Site Suggestions: Let Us Hear it!

Fellow Primates,

I wanted to let all of you know that we are going to be putting more $s than usual back into WSO over the next few months to include the following features / improvements below...BUT, I wanted to see if there were any other things you guys have in mind that could help improve the community. Please feel free to include suggestions in the comments below.

  1. Additional Ranking Metric that will measure QUALITY (long overdue). We are close to having a new ranking metric that will allow users to rank other users based on the quality of their contributions. The system is fairly simple. If you like what you read, you will be able to reward that user with a "Silver Banana" (there will be a small icon) - if you don't like what you read, you can throw "Monkey Shit" at the user. every time a user collects a Silver Banana or has monkey shit thrown at them, it will update in their profile and will be listed (alongside the regular bananas) whenever they make a post next to their rank and username. We might try to incorporate a way to give bonus banana points and subtract bananas for users that get a lot of shit thrown at them (or vice versa) but we are still working through that.

  2. Site Tuning and Optimization: we might be investing some dollars to help speed up the site and keep it performing well over the next few weeks. We are still on one server and have been hitting some load issues (database is getting large with well over 70,000 nodes) so we will be diagnosing the issues and hopefully implementing a solution soon.

  3. tyuiop3 suggested having a Better Search Functionality so that you can filter by date, user, tags, etc. While I agree Search is an absolutely crucial aspect to improve, this is a tough endeavor simply because it is tough to get a search module that can run as fast as Google Custom Search Engine (what we are using now). that being said, there are some options out there (like taking the whole database to another server ...see here: that we are actively researching.

  4. Upgrade to Drupal 6...this should allow us to make changes, improve the layout, update modules and add new features much easier going forward...probably won't happen until November, however, because we want to make sure we don't lose the Buddies everyone has (that module was abandoned in 6.0 and replaced with another that works fine but it makes the upgrade harder).

  5. New writers to give Edmundo some company. I know some of you have thrown other writers off the WSO island, but I will continue my search to find some other talented writers that can teach you and entertain you. Again, we don't think your education / information search has to be boring and want WSO to be seen as a place to help you get information on Wall Street, but also to laugh.

  6. Licensing the WSO guides in bulk to Career Services (and student clubs) around the world so we can build a stable base of recurring revenue and get the guides in your hands for free (bulk discounts are 90%+ off our standard pricing). We have reached agreements with several well-known colleges / b-schools(which we will announce soon) but if you can help us with this initiative by putting us in touch with your career center or talking to your clubs about licensing the WSO guides that would be a big help (we are a small team -- ie michael and myself, so we might not get to your school until later this year). The easiest way to help is to contact [email protected] if you think you can put us in touch with someone that would be receptive to licensing the guides.

Other suggestions? Please drop any you have below. As some of you may / may not know, I am a 2nd year student at Wharton getting an MBA right now. I have made the decision to run WSO full time once I graduate this May so basically anything you guys want I will do my best to get it to you as fast as possible.

Thanks for all your feedback so far.

Stay Strong,


I sure as hell wouldnt eat that bannana! Looking forward to the improvements Patrick.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.

