HK IBD SA 2011 Thread

Hi, I decided to start this thread as I see there's one from previous years and it seems useful for most applicants.

So I'll start with mine:
DB - pending
Citi - pending
Nomura - pending
BAML - pending, completed online tests
UBS - pending, completed online tests
HSBC - pending, completed online tests
GS - pending
MS - pending
Barcap - pending, completed online tests
CS - pending, completed online tests
Macquarie - pending
JPM - pending
RBS - pending


Are all these due dates in November?

Also, since they don't have OCR for Asia pacific offices, is the only way to interview by filling out apps online?


Also, just to note for other applications, there is only ONE test for HSBC hk. I haven't submitted all of my applications yet, so I'm going to wait and see before posting further. Also, would it be worth it to add CICC to the list? Their application is online as well.


Hey Guys,

For JPM, in the job listing there are jobs which say HongKong/US/UK/Singapore Bachelors.. DOes it mean students from the US can apply apply to those which says US bachelors?


is it essential to apply as early as possible for banks which says rolling basis?

I really don have time to apply now for those with due dates on 12/31 until winter break.. if i apply right before deadline am i totally screwed?



Nowadays, oral fluency is essentially a must, and reading is prolly more important than writing. You won't be drafting memos in Chinese - however, you will need to proofread what the translation team gives you, and you will need to be able to read reports, 10ks. in Chinese.


if BBs don't do OCR at your school (in the U.S.) for HK positions, do you just have to apply online?

do they read online apps, or is it a blackhole just like applying online in the U.S.? Any insight would be appreciated; i'm fluent in Chinese and definitely interested in HK, but am not really sure how to apply.



Apply online, it helps if you're from a target, but with that said, with the right background you'll still get an interview.

You get emailed if you're selected for interview.



sorry about the rejection. anyone else hearing any news? it looks like most of the deadlines are passing in just a few days. i've got almost everything in, but haven't heard about interviews yet.


im us based, so i guess i missed it, im just too last minute

for rbs, it says 12/31 is that for everyone or is there an earlier deadline for us based?


Analyst Training Program applications close for students studying at schools in Hong Kong, Mainland China, US, Canada and the UK -december

i saw this on db site.. if deadline for hk is 12/31, does it mean that for us students is also 12/31?


not to be a dick, but i think you're wasting your time trying to figure out when the deadline is--it really can't hurt to just submit the application now. plus, as i understand it, the earlier you submit the better anyways. an application submitted 5 minutes before the deadline is going to look worse than one submitted 5 days before the deadline. just something to think about.

not to be a dick, but i think you're wasting your time trying to figure out when the deadline is--it really can't hurt to just submit the application now. plus, as i understand it, the earlier you submit the better anyways. an application submitted 5 minutes before the deadline is going to look worse than one submitted 5 days before the deadline. just something to think about.

i did just tat and i still got called up for interview. Better late than never though.


the only thing reading this thread did to me was building up my nerves lol.

i didnt get UBS cuz i failed the test lol, and didnt get macquire either.

still waiting on all the other banks. hopefully can get a few interviews.

gl with everyone else who is waiting and those who got first founds!


Got MS HK 1st round a few days ago, and just got GS Seoul 1st round today.

Rejected by Macquarie and HSBC a few weeks ago. No news from other banks so far...

Is UBS still sending out 1st round invitations, or is it over? ;(


no. I don't mean I get all the invitations I mentioned above. I am not looking into IBD. more like S&T.

--> Rosemary,

r u from target too?

Holy trinity?


I mean I know all these including but not limited to my friends and my own personal experience.

no. I don't mean I get all the invitations I mentioned above. I am not looking into IBD. more like S&T.
--> Rosemary,

r u from target too?

Holy trinity?


For DB, this is what mine says:

Track Application

This page shows the progress of your application.

Interview Process


You have successfully completed our online test. Your results have been submitted for review and you will be contacted shortly.

Does this mean I should get notified for an interview pretty soon? Also, do some of the banks that have already started giving out first rounds (UBS, JPM, etc.) not send out rejection letters? Thanks and good luck everybody


btw, has anybody else had trouble viewing the status of their MS applications? I have the confirmation emails but when I go back to the site and log in, it doesn't even give me a record of submitting the applications. The only thing I can view is the job cart (which is empty).


Just to double-check: this is all for the investment banking divisions, right? And different divisions are usually on slightly different schedules so it's not necessarily the case that the S&T division would send out first-round invites at the same time as IB?


Did you get email from them? I checked my app and the status has become "invited for interview", but i haven't received their email for interview invitation/schedule..

anyone in the same situation?

yeah, gs is out

Thank you for taking the time to complete the online tests. Your application is under review and we will let you know the status of your application shortly.

this is for barcap. Does it mean I passed the cut-off for the test?

does GS send everything out at once? I applied to positions in HK and singapore and both are still "under review"
No, I am pretty sure they don't... one of my two friends got his e-mail yesterday in the morning and another got his late at night... Not sure if they're done or will keep sending more out today though...

