CapIQ or FactSet, if you could only have one...

which would you take? keep in mind with capiq you don't get dealmaven, although they have their own shortcuts and smart trace macros. but you don't get preslink, which is pretty useful too. my bank is a little small so to cut costs some of the analsts get capiq and some get factset. if you had to pick, which would you choose and why?

Best Response

Honestly I think the interface is a lot better and it's easier to find information / also find names and contact information if you're networking or need to help friends with that.

Admittedly I always used Capital IQ a lot more than Factset but that's because I tested both and found Capital IQ easier to use in terms of the program itself and also the Excel plug-in that makes it very quick to spread comps.

Your mileage may vary but I would take CapIQ unless Factset has some kind of functionality that you need to use a lot.


How reliabile is data is CapIQ? I never used it. Factset is like a high performance car that breaks down a lot. I find to many data errors.


thanks for the insights guys. i ended up with factset, but i got the chance to work with capiq for a week and i must say i miss the auditing feature that comes with the excel plug-in. being able to see where the numbers are pulling was pretty useful to me. factset has it in some cases with the whole audit and no audit thing...but it's pretty damn clunky in comparison.


I agree with Beluga - Factset's data is pretty dodgy, and on the whole I find it to be such an inefficiently programmed software compared to CapIQ. The best thing about Factset is undoubtedly Pres link though - that's the shittt.


well ... i download data with factset and double check with T1 and Bloomberg

I'm all about automation. I don't have time to be looking sht up manually (I work in capital markets for the most part)

That said yes factset data is slightly dodgy


I loved factset until my office got CIQ… The thing I missed the most was dealmaven until I found out CIQ has their own linking tool just like preslink AND the data and auditability is way better. I’d go for CIQ over factset any day

I loved factset until my office got CIQ… The thing I missed the most was dealmaven until I found out CIQ has their own linking tool just like preslink AND the data and auditability is way better. I’d go for CIQ over factset any day

damn really?? was the presentation linking tool installed by default? i did not realize this at all during the week i had capiq...preslink was one of the things i thought factset had over capiq. not that i can switch anymore, but damn, if capiq has a preslink-like tool then i'd have to say capiq is just better almost all around. ultimately, both have pretty unreliable numbers, but at least capiq is more easily audited.

All of the people saying "FactSet is way easier to update in excel than CapIQ" are idiots.

CIQ codes are where it is at - learn how to use them fellas. CapIQ over FactSet and it's not even close. I must say CapIQ support is 10x better than FactSet support. The FactSet people in India (after hours) are horrific.

I only used CapIQ for a summer internship, and I was able to memorize enough CIQ codes to make a complete comps project by the end. I found it's automation to be very easy, with the only downside being the slow down while updating (which wasn't that bad).


Factset FTW! The only issue I have is that ALT-S-F-A (updating) takes way too long sometimes, since I often huge spreadsheets. i.e. historical panel data for 100 companies with 100 financials variables for 36 quarters. Nothing makes me more furious than waiting for an hour to update that shit only to have excel crash ARGHHH!!!!! I swear to god if it was allowed, I would gladly punch through my monitors and pay for replacements the next day when that happens.


It is a great resource, especially the new interation that they just put out (or at least my bank just got). Had training this morning on the new platform which actually is very relevant in creating buyers lists (I am in financial sponsors group). I will not abandon CapIQ, however, as I am more familiar with it, but will supplement the two going forward.

Factset is really good for public comps if you have the excel plugin and saves a lot of time in terms of raw data.


factset is awesome for defining stock selection criteria. capiq is more of a google of company info. don't see how you could compare the two. bbg is alright, but it's more for traders.

way i see it.

factset -> investing bbg -> trading capiq -> banking


I've always used CapIQ, but we are considering switching to FactSet. From only a quick glance, it seems like FactSet lacks depth in transaction screening criteria, but definitely has better info on fixed income.

Are these fair statements?


We currently use Factset and our contract is up for renewal but our base fees are in the Millions! Are your Base fees outragous?

Does anyone have a breakdown of costs for CapIQ vs. Factset? I may recommend we switch - enterprise wide.


CapIQ is the shit. I use bloomberg more often, but most of the analysts use CapIQ for everything. FactSet is good too, but the excel plug-in on CapIQ is simply amazing.


I'm biased but if you are a PE or VC shop modeling financials and investment metrics for private companies you should explore ClearMomentum. They allow the report building and modeling you might expect with public companies via FDS or CapIQ but using your proprietary portfolio company financial data...


The layout of SNL is nice IMO, but I sometimes see minor discrepancies in the numbers. They have a deal that pays out $50/error if you send them a shot of it.


CapIQ is easier to use and faster than FactSet.

"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now and at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."

SNL isn't just for FIG. Used it across multiple industries like Power (where you need spot prices for power and gas) and TMT (getting ARPU for comms comps).

CAPIQ is better than FactSet IMO.


I'm fairly late to comment here, but for anyone else that reads this. I've used snl for some time and it's a good product; however, be prepared to get jammed at renewal time. They give the song and dance about unlimited users, but then hit you with 15 - 20% increase on price (year over year).

I've also used CapIQ and it's fairly slick. A better interface than SNL and worlds better than FactSet


I like CapIQ much better than Factset. At first I thought the user interface of Factset looked cooler and I was hopeful. But I soon found myself missing CapIQ. The only thing I like about Factset is they give you a bunch of foam footballs you can toss around the office. And then in a month they've all disappeared somehow and then the sadness returns.


Well, we generally use CapIQ for historical financials and FactSet for estimated financials in models. I really like that combination because I feel like CapIQ is more accurate in terms of historical financials, but I could be wrong. All in all, I mostly use FactSet for all types of tasks, CapitalIQ for broker reports, call transcripts, and screenings, ThomsonOne for broker reports and Bloomberg for broker reports and market data. If I had to choose, I would probably opt for FactSet or CapitalIQ (or even better, both). ThomsonOne is nice to have, but no must have imho. And it's super slow which is quite annyoing.


Late to the party, but you should check out Sentieo. It comes in a lot cheaper than either Factset or CapIQ, and can be useful for M&A when looking up precedent transactions. In particular, it takes about ten seconds to find the fairness opinion of any merger ranging back at least a decade using its document search.

To be fair, it doesn't have quite the breadth of data that either Factset or CapIQ does, but its equity data is on par, both domestic and internationally. I am a former employee of Sentieo, so I am a little biased of course, but for equity analysis and M&A work, I've yet to find a better value proposition.


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Consequatur quia autem veniam. Voluptates non consequuntur inventore. Ipsam et tempora ut.

Animi pariatur cupiditate vero aspernatur repellat. Officiis illo modi dolor delectus in. Consectetur sed ut officiis.

Quia laboriosam sed nemo eos et autem. Veritatis nihil et esse adipisci aut. Reiciendis pariatur inventore voluptas molestiae quo sapiente. Maiores autem debitis maiores. Dicta recusandae rerum hic laboriosam qui aperiam.


Est rerum dolor aut nobis est fugit tempore. Quis illum repellendus rerum quae quos sit sequi. Beatae veniam nisi dicta qui et porro. Consequatur placeat et aut non consequatur voluptatem. Quae doloribus sequi itaque eveniet laudantium occaecati.

Odit assumenda rerum et ut. Est eaque qui voluptatem est enim quia modi.

Minus quam est id nulla odio. Fugit nesciunt porro vel et. Inventore ipsam et laboriosam voluptas rem dicta sit.

Career Advancement Opportunities

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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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