Do you still get paid while in flight? (Travel Time)

If a company requires you to travel...
1. Does the company pay for all the air expenses and hotels?
2. If you have a long flight on a plane, does the flight hours still count as your working hours? (Do you still get paid for the hours flying on the plane doing nothing?)
3. Does the company require you to work while on the plane?
4. Is the minimum class for companies travelers' business class and up?

  1. Companies will pay for all travel expenses plus a large stipend for your inconvenience
  2. Flight hours are not only counted, but if you were to travel across time zones you would log the difference between time zone at departure and time zone at destination as billable overtime subject to 150% of normal hourly rate
  3. You are not allowed to do any work due to privacy concerns
  4. Minimum travel class according to FAA guidelines is First Class with Priority Boarding

1. Companies will pay for all travel expenses plus a large stipend for your inconvenience
2. Flight hours are not only counted, but if you were to travel across time zones you would log the difference between time zone at departure and time zone at destination as billable overtime subject to 150% of normal hourly rate
3. You are not allowed to do any work due to privacy concerns
4. Minimum travel class according to FAA guidelines is First Class with Priority Boarding

First class tickets? So for a round trip, it costs a company a person's whole month or month(s) salary? Just for the traveling expenses? A person making $25 an hour gets tickets that can cost tens of thousands of dollars just for 1 trip?

Also, please answer this, 5. Does the company dictate exactly which airline/seat you get? And exactly which hotel/room you stay in? 6. Is there a minimum "level" of hotel you must get? Like 4 stars and up?

  1. No, you purchase the tickets and hotel room, and the company will typically reimburse you up to a reasonable amount such as $10,000.
  2. The only hotels used by reputable companies are the Four Seasons and Ritz Carlton.
First class tickets? So for a round trip, it costs a company a person's whole month or month(s) salary? Just for the traveling expenses? A person making $25 an hour gets tickets that can cost tens of thousands of dollars just for 1 trip?

Also, please answer this,
5. Does the company dictate exactly which airline/seat you get? And exactly which hotel/room you stay in?
6. Is there a minimum "level" of hotel you must get? Like 4 stars and up?

  1. The company will automatically choose the best, most premium seats available at the front of the plane. You usually get your own personal stewardess who will serve you unlimited drinks and peanuts whenever you want.
  2. Companies are under SEC guidelines to give their best effort to securing your comfort while travelling. Typical hotels you might stay at are the Penthouse Suite at Hotel President in Geneva, Shangri-La, Four Seasons, etc.
Best Response


The company should pay for you to have the hottest stewardess at the airline to personally serve your every need.

Y'all crazy.

1) The company will pay for your reasonable and customary expenses 2) You'll get paid for your forty hours. Whether they are billed or not is a different story. 3) Not typically but show me a consultant who doesn't work on a flight and i'll show you someone who won't be a consultant much longer. If you're on the corporate side, no. Just no. 4) Ha. If you're a corporate shill like me, you're lucky they haven't put seats down in the luggage compartment yet. but you can stay at a reasonable Marriott or Renaissance (or starwood/hyatt/hilton equivalent)

Director of Finance and Corporate Development: 2020 - Present Manager of FP&A and Corporate Development: 2019 - 2020 Corporate Finance, Strategy and Development: 2011 - 2019 "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin

Don't forget about the post lunch BJ (fingerbang, for the female passengers).

Seriously though, if Southwest still gave out bottles of whisky like they did in the 80s, I'd be a frequent flyer. Sure kicks the shit out of peanuts and pretzels.

"There's nothing you can do if you're too scared to try." - Nickel Creek
  1. Yes, my company pays for hotels, flights, parking, transportation (taxi, uber, car rental), meals with clients plus a per diem.

  2. Most positions where you travel for work are salaried. I've not heard of an hourly employee at my firm ever traveling for corporate business.

  3. No, but most people will.

  4. No, above a certain length you get first domestically or international business.

  1. Yes
  2. Most jobs that require travel are salary jobs so hard to answer this. For jobs with a "billable hours" format (law, consulting), it generally varies by client and firm whether the travel in and of itself counts as billable if you are not working while on the flight. If it does, it is potentially possible (though rare) to be allowed to "double bill" by working for client A while flying to client B.
  3. Similar to above, jobs that require travel are "professional" jobs that aren't looking over your shoulder all the time.
  4. Absolutely not. Coach is very common even for high paying jobs at elite firms.
  5. Varies
  6. No.

Checking in as Sales & Distribution Enterprise IT: 1. My company pays for air expense, hotel, ground transportation and meals while I am away from my main office. 2. Unless you are a non-exempt employee (paid hourly), you're not getting overtime. 3. This is completely subjective to the situation. I usually read books when I'm in airports and airplanes but if I need to work on the plane, then I'll work. 4. Coach until you hit status on the airline that you fly. Then you'll get exit-row seats and you'll get first-class every 1/4 flights via accumulated upgrades. 5. Nope. There's a preference for what you should fly but you can fly whatever you'd like. Stay in any hotel you'd like as long as within the allowed range for the city you are travelling to. 6. No.

  1. Yes.
  2. No - as stated above. Salaried employees are the ones who tend to travel. Although I once did get to travel as an hourly paid intern... that was sick. I got delayed several hours and they had to pay me overtime since I was travelling on a Friday evening in the first place. That one week of pay gave me a good cushion for a few weeks.
  3. My line of work, I am not allowed to (defense contractor)
  4. Only on international flights lasting over 8 hours (I think that is the lucky number)
  1. Does the company pay for all the air expenses and hotels?

- Yes. Travel arrangements are booked for us. Flights are typically paid for up front by the company. Hotels are initially paid by employees, then we submit an expense report, including per diem and any other travel expenses incurred (taxi, etc.). Hotels are something decent but nothing spectacular. Almost always a Hilton property.

  1. If you have a long flight on a plane, does the flight hours still count as your working hours? (Do you still get paid for the hours flying on the plane doing nothing?)

- It depends. We rarely have long flights. If it is during "business hours" any day of the week or weekend we get paid for them, meaning weekend flights can earn you some overtime. But, if you fly out late on a Friday, no overtime.

  1. Does the company require you to work while on the plane?

- No. Flights are short and infrequent.

  1. Is the minimum class for companies travelers' business class and up?

- I do not believe so, we are in with the common folk. However, flights are almost always regional so it's not as big of a deal as it would be if we were flying coast to coast or overseas.


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