Decimal Excel Shortcut

I've tried searching elsewhere, creating macros, etc., so don't flame me for this question.

Does anyone know of a shortcut that will move the decimal in or out by one place? This is driving me fcking nuts!


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I put the increase decimal and decrease decimal on my toolbar. Highlight the cells and click the button.

Are you looking for something different than this?


You can customize short cuts without actually creating a macro. Basically you assign alt + whatever button you want to do it. I use comma to add more decimals, period to remove them. To be honest, I set them up and forgot how to do it, but if I get a chance I will


Sub In_M() ' ' In_M Macro ' Macro recorded 6/27/2007 by forougfa ' ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+i ' Dim x As Object Dim in_Value As Variant in_Value = ActiveCell.Value Set x = ActiveCell x.Offset(0, 0).Value = in_Value / 10 End Sub

Sub Out_M() ' ' Out_M Macro ' Macro recorded 6/26/2007 by forougfa ' ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+o ' Dim y As Object Dim out_Value As Variant out_Value = ActiveCell.Value Set y = ActiveCell y.Offset(0, 0).Value = out_Value * 10 End Sub

Best Response
Sub In_M() ' ' In_M Macro ' Macro recorded 6/27/2007 by forougfa ' ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+i ' Dim x As Object Dim in_Value As Variant in_Value = ActiveCell.Value Set x = ActiveCell x.Offset(0, 0).Value = in_Value / 10 End Sub

Sub Out_M() ' ' Out_M Macro ' Macro recorded 6/26/2007 by forougfa ' ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+o ' Dim y As Object Dim out_Value As Variant out_Value = ActiveCell.Value Set y = ActiveCell y.Offset(0, 0).Value = out_Value * 10 End Sub

I don't see how this would work. Aren't you just multiplying the number by 10 or dividing by 10? Also, why would you use the Ctr+i or Ctr+o shortcuts? They are for italics or open files? Am I missing something here?


i could've swore there was a basic (non-macro) shortcut for this. i even remember trying it out with a stupid grin on my face. i don't know if it was from bankersball's "little known excel shortcuts" or somewhere else, but i'm 90% confident you don't need a macro. someone please tell me i'm right.


Wish I could use FastTrack. We use Dealmaven for training but can't install FastTrack because IT doesn't want to add it to the approved program list for a few Analysts and Associates in the PE arm. Apparently the cost to support it is too high. Bastards. Just using it for auto-colouring would be nice. Anybody know where to get a macro for auto-colouring that you can use without having to install an Excel add-in?


there is no shortcut, try to get the TTS Macro

then its just CTRL+SHIFT+, or .

or what you can do is move the decimal button next to the standard toolbar and when you press ALT+ENTER it will be the first button

if that didnt make sense, PM me and ill send you a screen shot


I realize this is easier said than done, but before I worked in PE I was at M/B/B and our IT dept had the same complaints about add-ins like DM. One of our bright post-MBA consultants, an ex-Bain Cap guy, decided to go over IT's head and ask our head partner directly. A week later we all had trial versions of FastTrack, and today its a standard issue product at the company. The licenses, especially in bulk, shouldn't be particularly expensive, especially when comparing this cost to what they're already paying out in compensation.

At the PE fund where I currently work, I'm fairly certain that 100% of our associates and even our principals (though not partners, since I don't think they have the slightest clue how Excel works) all use FastTrack.


Alt+O (Format) +E (cells) +Alt+C (change category) +Down arrow key (go to numbers) +Alt+D (to change decimals) +up or down arrow key, depending on desired number decimals

That's what I usually use and it avoids having to deal with macros.


can't you just hit Cntrl + 1 and then tab over to the # of decimal places in the number (or percentage, or custom). Hit enter, then Alt, E, F, T the rest of the lines that you want to change?


i feel like i'm taking crazy pills. has no one else ever been able to change decimal places shown without macros or extensive keyboard entries? i could've sworn there is something built into excel but little known. either i'm going crazy or i seriously remember pressing 3 keys and switching the number of decimal places shown. someone please prove me right..


In Excel 2007 it's really simple ALT+H+9 (deletes decimal places) or ALT+H+0 (increases decimal places).

What's nice about Excel 2007 is that you can still use all the old shortcuts (excel 2003) but every function now has a shortcut due to the new banner layout.


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