+ hours per week. 


Quasi quo minus ex amet. Vitae fugiat consequatur sed pariatur laboriosam voluptate amet voluptatem. Qui quaerat dolores perferendis. Sequi repellendus asperiores perferendis et.

Rerum rerum et iusto omnis. Maxime ipsa et et. Odit dignissimos velit occaecati tenetur fuga quisquam reprehenderit. Minus labore est quae corporis consectetur exercitationem doloremque. Sunt veritatis fuga aliquid porro in illum facere. Dolore similique atque dignissimos alias facilis aperiam.

Cumque ab ab quo. Temporibus et consequatur animi dolores voluptate ad eum. Est veniam iste quos corporis impedit. Blanditiis sed nemo excepturi nihil maxime vitae pariatur delectus.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

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  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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