UCL for MSc Finance

Hey guys I wanted to know your thoughts about University College London for MSc Finance for September 2020. My goal is front office IB in London. Also, I only have a 3 month MM boutique IB internship so do you suggest getting more internship / work ex before I do an MSc?


thing is I’m from India so I find it really hard to connect with bankers in London on LinkedIn


oh no, nothing like that - just search on linkedin "UCL + MSc Finance"

If you're from India, visa and language considerations will also need to be an issue. By far the majority of people who tend to get FO BB roles would have done a summer internship to get their spot. To be competitive, ideally you would've done a similar internships in Asia as well (b/c most people who succeed in securing FT positions will be very competitive)


I don't think language will be a problem as English is pretty much my first language. on the other hand the visa might be an issue. thanks I'll try and get a summer program under my belt if not I'll work at a boutique for another year and get some solid work ex and apply again next year. Would the boutique experience be helpful?

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Not about English - more about European languages. Some teams are split into geographical coverage so being English-speaking only you probably have less places to shoot for, versus, say a bilingual European. Not to say it isn't impossible, as there are product-oriented teams that are diverse, but something to bear in mind (also for EMEA buyside recruiting)

The visa situation will hopefully change - Johnson has indicated towards a more liberal immigration policy, for now.

If timing isn't an issue I would probably do so - although please do wait for some other comments as well. Any relatable experience will be useful, especially if you can get a couple of M&A deals under your belt, etc. so you know what's really expected and can demonstrate so. If you really want to maximise your chances though (and choose to go down this route), I would actually think of LBS' MiM or MFA programs - they are probably the best-known Masters in the UK and have pretty decent placements. That being said, you will need relatable experiences to maximise your chances even from these programmes.

By the way, assuming you're from one of the better known local unis in India and alumni relations are strong, wouldn't hurt to reach out to anyone working in London via LinkedIn. I know there's a fair few South Asians working in some of the larger banks, etc.

Hope this helps!


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Suscipit dolore hic quia in temporibus accusamus. Adipisci velit voluptas dolores cupiditate doloremque totam repellat laudantium. Velit cumque pariatur aliquam quis ratione accusamus. Ullam quia facilis et quaerat. Quaerat consequatur ut mollitia et. Libero ab beatae aut quidem cumque.

Career Advancement Opportunities

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  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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