How do I transition from Sales & Analytics at Bloomberg?

Hi! I currently am part of Sales & Analytics at Bloomberg, London - as my first job. The company culture is great and the role seems easy to manage in terms of having a steady job. However, I wish to do more in life. I have a Economics and Finance degree from a good university, and Bloomberg was kind enough to sponsor my visa and offer good pay. However, I have had core finance experience and have done internships in university in Trading, Private Equity, Consulting at banks and other medium sized firms. 

I do not wish to stay at Bloomberg beyond a year maybe? Or even sooner? Or even later (depending on incentive)? But what I'm looking for is GUIDANCE. I wish to understand what I need to do to be able to break into a bank/hedge bund or a buy-side firm. I understand I wont jump into being a Trader at  a BB from this role but i am willing to work up the ladder and be a banker. I am open to working in Investments, or any other middle to front office roles which are honestly just respected. I have worked hard towards finance and wish to figure my life out! I am 22 just by the way, still early, but a lot to achieve.

Kindly guide me how I can achieve the above! Is the answer to start applying for roles now? A masters degree? Thank you so much.

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First of all why do you want to change? Bloomberg is a pretty good company and you get paid pretty well as well.

As for transitioning, you could apply for Associate or Analyst roles especially at boutiques in London. Based on your previous internships, it may be worth reaching out to those firms. You need to be sure of which one you want to transition to because working as a Trader and as a Banker are two very very different things. Working in a buy-side firm means working in a HF not an IB. Middle office roles probably won't give you as much job security over the future but still can be worth a try but if you want to work in finance I would assume you mean you want to work in the front office. All roles are respected (apart from HR and Compliance because they do shit all apart from make our lives hell) so it very much is up to you. I say get more clarity and come back with what you actually want to do and take it from there.


Voluptas harum cum rerum tempore aperiam ducimus. Quia aut quia et esse. Maiores modi nihil temporibus repellat quia enim qui. Enim voluptates et minima et qui. Nam quibusdam distinctio vero explicabo. Dolore et voluptatem dolorem enim. Distinctio est accusantium eligendi.

Aut ipsa vero non non. Ab neque repellendus et earum vitae. Eius aliquid esse optio cum nostrum reiciendis debitis sapiente. Corporis saepe soluta recusandae. Dolores dolor sequi nam excepturi et velit.

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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (154) $101
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