Are most of you guys fluent in Cantonese or Mandarin? Only got the JPM S&T first round interview--not sure if it's cause I am not fluent or if Asia is super competitive.

Are most of you guys fluent in Cantonese or Mandarin? Only got the JPM S&T first round interview--not sure if it's cause I am not fluent or if Asia is super competitive.

nope, only chinese i know are basically all cantonese.mandarin swear words i dont speak chinese at all, and got JPM interview as you did


Not yet, and you know its monday morning in Korea... nd gotta watch out my phone until wednesday.. good luck to you Guhara, i wish you look like her


I think some of them (GS, MS) sent out invites in batches... For BAML, I saw many simultaneous postings when I got mine too... I got my JPM s&t last thursday, saw many others got wednesday and they said they will interview candidates from 16th to 22nd...


I think some of them (GS, MS) sent out invites in batches... For BAML, I saw many simultaneous postings when I got mine too... I got my JPM s&t last thursday, saw many others got wednesday and they said they will interview candidates from 16th to 22nd... in random tiime so i guess JPM sent out all invites..


For those who got JPM S&T an interview, aren't we supposed to have at least one interview by 1PM, Wednesday HKT? Anyone whos been already contacted by desks for interview?

is MS interviews complete? When I applied, it was really weird because I got a confirmation email but my account didn't have any jobs in the cart

that happened with me too. JPM and MS are two websites that doesnt feature "track your application" feature.


gs ibd - 1st round interview ms ibd - 1st round interview: one done, another to go jpm ibd - 1st round interview ubs: ???? nomura equities - offer

has anyone heard from ubs yet?

how are your interviews?


I'd be interested in getting together a group of people who end up working in HK. I'm working on a trading desk there in May and June of next summer. Send me a message if you're interested in networking. I don't know anyone there, and I don't speak Mandarin.

I'd be interested in getting together a group of people who end up working in HK. I'm working on a trading desk there in May and June of next summer. Send me a message if you're interested in networking. I don't know anyone there, and I don't speak Mandarin.

wow, you got a fast offer, how did u do that?

I'd be interested in getting together a group of people who end up working in HK. I'm working on a trading desk there in May and June of next summer. Send me a message if you're interested in networking. I don't know anyone there, and I don't speak Mandarin.

wow, you got a fast offer, how did u do that?

Private firm.

if we are invited to superdays in hk, do we buy airline tickets ourselves, and if so will we be compensated afterwards? basically does anyone know how the general process works?

depends on where you go to school. where you go to school? If you go to UK or US university, you wont fly to HK for final interview. NY or London office will hold superday/accessment center for the final interviews for HK for barcap, i know one friend who went to superday in NY and had video conference with HK office people and got an offer.. other firms are basically all similar with phone interviews + superday interviews at nearest head office.

heard back for GS final round
did you already finish two first-round interviews? i just got the second email and my interview has not even started. (one is tomorrow and another is next week.)

Interviews should've been all scheduled from what I hear. I'm not interested in HK myself but my roommate is, and lots of her friends are applying as well. She's been hearing from a bunch of them, and it seems like most BBs have already done first rounds. Macquarie has already notified second rounds, and Goldman should reply by Jan. 10th. This is for IBD.

I applied to Goldman NYC but clicked HK as second location preference and I've already had first round phone interviews with them last week. I'm in S&T, and they said I'd hear back mid-January as well.

Hope that helps.

I don't accept sacrifices and I don't make them. ... If ever the pleasure of one has to be bought by the pain of the other, there better be no trade at all. A trade by which one gains and the other loses is a fraud.
Just wonder if anybody has heard from Credit Suisse HK office after the Round 1 interviews?

Anyone heard back from them?

I did my Round 1 interviews with their research department in mid December. Haven't heard back from them.

HKstudent kindly confirmed earlier that some applicants did hear back from them. Not sure what divisions though...


are there sometimes multiple phone interviews for the same firm? I already had my first round phone interview for MS Asia IBD and I just got a second phone interview


wow why i just saw this thread. i thought the deadline for nomura was Jan 10th...anyone interviewing with barcap? how many phone interviews did u have for the first round? also is ubs still sending out interview invites? or should i assume i m rejected already?

i interviewed with barcap hk. 2 phone interviews, very technical

i just finished my second one!! when did u interview with them? did u hear back yet?

i interviewed with barcap hk. 2 phone interviews, very technical

i just finished my second one!! when did u interview with them? did u hear back yet?

