PE Case Study with Only CIM

Looking for any guidance on how to approach an LBO with only a CIM. I understand building the basic LBO but I’m not sure entirely sure how to go about building the debt schedule if I’m not given any info about debt structure. Would appreciate any advice or resources.


Based on the most helpful WSO content, here are some steps and tips to approach an LBO with only a CIM, especially when you lack specific information about the debt structure:

  1. Analyze the CIM Thoroughly:

    • Business Description & MD&A: Start by reading the business description and Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) to understand the company's operations, key value drivers, and market positioning.
    • Financials: Sketch out the last three years of high-level financials and form expectations about the near and medium-term performance, especially if you are familiar with the industry or business model.
  2. Create Assumptions for Debt Structure:

    • Benchmarking: Use information from similar LBOs to benchmark the target company. Look at leverage, OID, credit ratings, interest rates (e.g., L+xxx on term loans or x.xx% coupon on bonds), and price talk from comparable transactions.
    • Public Comparables: Create a list of public comparable companies (5-10) and spread each company's capital structure. Calculate their leverage ratio based on Adjusted EBITDA from the latest filings or quarterly press releases.
  3. Modeling the Capital Structure:

    • Leverage Ratios: Calculate cumulative leverage, FCF multiples, and interest coverage at each level of the capital stack.
    • Debt Tranches: Make educated guesses on the types of debt tranches (e.g., revolvers, term loans, bonds) and their respective pricing based on your benchmarking data.
    • Interest Rates: Determine reasonable interest rates for each tranche of debt, again using your comparables as a guide.
  4. Building the LBO Model:

    • Debt Schedule: Even without specific debt structure information, you can create a debt schedule by making assumptions based on industry standards and comparable transactions.
    • Sensitivity Analysis: Build out sensitivities to test different scenarios and ensure your model is robust.
  5. Resources and Practice:

    • PE Interview Prep Course: Consider using resources like the WSO Private Equity Interview Prep Guide, which includes a comprehensive set of questions and case studies to help you practice.
    • Networking: Reach out to friends or colleagues in PE for their LBO modeling tests, which can provide additional practice and insights.

By following these steps, you can create a well-rounded LBO model even with limited information from the CIM. Remember, the key is to back up your assumptions with data from comparable transactions and industry standards.

Sources: Private Equity: How to Analyze a CIM Effectively?, Private Credit Resources and Prep, Creating own LBO assumptions, Guide to Lateraling in 2021, Guide to Lateraling in 2021

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