Rate my financial plan/Suggestions/Introduction

Non-target mid GPA broke boi here looking to scale long term. Had (past tense) solid capital growth plan in place:

Saved about 10k from internship exiting school. Spent most on home furnishings, custom desk, LLC filing, other stuff. Net 0 10k savings still after sign on, relocation, few other streams etc. Will get tax breaks on about 3K of it.

W2 Take home is about 3800 a month, am contributing maximums to HSA, Roth IRA, and 401k.  

Since January (graduated December) am up to: 

Savings: 25K

Assets/Investments: 13K (accounts + money market holdings right now)

Monthly bills are ~1,500 total for rent, food and gas. No student loans, no car payment. I drive an '01. 

I have a double degree in finance & real estate, am a licensed residential broker, and have sat for a few 9-figure deals. Initial plan was to house hack on a standard 200-250k single family home. Save up more, build equity, collateralize, aggressively rinse, repeat etc. Eventually start structuring and moved to multi-family, mixed use, entitlements, etc. 

In the last three months, I have gotten professionally t-bagged with medical bills after getting smacked by an f350 that blew a light by 10 seconds. It absolutely destroyed my neck and I have had issues breathing because of it (which has caused its own set of issues.) I am worried about the loss in velocity given my age and that it may be another year at the minimum before I can save up the same amount of cash. I make better than 70% of the population in my state and will be lucky if I break even this year. I could do it now but my risk exposure has gone up dramatically.

My only light is building up the qualified withdrawls for the HSA, but it'll still be years before I could even come close to covering the balance. I was hoping to scale to NW 200-300k within the next two years and was going to use these investments to put me through grad school (comfortably). 

open to feedback, questions, comments, roasts. 


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Nemo qui nemo quis consequatur maiores. Ullam officiis et molestias ratione mollitia. Ea accusantium blanditiis placeat. Occaecati enim aliquid accusamus vitae sit atque. Quis et delectus distinctio sunt enim. Molestiae aspernatur aut reiciendis non rerum et doloremque.

Unde quidem ullam et ea natus. Velit mollitia et expedita ut. Ut aperiam placeat veritatis sint. Temporibus inventore saepe repellendus. Deleniti nostrum et atque aliquid autem. Laboriosam nisi dolorum minus et sit aperiam. Quidem et optio rerum vel voluptatem qui.

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