Last week, one of the guys told me that we are gonna hear back sometime next week

did anyone hear from Citi, UBS and Nomura S&T??? I Know they all began process for IBD... but I have not heard from them, none of my friends neither.... Im not really sure that Im already rejected.. or this overall process is getting delayed for S&T divisions..

I guess I can only speak for IBD, Citi was out a week ago I think, I heard UBS too. Not sure about Nomura, since their deadline is jan 10th

did anyone hear from Citi, UBS and Nomura S&T??? I Know they all began process for IBD... but I have not heard from them, none of my friends neither.... Im not really sure that Im already rejected.. or this overall process is getting delayed for S&T divisions..

I guess I can only speak for IBD, Citi was out a week ago I think, I heard UBS too. Not sure about Nomura, since their deadline is jan 10th

Did u get both citi and ubs?

i applied to MS IBD and BX advisory.

has anyone from a US target school heard back about MS ibd superday? thanks!

They do superdays for different schools? I think they are supposed to let us know sometime this week, but i haven't heard anything yet.

Also, anyone heard back from JPM, BAML, Barcap superdays?

i applied to MS IBD and BX advisory.

has anyone from a US target school heard back about MS ibd superday? thanks!

They do superdays for different schools? I think they are supposed to let us know sometime this week, but i haven't heard anything yet.

Also, anyone heard back from JPM, BAML, Barcap superdays?

BAML superday is out, still waiting on Barcap


yah just heard back from gs ibd second round, barcap final, hsbc final, and citi ibd second round. do you know if barcap will provide for travel expenses? they didn't mention it in the email. also, is it worth it to fly to hk for hsbc if they provide for airfare?


Placeat ad numquam corrupti similique illum culpa alias. Nulla atque quos enim optio. Minus nemo aut sint nisi aut. Voluptate rerum corporis culpa fugit sit esse aut voluptate.

Minima delectus qui dolore aliquam. Nihil corrupti exercitationem tempore dolore. Corporis laborum et ratione ducimus. Repellat sit dolor velit quam molestiae omnis voluptas.

Officia ratione distinctio eum cupiditate ut et. Amet velit quibusdam aut vel quo. Error voluptatem sit rerum error. Sint odio vel enim eaque maiores nulla.

Aut quo vitae nobis quas et omnis. Consequuntur illo laboriosam vel facere illo. Qui quod rem quaerat rerum sint. Impedit magnam aspernatur quasi omnis cupiditate provident iure.


Nemo nihil ea quaerat laboriosam labore perferendis in. Eius non ut pariatur et nihil voluptas quo. Nihil repudiandae voluptas harum sed dolor omnis et. Et nisi placeat tempora similique aliquid ducimus laboriosam. Exercitationem omnis sequi velit aut. Sunt reprehenderit eligendi expedita est nemo vel deserunt. Ut quis hic ut voluptatum ab et.

Suscipit ab necessitatibus recusandae hic ut eos. Et reprehenderit iusto dolores molestias sint voluptas magni. Similique quam veritatis repellat et. Magnam sed veniam vel exercitationem qui iste.

Incidunt in vel quis quasi voluptatem omnis. Et iusto quo rerum dolore ullam porro.


Explicabo quia tempora hic voluptatem. Et nobis sunt numquam laboriosam fuga. Excepturi molestias reprehenderit aut dolore similique. Perferendis eligendi praesentium consequatur veritatis provident quibusdam.

Rem sit nam eveniet. Occaecati voluptatem ut in minus facere sit.

Aut sequi temporibus et excepturi voluptas. Qui neque est aut est ducimus velit. Ipsa sed odit aperiam. Ut consectetur ut sint et. Harum eveniet cumque illo deleniti magni. Quae vero ea harum nihil esse voluptatem velit. Vel unde non quia esse.

Laboriosam et voluptatem qui qui doloribus velit deleniti et. Ipsa id laboriosam quo amet. Sit unde distinctio laborum sint. Voluptatum ut et ex est officiis aut quaerat accusantium.


Aut sint quaerat aut et id ullam dolorem. Quis non nihil nam. Autem qui ratione reprehenderit similique reprehenderit quod fuga nobis. Qui modi sunt nisi delectus consequatur. Aut sed in est ea quos et eum. Modi velit repellat voluptatum laborum eum odit molestiae.

Minus soluta qui ipsum similique quaerat voluptatem cupiditate ut. Nihil impedit repellendus et consequuntur. Consequuntur animi culpa quia cupiditate. Et dolor et placeat possimus error cumque. Officiis iste fugiat error delectus sed soluta modi commodi. Enim voluptas voluptatem corrupti dolores voluptas.

Veritatis velit omnis quia odio delectus eligendi quis. Dolores provident sunt laudantium at pariatur odit.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • Credit Suisse 04 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (154) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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