A $4 billion dollar tweet

After Elon Musk lost a cool $20 million dollars and his chairman position over his $420 (blaze it) IPO tweet, you might have thought that could be the worst that could happen on Twitter (besides a Twitter war turning into a nuclear war, that would be yuuuuuge believe me). However, after Rocket's manager Daryl Morey tweeted "Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong," all hell broke loose. The Chinese Basketball Association, headed by former Rocket's superstar Yao Ming, cut ties with the NBA. Things are getting worse and worse - the NBA is losing their Chinese streaming deal with Tencent (500M viewers on that platform last year), and as of now, EVERY SINGLE OFFICIAL PARTNER WITH THE NBA IN CHINA has cut ties.

Three decades of goodwill and $4 billion dollars lost over one Tweet. There's other news, like pro Hong Kong wearing fans getting kicked out of preseason games, but overall the situation is just becoming a FLAMING DUMPSTER FIRE OF SHIT. Although the hundreds of millions of fans in China will definitely still follow the NBA, the NBA is going to lose a FUCKTON of revenue if they don't kowtow here. China is over 10% of the league's revenue, and that figure is expected to double over the next decade. With that being said,

Should Daryl Morey step down as Rockets GM?
Should woke on domestic issues Adam Silver issue another apology?
Isn't it blatantly hypocritical to be outspoken about Black Lives Matter and cancel the Charlotte all-star game over transgender bathrooms but to be silent about China's internment camps in Xinjiang? Personally, I think the NBA should fire Daryl Morey and suck China's cock for all the sweet juicy RENMINBI they can...


The HK protests will never spread to mainland China. There simply is not support to publicly protest against the CPC. The majority of people in China actually approve and like the CPC, and the minority is too intimidated to speak out.


We already self-regulate our speech in the US - no major CEO is going to tweet “fuck Trump” or I “support black lives matter” etc. While you certainly have the right to say whatever tf you want, your actions have consequences


Interesting thought process. What you have just said is that no one should care about NYC. I mean its just a little island that doesn't actually produce anything.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne
Interesting thought process. What you omeglehave just said is that no one should care about NYC. I mean its just a little island that doesn't actuall discordy produce anything.

There simply is not support to publicly protest xender against the CPC. The majority of people in China actually approve and like the CPC, and the minority is too intimidated to speak out.

Most Helpful

The NBA should cut ties with China and move on. There is more than enough money in the states/elsewhere. For the Chinese to react this way over one GM's single tweet says it all, there is no appeasing them. FYI, we are worried about the Hong Kong situation while China puts their Uyghur population in death camps. The situation is only going to get worse. Xi Jinping is the new Mao since the Chinese named him "President for life". Meanwhile, American companies continue to kowtow to their government. It's all a disgrace.

Lloyd BIankfein:
500 million viewers of NBA games in China and the NBA shouldn’t profit over the streaming rights to that so their GMs can tweet freely?

Has nothing to do with the tweets guy. American corporations need to stop bending to authoritarianism for dollars and cents, period.


Yeah but China has 500M+ viewers and 300M+ monthly basketball players and is obsessed with basketball. The revenue from India and Africa isn’t even close.

The NBA should cut ties with China and move on. There is more than enough money in the states/elsewhere. For the Chinese to react this way over one GM's single tweet says it all, there is no appeasing them. FYI, we are worried about the Hong Kong situation while China puts their Uyghur population in death camps. The situation is only going to get worse. Xi Jinping is the new Mao since the Chinese named him "President for life". Meanwhile, American companies continue to kowtow to their government. It's all a disgrace.

Is the Uighur situation much worse than the Kurdish one? TBH, we are currently more likely to have a divided world by ideology resembling a Western world vs an Eastern one. Everything from tech, to markets, to political ideology is becoming more and more cemented as two very diverging paths into the future. You're basically saying you agree with this separation of the world telling the NBA to cut ties. A threat of cutting ties may be potentially more effective than an actual cutting of ties.


The truth is that nobody in the western world gives a fuck about the uighurs or the Kurds or the kids starving to death in Yemen. It’s harsh but it’s just the way the world is...


It also doesn't help when you have such a polarizing figure in LeBron James, who has historically spoken about injustice in the United States, but is supportive of China because of his business ties there like with Nike. This is one battle he should've clearly stood up for but I guess the money was too good for him not to protect. He chose money over democracy. That is a national disgrace.

Contra omnes dissident

One athlete's opinion is a national disgrace? What are you even saying.

Besides, he never said anything supporting China. He was purely talking about how his personal experiences in China were affected by Morey's tweet.


At its current rate, China will eclipse the U.S. in their market size for consumer goods. They have the largest and fastest growing middle class in the developed world. There is enough money in the states/elsewhere, but there isn't a better growth opportunity, except maybe Africa (but the entire continent of Africa composed of numerous countries still has a population smaller than China)


Fuck China, if those bitches can't take critisim I say good ridance. This will only harm China in the long run. They need to be put in their place.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne
Fuck China, if those bitches can't take critisim I say good ridance. This will only harm China in the long run. They need to be put in their place.

