UMM PE to Growth Equity

I’m at an UMM PE buyout shop in NYC. I find it to be too much portco work and the structuring and diligence to the last detail is obliterating my existence.

What is the path?

Would taking a pay cut and moving to growth equity be better?

Public market L/S equity fund?

Current path is unsustainable and not as exciting as I expected. Willing to take a 30% pay-cut for 15-20% more lifestyle. Welcome your advice and thoughts!


Ah, the classic conundrum of work-life balance versus financial gain. It's a tough one, but let's break it down, shall we?

Firstly, it's important to remember that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Every job has its pros and cons, and it's crucial to weigh these before making a decision.

If you're finding the workload at your UMM PE buyout shop overwhelming and not as exciting as you'd hoped, it might be worth considering a move. Growth equity could be a good fit, as it often involves less due diligence and structuring work compared to traditional PE. It's more about identifying high-growth companies and helping them scale, which can be quite exciting.

Public market L/S equity funds are another option. These typically involve more market-driven work and less operational work, which might be a welcome change for you.

However, both these paths could potentially involve a pay cut. It's important to consider whether the improved lifestyle and job satisfaction would be worth the reduced income.

Remember, it's not just about the money - it's about your happiness and mental health too. If you're willing to take a pay cut for a better lifestyle, that's a clear sign that something needs to change.

In the end, the decision is yours. Consider your options, weigh the pros and cons, and make the choice that feels right for you. Good luck!

Sources: Is it dumb to exit to LMM PE rather than starting in bigger (MF/UMM) opportunities first?, PE Associate Offer - Comp Too Low?, UMM PE shops specific culture and lifestyle, List of all Buyout UMM/MF PE Shops in NYC

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I’m same commenter as aso 1 above. Wondering if b school is the best way to just take a step back and assess if growth / earlier stage will really be the solution to the same financial engineering and dreary port co work that many of us are trudging through. Can imagine deals are still deals and poorly performing portcos are still fires. would love to be wrong here though and hopefully be corrected by someone at such a growth shop like GA et al


I hear GA is kind of sweaty.

On BSchool I think 2 years of thinking about this is too long. I really need more of a break between jobs. 2-3 months is ideal but 2 years is stretching it and it’s so expensive!

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Commodi doloribus assumenda porro nesciunt. Facilis temporibus sunt nobis sequi. Sunt quos architecto culpa voluptatum ab. Voluptate inventore libero non. Molestiae aut culpa molestiae nam quis non molestiae. Consequatur quis similique ea sapiente quia est.

Non nostrum odit incidunt quisquam. Magni architecto non et sunt. Omnis est asperiores consequatur at reprehenderit. Sunt beatae quia labore perspiciatis. Laboriosam optio cupiditate libero est perspiciatis exercitationem. Qui reiciendis rem ducimus.

Blanditiis qui quia excepturi. Voluptatem ducimus architecto itaque sequi est asperiores delectus. Sunt molestiae veritatis consequuntur dolor accusamus tempora quidem.

Corporis ea cum quis at perferendis. Aut quam quia unde modi rem sit voluptatem. Laboriosam rerum qui beatae nihil dolores.

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