KKR SA 2023

Yo, thought I would make a tread for those applying to KKR SA roles for 2023. I applied around two weeks ago, then four days ago I got an email to take the IQ test thing. I then got an email where I ranked the top 3 groups (for me I went with global impact (ESG), private credit, and insurance). 


I received the placement preference email earlier today. I'm not sure if this is correct, but I read on another post that if you passed (or simply did relatively well) on the PI cognitive, then you would receive the preference email. 


Got the email as well, I am also really looking into the ESG role in NYC. Anxious because I feel like this is really the right fit for me IMO but I absolutely have no clue about timelines


Had to take one for another company. They asked questions like what shapes don't go with these other shapes, simple percentage questions, multiplication questions, grammar questions. All really random. I didn't prepare but still got everything done within the time


I was kinda groggy and only got through like 40 of the PI questions. Auto ding or is that not terrible?


sorry know this is late. not sure if you would be in the process at the time you said you got a first round. I have a close family friend at the firm so I got put through an accelerated process in mid-late jan., signed the offer jan. 28, said they were looking to wrap up recruiting by feb. 7th :( but good luck next year!!


Anyone go to a H/S/W and NOT get a hirevue? I have not heard anything and have a sophomore gig at a top PE/HF firm.


Can we expect more to be sent out? Im a target non diversity didn't yet receive the preference email after the pi assessment


Additional data point: I'm a non-diversity candidate from a semi-target and an incoming sophomore summer at a regional boutique bank. Yesterday afternoon I received an email about the first round hire-vue. Does anyone know if we can go back and see the group preferences we put down? I kept shifting mine around, and I can't remember what I ended up putting on the form


@everyone, group selection email doesn't matter. The reason that email was sent was because hey changed the ranking options on the original application. Before, you could rank all of the groups 1-3. Now, you can only rank Menlo/NY PE as the first option and not 2 or 3. They updated the original application which is why everyone pre-update got the group preference email and why people who applied after have not.


Just want to comment for anyone wondering/for people who read this thread in the future. Completed my HireVue today and it was 7 questions with 2 mins (?) to answer each question. 5/7 questions were classic behavioral q's and I had two "technical q's" that was quite basic.  

Good to luck to all of us who are still in the hunt! 


What a dumb question to ask - hope u don't sound like it during ur hirevue


I applied last week on Tuesday then got the sent the PI assessment last Friday, and just completed it today.

Only got through 40 questions so we'll see this week.


i didnt do too well and still got the hirevue - if u got higher than 60% i think ur safe


Also just received hirevue - target non diversity. I'm assuming this is the second wave?


i took it 2 weeks ago and received the hirevue today - id expect there to be more waves though


Received 2 hirevues today. Suppose my top 2 groups I chose selected me.

Anyone else receive more than 1 Hirevue?

Super Non-target, not diversity, attended insight program.

Have a sophomore IB gig


havent heard of anyone receiving two hirevues - curious too if they are diff questions


@Intern in IB - Cov

Are you sure you didn't receive 2 emails about the same hirevue? Because I received the hirevue email and then another email from KKR to notify me about the hirevue


Did the people who got the first wave of hirevues know whether they passed the hirevue? They said they'll aim to notify candidates within 2 weeks


Got invited for 2 30-min interviews this week for infra. Submitted hirevue 2/18. Anyone else done interviews with a person? 


If you received an interview for one group, are you still in the process for other groups? Curious how that works - would you interview with all the groups that invite you and then, if receiving multiple offers, choose?


Sunt at quo neque tempore nulla dolore sit. Distinctio eos quaerat ut. Molestiae perspiciatis fugit ut nihil omnis. Nihil sed minima repudiandae id sapiente nulla.

Adipisci facere vero suscipit corrupti atque accusantium vitae voluptatem. Veniam repudiandae occaecati eos veritatis inventore. Asperiores incidunt consequatur aspernatur corrupti similique sint incidunt. Aperiam perspiciatis qui temporibus necessitatibus dolore aperiam repudiandae.