Exactly, fuck China, those little bitches can't take a tweet over hong kong, just like those little bitches here who get orgasm if they see a racist tweet.

On a serious note, the Western civilization prouds itself in freedom of speech and freedom of thought, but you never seem to understand the fact that the Chinese are sensitive to the Hong Kong issue, just like Americans are senitive to racial issues. I can tell you why the Chinese are sensitive to the sovereignty of hong kong, but im sure you don't give a shit, because, "fuck china, fuck communism".

Chinese RE Guy:
Fuck China, if those bitches can't take critisim I say good ridance. This will only harm China in the long run. They need to be put in their place.

Exactly, fuck China, those little bitches can't take a tweet over hong kong, just like those little bitches here who get orgasm if they see a racist tweet.

On a serious note, the Western civilization prouds itself in freedom of speech and freedom of thought, but you never seem to understand the fact that the Chinese are sensitive to the Hong Kong issue, just like Americans are senitive to racial issues. I can tell you why the Chinese are sensitive to the sovereignty of hong kong, but im sure you don't give a shit, because, "fuck china, fuck communism".

You're arguing something entirely different. Being sensitive to the Hong Kong issue doesn't by itself explain the mass censorship in China that is entirely unrelated to Hong Kong. It doesn't explain the literal concentration camps of ethnic/religious minorities. It doesn't explain the constant cyber attacks launched from China on the West. It doesn't explain the mass theft of intellecutal property.

The Chinese government is an evil government. There is no gray area. This is the same government that indoctrinates the public about the glory of Mao, arguably the most prolific mass murderer in human history.


Oh yes, I give a fuck about the senabilities of a group of people who are actively involved in at least one ethnic clensing. Fuck off. These people are pussies and need to be run out of civilized society, if you demand a seat at the table with the big boys you will be expected to act in a certian way.

If you ask if I give a fuck about their feelings, the answer is no I don't.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne
Chinese RE Guy:
Exactly, fuck China, those little bitches can't take a tweet over hong kong, just like those little bitches here who get orgasm if they see a racist tweet.

On a serious note, the Western civilization prouds itself in freedom of speech and freedom of thought, but you never seem to understand the fact that the Chinese are sensitive to the Hong Kong issue, just like Americans are senitive to racial issues. I can tell you why the Chinese are sensitive to the sovereignty of hong kong, but im sure you don't give a shit, because, "fuck china, fuck communism".

This is one of the dumbest things written on this website. Congrats.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

I came to this thread to say exactly what everyone above has said. "Fuck China". Pleasantly surprised at the lack of authoritarian apologists. I think this could actually be a very uniting issue for the country. But I'm sure that opportunity will be missed.

“The only thing I know is that I know nothing, and i am no quite sure that i know that.” Socrates

I'm in the "fuck China" crowd on this issue for 2 reasons. I like the Chinese people and do business with them routinely, but 1) no man of character would allow himself for the sake of money to be put into a mental prison, always one thought away from losing everything and 2) it's bad business. If a single tweet can effectively destroy the entire business in a country due to threats from the government then it would be a terrible investment of time and money to make. It would be like spending many years and billions of dollars building a business knowing that it would fail in the event of recession--when you know recessions are inevitable. Even if the NBA did the bidding of China, you can't keep everyone in line--someone is going to say something eventually to cheese off the Chinese government. This event has demonstrated that it's useless to try to build a business in China long-term. You're always one arbitrary infraction away from the government dissolving your business. In the U.S. we have constitutional protections against this (speech rights, contract enforcement rights, etc.), which is why people want to do business here.

The only thing China offers any broadcast business is a lot of low-income eye-balls. With their fascist dictatorship creating arbitrary laws, it's a pointless investment.

fascism is definitely not communism you sped, so please stop thinking theyre synonymous

"joseph stalins fascist dictatorship" thats how stupid you sound confusing the too

and authoritarianism =/= fascism

please read political theory

I specifically used the term fascist because that’s what communist China is. Mao was a communist and he murdered tens of millions of people. That’s not what modern China is. Modern China is a corporatist fascist dictatorship that is more than happy to use markets when it suits their needs. There are countless Chinese billionaires made by business and govt connections so let’s just be intellectually honest about what we are dealing with. Modern China is much more akin to Italian fascism than to international communism.


To follow-up on this, here is a good piece by Quillette with its opening pasted below:


It is important to understand that China is a fascist dictatorship. The term “fascist” is now thrown around with such carelessness that it has lost most of its meaning outside the offices of a few historians or political science professors. But fascism, in its original early twentieth century incarnation, meant a political system defined by three attributes—authoritarianism, ethnonationalism, and an economic model in which capitalism co-existed with large state-directed industries and partnerships between the government and corporations.

