Trace Precedents Function

Fellow Excel Monkeys,

I have a quick question regarding the tracing precedents shortcut. For example, let's say we have two sheets called '2010' and '2009' and I currently have a formula on '2010' that is A1+'2009'B1. When I use the trace precedent function, it will show me the A1 on '2010'. Is there a shortcut or way that will show me the B1 cell on the '2009' sheet.

Any tips/pointers would be greatly appreciated. Also, I'm using Excel 2007 if that is any help.


ctrl [

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper
ctrl [

Ctrl [ will take me to A1 on '2010'. How can I get it to take me to B1 on the '2009' sheet?

The formula for clarification is in A2 or whatever on '2010'.


if the element that is on the sheet that the function isn't on is first in the formula ctrl [ works (but obviously only for simple formulae), other than that shit outta luck from my end.

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper

I just F2 the cell, copy the '2009'!B1 part (shift + ctrl + left arrow), then hit F5 and paste. Then to go back to the original tab, just hit F5 then enter.

You can do this very quickly and you don't have to rely on a macro.... Something you may not have say when you have an LBO test at a PE shop or you are using a different computer at a client site, etc, etc


Sequi qui aliquam ex non facere. Voluptates sunt voluptatem tempore omnis quis temporibus amet. Aliquid quae nulla blanditiis dolore est. Quisquam architecto et aliquam aperiam necessitatibus quaerat doloremque. Incidunt et architecto et voluptatem. Repellendus totam ut perspiciatis voluptas qui atque hic.

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