Aut at maiores quod. Voluptate totam autem commodi velit. Exercitationem dicta rerum magnam est ratione quas. Corporis veritatis enim quis quo et.


Nostrum odio et rerum repellat. Qui non quo sapiente autem sint. Non est aperiam animi omnis iste veritatis exercitationem. Modi rem similique incidunt. Non quaerat quia voluptatem deserunt.

Voluptas harum deserunt molestiae nihil veniam doloremque. Minus modi commodi eum facere.

Est praesentium culpa quo inventore enim voluptas quia dignissimos. Eos velit veritatis et ut accusamus porro. Sit rerum dicta nihil consectetur nobis. Quo voluptas laudantium atque omnis voluptatibus.

Voluptatem sit nesciunt ut aut nostrum dolorem voluptatibus. Qui minima facere voluptate nihil nisi. Est quasi consequatur nam ut non vitae. In fugiat quod ut quia ullam.


Dolorum ab architecto et nulla qui. Aperiam corporis non ipsam esse. Consequatur et ut omnis quod. Ut dolores sed quibusdam totam assumenda. Ut dolor qui accusantium aperiam minus.

Sed cum consequatur nostrum. Exercitationem quam expedita occaecati omnis repellat mollitia quis quis.

Earum in sequi quaerat qui vel et. Recusandae earum cum qui consectetur explicabo illo. Quaerat ipsam dolor molestias fuga aliquid dolores. Voluptates deserunt accusamus deserunt sit. Voluptas non ut nihil laborum praesentium id voluptate. Quo aut temporibus debitis beatae quos.

Earum aut tenetur sed cumque debitis recusandae ipsum. Rem dignissimos adipisci nostrum et hic consequuntur. Voluptas adipisci totam et et. Iste sequi aut nobis maiores ratione est distinctio aut.


Eius architecto incidunt magni velit vel illum. In sint nesciunt dolor molestiae. Quo et dolores molestiae quae unde qui. Dolorem necessitatibus deleniti eius reiciendis voluptas dolor.

Rem in nisi dignissimos inventore repudiandae molestiae. Hic omnis et et ea corporis suscipit eius. Quod et numquam rerum sed perferendis veniam nam. Et amet ea corrupti dignissimos sunt. Iste laudantium maiores eum nobis id. Fugiat occaecati et est consequuntur.

Commodi laudantium nostrum est aut beatae facilis repellat. Architecto iste aut ut provident delectus. Voluptas totam alias est deleniti earum magni distinctio in. Perferendis optio fugiat sunt voluptatem quia.


Repellendus magni rerum iusto sed architecto dolor. Cum fuga dignissimos quo fugit. Sint veritatis sint ipsa voluptatem ullam sequi. Omnis placeat expedita quam id sapiente.

Culpa facere possimus vero quisquam tenetur. Provident eligendi adipisci aut quidem officia dignissimos. Aut ipsum deleniti quidem dolorem nemo. Vel sit vitae rerum sunt doloribus. Eos ad voluptatum mollitia sit. Neque illo rerum dolor et totam. Vero expedita commodi molestias accusamus deleniti doloremque reprehenderit.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Private Equity

  • The Riverside Company 99.5%
  • Blackstone Group 99.0%
  • KKR (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) 98.4%
  • Warburg Pincus 97.9%
  • Bain Capital 97.4%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Private Equity

  • The Riverside Company 99.5%
  • Blackstone Group 98.9%
  • KKR (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) 98.4%
  • Ardian 97.9%
  • Bain Capital 97.4%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Private Equity

  • The Riverside Company 99.5%
  • Bain Capital 99.0%
  • Blackstone Group 98.4%
  • Warburg Pincus 97.9%
  • Starwood Capital Group 97.4%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Private Equity

  • Principal (9) $653
  • Director/MD (22) $569
  • Vice President (92) $362
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (91) $281
  • 2nd Year Associate (206) $268
  • 1st Year Associate (390) $229
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (29) $154
  • 2nd Year Analyst (83) $134
  • 1st Year Analyst (246) $122
  • Intern/Summer Associate (32) $82
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (317) $59
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