PE Associate Offer - Comp Too Low?

Accepted a 2021 offer at a MM PE shop in a Tier 2 City: Chicago/DC/Atlanta. AUM of $1B+ and raising a fund of around $500M. I thought the salary they offered $100K base + 100% bonus target was street, but I am seeing a lot threads saying that street is closer to $250K. Anyone have any clarity around this?

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Agree that $200k is certainly market for a MM fund of that fund size, especially in a Tier 2 city. If you're $200k or above, that's more or less market for MM PE, whether you're in a Tier 1 or Tier 2 city.

I would also caution folks to not get so focused on $200k vs. $250k for an Associate role. $50k pre-tax is like $30k post-tax. In the grand scheme of things, that's immaterial relative to thinking about whether an opportunity will set you up for the medium to long-term (be it staying at the same firm or giving you the right learning experiences for the next career move).

Focus more on learning experience, responsibility, and long-term career advancement. And that does not mean MF/UMM or bust. There are plenty of MM/LMM firms that regularly hit >3x CoC but aren't particularly well known. There's absolutely nothing with trying to develop a career in a firm like that (and depending on the person, arguably better than MF/UMM). As you gain more work experience, you'll learn to appreciate MF/UMM vs. MM/LMM is highly dependent on an individual's situation. I know experienced folks (>5 yrs of work) that turned down MF/UMM opportunities because lifestyle sacrifices weren't worth the pay (not to say MM/LMM automatically equals better lifestyle) or they realized it's much harder to set yourself apart and move up in MF/UMM.


200 is fine? whats real on this forum. analysts making 180k their first year or pe associates making 200k?

then we have guys in tech making 240-270k after 3 years at a fang, working from 11am-4pm. If the kid from stern who told me to abandon my cs degree was still in country, i'd strangle him with a shoe string and feed him to the homeless in skid row

What concert costs 45 cents? 50 Cent feat. Nickelback.
200 is fine? whats real on this forum. analysts making 180k their first year or pe associates making 200k?

then we have guys in tech making 240-270k after 3 years at a fang, working from 11am-4pm. If the kid from stern who told me to abandon my cs degree was still in country, i'd strangle him with a shoe string and feed him to the homeless in skid row

They're all real. $180K+ is Centerview/Qatalyst. $200K is a PE fund that's yet to raise a $500M fund, so previous fund probably $250-350M. FAANG fresh grad is $150-180K, lateral to another in 2-3 years or get promoted and ur at $250K easy.


Provident aut qui eum maiores voluptatibus est dolorum excepturi. Accusantium dolore reprehenderit fugit et nihil. Expedita alias tempora odio id eveniet nesciunt quia.

Nemo nam ut voluptas fugit facilis harum. Dolores harum enim eos a quo ea.

Est impedit illo omnis expedita sit dolores. Vel blanditiis ea et rerum ut rem aliquid.


Consequatur recusandae possimus alias at maiores laudantium. Saepe aut quo reiciendis molestias quibusdam dicta aspernatur quae. Sed debitis ea sapiente libero cupiditate illum hic. Voluptates natus eum corporis repellat quisquam dignissimos aspernatur pariatur. Saepe ut nobis accusamus nihil voluptatem unde aut et. In voluptas laudantium eum voluptatem quas vel et.

Quidem libero quis soluta nisi. Asperiores ea natus magni beatae nemo consequatur sequi. Ipsa earum sed id omnis odio pariatur.

Vel natus nihil esse qui quos autem earum. Animi atque ut a. Et temporibus veniam beatae vero harum et nam.

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Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Private Equity

  • Principal (9) $653
  • Director/MD (22) $569
  • Vice President (92) $362
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (91) $281
  • 2nd Year Associate (206) $268
  • 1st Year Associate (390) $229
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (29) $154
  • 2nd Year Analyst (83) $134
  • 1st Year Analyst (246) $122
  • Intern/Summer Associate (32) $82
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (316) $59
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