Vista Equity Partners Analyst Program

I'm doing an summer analyst internship at a MM bank right now. Me and a bunch of other people in my class got a blast email from a recruiter a VEP about summer networking events they're having in Chicago and NYC this month. I applied and (surprisingly) was invited.

Does anyone know anything about VEP's analyst program or recruiting process? I couldn't find too much online. I've been trying to get smart on the firm and tech in general. Today I read some CIMs from their companies my bank had sold and it seems fairly interesting, but I'd love to get insight from anyone else

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I was looking through their website and LinkedIn and they have 10 analysts currently and most went to Duke, Harvard, Princeton, etc. There are a few current and a few previous analysts (and A2A associates) who went to like Lehigh or OSU. But, all of the analysts are summa cum laude / phi beta kappa / highest distinction and most every studied computer science and / or worked in the M&A or tech group at a big bank. That made me feel like the networking event was a firm marketing event to increase brand awareness than it is an indicator of the likelihood you’ll even get an interview


I believe it’s a fairly new analyst program, so its difficult to say what exactly the analyst experience will be like. It’s obviously a very good firm though, so it’s probably worth attending the networking event and seeing how they describe the program and the expected roles/responsibilities of an analyst. They do also seem to be hiring more and from a wider variety of places than the other PE analyst programs.


Believe that they've been doing this for ~10 years.

For reference, an alumni of my high school ended up doing the program then going into banking because he felt there was a glass ceiling in his current role.


I work for a (partially) Vista owned company. They're very stringent on what they invest in and who they take in. If you have the opportunity to start there, I'd definitely say take it.

I'm sure you already have, but review their portfolio of holdings they list on their website, because it's all over the place (but in a good way). Different portfolio members are going to have different natural markets, values and potential business, so make sure you check that out.

The poster formerly known as theAudiophile. Just turned up to 11, like the stereo.

Vista rarely hires from outside for an above associate position. They have had the analyst program for 16 years and many current partners started as analyst. Strong track record of analyst to associate promote too. The summer analyst program is very new though.


I completed my application a couple of days ago including the CCAT. Wasn't too hard, but I struggled with some of the vocab bits (which is unusual), but still pretty sure I didn't drop more than 10 (I only managed to answer 49).

I don't have any IBD/PE/HF experience though, so wondering if I'd get dropped anyway even if my CCAT scores are half decent.


I got a notification "Someone at Vista Equity Partners viewed your profile" on LinkedIn a couple of days ago. That's about it lol.


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Mollitia dolor error inventore. Quae quidem quae odit quidem dolor voluptatem explicabo. Labore voluptates est nobis sit pariatur similique. Cupiditate nostrum nihil quam magni ea. Doloribus nemo magni dolor dolorum suscipit quidem.

Voluptas quia veritatis quibusdam odit ut. Corporis qui distinctio nemo. Accusantium aut voluptas omnis labore qui quidem aut. A odio dicta tenetur sed alias enim minus ad. Amet illo at sint consequatur officia eveniet perspiciatis.

Quia quaerat impedit dolorum voluptatem fuga fugit. Itaque temporibus repellendus maiores consequatur.


Voluptatem recusandae tempore et ipsa placeat quis. Et cupiditate aspernatur quas asperiores excepturi nobis.

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Sunt est qui incidunt omnis quas iure et eaque. Dolor quia dolor minima id. Consequatur optio vel id.

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Professional Growth Opportunities

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  • 3rd+ Year Associate (91) $281
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  • 1st Year Associate (390) $229
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (29) $154
  • 2nd Year Analyst (83) $134
  • 1st Year Analyst (246) $122
  • Intern/Summer Associate (32) $82
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (316) $59
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