I'm new here; MSA schools and my specs.. so much concern

Hi, I am another monkey wandering around and trying find solid answers for information of schools and careers.

To put my specs, I'm from local university in Michigan with 3.81GPA and currently working at Merrill Lynch as Client Associate and studying S7. Though I majored in Accounting minored in Finance, I'm trying to "rebrand" myself with Masters program from schools with more/better recognition levels.

Anyhow, while studying in University, I have worked in all different places, I have worked in Translation/Interpretation for about two years with Dow Chemical Affiliated company, called Dow-Kokam, now changed to XALT: for those who knows about Dow-Kokam, it is renewable battery manufacturing company. I have interned at Tax firm for tax season as well.

I tried to put myself into KPMG in detroit and knocking the door for about 3 years, and last year I even went through security(don't ask me how.. it just happened, although I got rejected from Deloitte even to get in) to put my resume and show who I am/have been talking with recruiter. Sadly, I couldn't meet recruiter from Detroit. However, I got to talk to her via e-mail, which I usually have done so. Cut in short, many places I talked to and Big4, despite of fact that I tried so much, didn't want me because 1) I did not have my working Visa(this was second year of my college) 2) I have obtained permanent residency, still they didn't want me because they are recruiting students from school I am going from, 3) somehow always internship is not offered for me.

Though my school doesn't have much recognition level, I have so much love in school. I was associated with Finance club there; I was a part of Korean student association, because I am Korean(DUH); I was also associated with breakdance crew for a while.

Anyways, so I wanted to re-brand myself(who doesn't), I took GMAT and I achieved 690. I know it isn't the best score, but struggling with English and not having classes for GMAT, I'm very much content with score I received.

So here are the school I applied for MSA programs with GPA:3.8(Summa Cum Laude), GMAT:690, Work and Extra Activities I have while schooling.

1) U of Michigan (Ross) - rejected...
2) Michigan State University (Eli-Broad)
3) Baruch College (Zicklin)
4) University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
5) University of Minnesota (Carlson)
6) Indiana University (Kelley)
7) Boston College (Carroll)

Although I know I won't be in Ross, do I have hope to get into one of those schools? :/
I am also thinking of Georgia State University and others, etc.

my goal is to land on consulting position or audit position at Big4..

Anyway, thank you for reading my long post. Hope everyone is surviving this winter!


Debitis quo id ea officia eius et. Autem tempore porro repellendus. Et ex placeat hic dolor quia sunt.

Career Advancement Opportunities

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