Financing terms for restoration company

Was wondering if someone could help - If I'm a restoration services company doing $10m of revenue with EBITDA margins of ~40%, growing revenue at 15% for next five years with EBITDA margins remaining flat. FCF margins of ~ 20%. Given a 5x entry at $4m of EBITDA - what's reasonable in terms of leverage? I was thinking 2x LTM EBITDA. Thanks!


Based on the highest ranked content on WSO, here are some insights regarding leverage for a restoration services company with the given financials:

  1. Leverage Considerations:

    • Recurring Revenue and Stability: Companies with high recurring revenue and stable cash flows can typically support higher leverage. Restoration services, depending on the nature of contracts and customer retention, might be seen as relatively stable.
    • General Leverage Guidelines: As a rule of thumb, anything above 5x EBITDA is usually considered too much from the bank's perspective. However, for a company with stable and recurring revenue, leverage could be higher.
  2. Specific Leverage for Your Scenario:

    • 2x LTM EBITDA: This seems conservative but reasonable, especially if the company has stable cash flows and low risk. Given your EBITDA of $4m, this would imply $8m in debt.
    • Higher Leverage Potential: If the company has very stable and predictable cash flows, you might be able to push leverage higher, potentially up to 4x EBITDA, which would be $16m in debt. However, this would depend on lender confidence and the specific risk profile of your business.
  3. Free Cash Flow (FCF) Considerations:

    • With FCF margins of 20%, your FCF would be $2m. This is a positive indicator for lenders as it shows the company's ability to service debt.
  4. Industry Comparisons:

    • High Capex / Less Recurring Revenue Businesses: Typically leverage around 4.0x - 4.5x EBITDA.
    • Software / Highly Recurring Revenue Businesses: Can leverage up to 6.0x - 7.5x EBITDA.

In summary, while 2x LTM EBITDA is a conservative and safe leverage ratio, you might have room to increase this depending on the stability and predictability of your revenue and cash flows. Always consider the specific risk profile and lender requirements when determining the appropriate leverage.

Sources: SaaS LBO, Reasonable entry multiple for buyout target?, Framework for Understanding Results, Got this task during an Private Equity internship interview, how to handle it?, Safe leverage / coverage ratio for LBOs during holding period?

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