Never Been on a Plane Before - Please Help!

Hey Monkeys, could use some tips/pointers from you all. As embarrassing as it is, never been on a plane in my life before. Only child and my parents haven't flown in decades (no need as they're farmers). I'm just a kid from a small town in the Midwest. Have high hopes and dreams of one day living it up in a big city. Speaking of which, I currently work as a personal banker at a big national bank that has branches in my home town. Have been given the opportunity to interview for a PWM role. First few rounds of interviews were by phone and Zoom, but now they want to do in-person in NYC. Exciting and scary at the same time. 

Would like your opinion on which airlines are preferred, how seating works, what to do about baggage, how early I should arrive to my airport, etc.

My social anxiety makes to prone to overthinking. I appreciate your guys' kindness! 

Most Helpful

Dude go on Kayaak and search for some cheap flights. Make sure you select the most convenient airport, don't go for those in the middle of buttfuck nowhere because the tickets are cheaper (you'll be spending more money ubering there). You gotta check-in online 24 hours before your scheduled flight. Don't select your seats because you gotta pay extra. Most airlines allow you to carry a backpack and a carry-on. You only do the large suitcase check-ins if you really need a lot of things (for vacation, but you're only going to interview in NYC so a carry-on and backpack is sufficient). Get to the airport 2 hours early, and make sure you eat good prior cuz airport food is expensive. Wear comfortable clothes for TSA. Don't forget to empty your water bottle, and bring less than 3.4 fl oz of liquids on your backpack and carry on! On the plane, carry-on goes on top, backpack under the seat in front of you. Then sit back, relax, and prepare for takeoff.


Thanks for the thorough response! Looks like its between American Airlines and Spirit (which I've heard mixed things about). 

American Airlines is charging $100 each way for window seats, right up front and with 6' inches of additional legroom. At least my penis would be comfortable. Boarding and unboarding would be more streamlined. 

If I don't pick seating, is it pre-assigned or is it random on the day of?


Good advice, bringing an empty water bottle through security is critical, nothing worse than dry mouth on a plane when the seatbelt sign is on the stewies are ignoring you!  I'll counter one point, acknowledging it's a matter of preference.  Even when I was broke I never found it worth it to not pick your seat.  If you're already anxious, it's hardly worth adding uncertainty about when and where you are going to find out about your seat.  I'm also 6'5 so aisle meant a lot more to me than others, maybe.

If you're flying out for an interview, I'm assuming the company will reimburse you.  If that's the case, definitely get a ticket with a seat, closer to the front to expedite boarding/unboarding.  Choose an airline with a logical boarding system (Delta), not a hunger games free for all for carry-on space.

Leave yourself plenty of time.  It's always easier to be massively early than to be sitting in traffic wondering how security will be and stressing about making your flight.  Especially these days 90% of airports have actual free wifi, you can post up at your gate or at the bar.    

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