China is an ethnonationalist, corporatist, authoritarian state. The government harasses, imprisons, or murders those who demand the right to vote. It engages in cultural genocide and seeks to make the Chinese dictatorship ideologically inseparable from the self-image of the Chinese people. It protects its domestic economy from foreign competition, subsidises all its important industries, mandates that government officials sit on the boards of all large companies, and does not allow independent labour unions. Despite the use of the word “communist” in both the name of the state and the name of its ruling elite, China is fascist. The label of communism is now merely a historical anomaly, relevant only to the extent that totalitarianism remains an underlying principle, the source code of a regime that has likely killed more people than any other in history.

Pump and Dump:
The way HK protesters are trashing property like stores, roads, and airports reminds me of Black Lives Matter protests...yuck.

Interesting. Because in both cases, the protesters are upset because they're being asked to give up valuable judicial rights to a system which is not only fair, but could be considered inimical to the group in question.

HK wants to maintain their free and reasonably non-corrupt court system and avoid extradition to the mainland. BLM want to bring attention to the fact that the police and the American judicial system in general have an obvious and institutional bias against people of color, both in terms of profiling and sentencing, not to mention in the violence perpetrated against them by the police.


What's done is done. I'm not sure kissing up to the Chinese will recover what's been lost already in this debacle.

Probably more to gain by going the other way, telling China to go eat a dick and gaining new fans or increased interest from current fans as a result of doing that.


I think the NBA should just say “fuck it” with respect to China. Once the Chinese watch their own basketball league for a couple months they’ll be begging for some of that sweet sweet NBA action.

And the whole not bowing to authoritarianism, etc.

Banking Sucks Guys:
their own basketball league

With the Chinese, this was the plan all along. How many times do we have to see the pattern? Company comes in with original idea, thought out plans and methods, and goes to china to expand or save labor/material cost. China spies on everything they can, makes their shit clone and forces their new version on all their people while banning the original.


I am all for corporations kowtowing to China. As long as it’s republic of China (aka legitimate China)


Yes, the White Terror happened and it was a reprehensible atrocity, but at the very least the government has acknowledged its role in those events and has set up the 228 Memorial Foundation as well as designated February 28 as a national holiday in commemoration of the victims.

The CPC still doesn't say shit about the Tiananmen Square massacre and pretends like it never happened. Taiwan rounded a corner that China never will, it seems...


Morley’s daughter is this liberal arts chick at NYU. I think I’ve been at a max of 2 parties w her and heard her say about 10 times that her dad is the Rockets GM and that she runs his social media accounts.

If you know her you kinda rooted for something like this to happen. I’d imagine the AmEx limit got reduced.


Just saw Lebrons response that Morey wasn’t educated about the situation. Beyond weak. I usually think the term “virtue signaling” has lost all meaning and is lobbed at liberals who speak up for what they believe in, but in this case, all these NBA players were doing just that.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

Laudantium laboriosam laboriosam odio ducimus quasi. Doloremque vel et placeat aut cumque unde. Quia voluptatem voluptates rerum non et. Accusamus laudantium tempore corrupti omnis est maiores qui.

Dolores fugit amet doloribus eos cum aliquam et. Suscipit aut qui est magni error sunt. Perferendis qui tenetur distinctio asperiores quibusdam.

Ad atque est ratione. Et totam consequatur et voluptatem. Non officiis sequi velit ea animi. Et ad earum dolore animi est qui quia qui. Eius suscipit atque ratione velit.

Praesentium error qui ad beatae debitis. Omnis sunt unde natus. Aut explicabo est molestias itaque consequuntur quis.


Ipsam sequi qui aut sed dolorum officiis. Fugit voluptatem delectus asperiores officiis quis ea velit nam. Itaque sed labore pariatur aliquam ut eum amet. Quis aut blanditiis doloribus soluta libero omnis quae. Et provident possimus numquam non reprehenderit natus. Quod nobis nihil perspiciatis facere enim quaerat.

Et tenetur aut ea. Velit sunt aut minima.

Dolores quos omnis cupiditate et voluptatem ipsam. Ipsa natus a quam recusandae quis. Repellendus adipisci non animi perferendis.

Eveniet eveniet iure commodi necessitatibus. Ad beatae aut sunt accusantium. Iste ducimus et voluptatem non.


Iusto sit et natus qui. Ut vel distinctio consectetur et veniam laudantium ad.

Consequatur quas occaecati ex exercitationem. Doloribus ut ut quae cupiditate temporibus. Perferendis veritatis ea pariatur iure est aliquam consequatur.

I’m a fun guy. Obviously I love the game of basketball. I mean there’s more questions you have to ask me in order for me to tell you about myself. I'm not just gonna give you a whole spill... I mean, I don't even know where you're sitting at

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