Goodluck running the site as your full time job! I like the additional ranking metrics... I've got too many regular bananas, need something more tasty.

~~~~~~~~~~~ CompBanker

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services:

This is probably included in your upgrade but I thought I'd mention it anyways, in the "Forum Topics" box, it would help if we could see the first post (or at least a few sentences) in a thread by scrolling over the thread title.

Also, not sure if we can preview all the guides but if not, we should be able to, just being able to read a few pages may spur more purchases in my opinion.


Currently there's no direct link to post a new topic through the top toolbar. You have to first click to "Forums" and then go to "Post new forum topic."

With a direct toolbar link up top, you can then easily access new posting from anywhere on the site instead of having to click to "Forums" first every time.

Also, regarding the ranking metric--how will you be able to prevent retaliatory sh*t-throwing? Also, some people here are informative but abrasive. I'm afraid the system might not provide the most accurate information unless certain restrictions are built in.

Agree with cdkram that it would be nice to have easy access to a new post tab instead of going through the forums tab.

we are looking into installing some sort of script that allows a user to jump to a specific forum when they hover over the Forum menu a selection box would appear. maybe we'll add "Post New Forum Topic" as an option so you can go direct.

Thanks for the suggestion guys.


GMAT Tutors: // WSO Resume Review: // Invite Friends: // WSO Guides: //


one small pet peeve i have is coming to the site, reading a thread, want to reply..but it directs me to the log in screen first (which is fine), but when i log in it doesn't take me back to that thread so i'd have to go thru the right forum and pick up the right thread..small i know but something i noticed that differentiates this from other forums.


hol3 that happens with a log of sites that require you to log in I have found. Its like that on the 2+2 poker forums and sometimes I cant even find the thread I wanted to comment on.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.

Oh, one more thing--is there any way to click directly to the last page of a multi-page thread? I know most other forum softwares seem to have that capability, whereas the current setup only allows you to do so once you're in a thread already.


Not being picky, but this little problem is annoying at times. When I am logged in and check recent posts, it has "X new" to show how many posts on that thread I have not read. When I click on "X new" it takes me to that thread, and the point at which the new posts start. However, it only takes you to the "new posts" if it is on the first page (within the first 50 posts). If the thread is over 1 page, it will not take you to the newest post.

Best Response

Maybe I'm just getting old already but one thing that gets very annoying is the college/getting into banking/rank xyz questions posted constantly in the main forum. It'd be nice if they could be moved into some other forum called breaking in or something similar. Maybe it's just that time of the year but for the last few months I've been visiting way less as there's maybe 1-2 max posts per page that are actually interesting to somebody already in the industry vs. previously when there were a good 4-5.

As the community grows and there are more members that have been around a while it would also be nice if there was some sort of more serious forum for certified users or something similar where you could get advice from ppl who know what they're talking about. What made me think of this was a case when some associate was asking for serious career advice on a work situation and 90% of the responses were clearly college kids giving their "advice" without having a clue. I guess though this might be splitting the community so to speak and therefore would be resisted.

Also yeah search thing is annoying, would be good if didn't get all the job results if you want to search the forums only for example.

As the community grows and there are more members that have been around a while it would also be nice if there was some sort of more serious forum for certified users or something similar where you could get advice from ppl who know what they're talking about.
Problem is the college kids will just flock there with their "Rank XYZ" questions.
As the community grows and there are more members that have been around a while it would also be nice if there was some sort of more serious forum for certified users or something similar where you could get advice from ppl who know what they're talking about.
Problem is the college kids will just flock there with their "Rank XYZ" questions.

Okay I left out the fact such a forum should just be open to registered users or those who have a decent posting record.


Well I pointed that out as an issue but otherwise as the amount of crap xyz posts increases the less experienced members will even bother coming to the site as I have to admit has happened with me since I started going to other sites more regularly (albeit not forums) so there needs to be a trade off somewhere.

Of course I realise the value of information exchange from experienced to non experienced monkeys and that it one of the reasons ppl come here (including myself 3-4yrs ago) but as far as I understand the forum is meant to be more than just an info point for college students so the point needs to be looked at.

Well I pointed that out as an issue but otherwise as the amount of crap xyz posts increases the less experienced members will even bother coming to the site as I have to admit has happened with me since I started going to other sites more regularly (albeit not forums) so there needs to be a trade off somewhere.

Of course I realise the value of information exchange from experienced to non experienced monkeys and that it one of the reasons ppl come here (including myself 3-4yrs ago) but as far as I understand the forum is meant to be more than just an info point for college students so the point needs to be looked at.

Oconnor, that is a balance we are always trying to maintain. This time of year since it is recruiting season we are (not surprisingly) bombarded with resume questions, GPA questions and ranking questions. I have tried to balance this out with some more entertaining content from Edmundo and Dr. Evil but we are in the process of doing more on this end so that there is a better reason for experienced hires to come back (not just out of the goodness of their heart).

Also, there is a Certified User group where you can post questions that and all of them will be notified, but there are less than 100 of them and there are many experienced professionals browsing the forums that never bothered to get certified...they could give you advice or speak intelligently on a given topic so I'd still recommend posting to the general forum.

Thanks for the honest feedback. We'll keep working on getting more experienced hires on board and generating more content for you guys.

Thanks, Patrick

ps - sorry it has taken so long with the Monkey Shit. After more research we have decided it makes more sense to do our major upgrade to Drupal 6 before making all of these other changes. We have been having some load issues with all the traffic and growing database - we are hoping that the upgrade will be done in 3-4 weeks and then the new ranking system a few weeks after that. Overall, the upgrade should improve the speed of WSO and allow us to add features easier in the future.

GMAT Tutors: // WSO Resume Review: // Invite Friends: // WSO Guides: //


Qui excepturi qui eaque est sint consequatur. Voluptatem ex possimus doloribus. Minus excepturi aperiam aliquam ipsa. Placeat vero fugiat mollitia quisquam voluptatibus. Adipisci aliquam error deleniti ut similique voluptatem voluptatum.

Nihil rerum architecto quia tempore tempora sint. Quo consequuntur minus aliquam quisquam et. Temporibus animi et praesentium ullam repellat sunt alias ut.

Ut dolores non dolores qui quis. Aut nobis veniam qui quod ea ex dolores.

Sed et quia est vel. Necessitatibus aperiam debitis voluptatem sed dolorem dolorem alias recusandae. Ut incidunt quibusdam id rem quaerat.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • William Blair 02 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 07 97.7%
  • Morgan Stanley 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • Credit Suisse 04 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (210) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (154) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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