Not Investment Banking Looking Enough? WTH

I had an IBD analyst interview with a local boutique investment bank a couple days ago and got rejected.

I asked the interviewer out to have a coffee meeting and asked him why I didn't get the job. He said because of my first impression. Here is what he said:

1: Your hair is too stylish and too long to be a IBanker.

2: Don't use Gucci or any designer bag because they are too fashion, not business enough.

3: Don't wear expensive watch to an interview.

4: Always wear white shirt, not other colors. White makes you look humble.

I didn't argue with him, but here is my justification.

1: My hair isn't that long, only slightly longer than the dude in the pic. Is that the case that only crew-cut or combover dudes get hired? If that's true, then screw you. You just feel that my look hurt your ego. My great hair cut reminds you that there is not much hair left on your head.

2: Gucci bag? What's wrong with that? It ain't that expensive, anyone can get one for a couple hundred bucks. Who the hell said only black briefcase is the symbol of businessman? Or if you think I'm too showing off? What the hell are you talking about? Investment banker is the most showing off breed in the world( maybe one of). Luxurious cars, expensive watches, hot blond chicks, Armani suits, Italian leather shoes, aren't these your favorites? Now you are rejecting me because I might be the same kind of person you are? I totally get lost.

3: My watch ain't expensive either. Tissot is not expensive. You call a $1000 dollar watch too expensive? Hey buddy, your Rolex diamond watch looks humble and low-key, I think I'm gonna get one too so that people won't notice my Tissot is expensive. Or maybe I can just buy a 20 bucks digital watch from the local flea market so that when we are going to meet the CEOs, they can see we are not making a lot of money on their deals.

4: Oh come on, white shirts only? Can't it be dark? Do you have any sense of fashion or style? You want me to wear the same color everyday? I saw those hedge fund managers,Equity Research Analysts going on News talking about their investment strategy and they don't wear white shirts. Let me tell you some cons about white shirt. You can't spill coffee on it without people noticing. You need to be really careful when you eat cuz you don't want drop your ketchup on it. You also need to be careful with your pen cuz you don't want leave ink stain on it. I'm not saying I hate white shirts. I'm just saying that we should have right to choose what color to wear as long as it's business formal and it doesn't have a naked Carey Mulligan on it ( which would be hot, lol)

Guys, tell me what you think.


If this is serious: It is about fitting a mold. Same with any job. You don't show up to interview at Google in a suit. Your interviewer has ~30 minutes to evaluate you. You are being judged every second.

  1. Get a haircut. This was standard practice at my college. During interview season, every guy with "lacrosse hair" got a crew cut. You can grow it back after getting hired. A lot of interviewers won't ding you for semi-long hair...but why not give yourself every edge?

  2. It is the impression and the cost. If it were a comparable LL Bean bag, for instance, you would have been in the clear. But investment banking is fundamentally conservative. Gucci is a "designer". Also, you are asking for a job, so they assume you need money.

  3. Tissot is acceptable, but if it is some chronograph model, it is over the top. Again, you want to project that you need the job. Feel free to strap on a 5 lb chronograph with 20 dials on it once you are hired. Nobody cares then. Same with #2.

  4. The guys you see on TV are wearing flashy shirts because they are on TV. The contrasting collar / bold stripes / cuff-linked shirt is the domain of the senior banker. It is about looking humble...but again, once you are hired, you can change it up. VERY light blue is acceptable as well.

Really, once you have a job, just make sure you look presentable and professional. But when interviewing, don't handicap yourself. Just think of it as a uniform. Suck it up and deck yourself out in Brooks Brothers or something of a similar make.

As somebody concerned with style, I am sure you also realize: get your stuff tailored. Brooks Brothers doesn't fit anybody smaller than Raj Rajaratnam off the rack. Go for a classic cut though; don't be the dude in the skinny suit.


Thanks a lot for all the tips. I really appreciate it. I will keep that in mind when I go to an interview next time.

West Coast rainmaker:
If this is serious: It is about fitting a mold. Same with any job. You don't show up to interview at Google in a suit. Your interviewer has ~30 minutes to evaluate you. You are being judged every second.
  1. Get a haircut. This was standard practice at my college. During interview season, every guy with "lacrosse hair" got a crew cut. You can grow it back after getting hired. A lot of interviewers won't ding you for semi-long hair...but why not give yourself every edge?

  2. It is the impression and the cost. If it were a comparable LL Bean bag, for instance, you would have been in the clear. But investment banking is fundamentally conservative. Gucci is a "designer". Also, you are asking for a job, so they assume you need money.

  3. Tissot is acceptable, but if it is some chronograph model, it is over the top. Again, you want to project that you need the job. Feel free to strap on a 5 lb chronograph with 20 dials on it once you are hired. Nobody cares then. Same with #2.

  4. The guys you see on TV are wearing flashy shirts because they are on TV. The contrasting collar / bold stripes / cuff-linked shirt is the domain of the senior banker. It is about looking humble...but again, once you are hired, you can change it up. VERY light blue is acceptable as well.

Really, once you have a job, just make sure you look presentable and professional. But when interviewing, don't handicap yourself. Just think of it as a uniform. Suck it up and deck yourself out in Brooks Brothers or something of a similar make.

As somebody concerned with style, I am sure you also realize: get your stuff tailored. Brooks Brothers doesn't fit anybody smaller than Raj Rajaratnam off the rack. Go for a classic cut though; don't be the dude in the skinny suit.


Ok, watch your month buddy. My family runs successful business in west coast. I was already managing a subsidiary of the business when I was junior in college, generating millions revenue for the company. To me, that is normal, I earn every piece of that. I applied IB not because I need money. I left the family business because I have my own goal to chase.

You think I am the shit but to me you ain't any different. Bullying your junior employees and interviewees while kissing your clients' asses. Being a dick to your analyst while being humble to those who have the cash.

BTW, I drove a porsche to the interview( which I bought using my own money), which you could only dream of until you become combover.

You're not a banker and you're already wearing designer stuff like it's normal. This tells me that you think you are the shit. That's not what we want, at least on our team. If I'm going to see your face 6 days a week, then you can't be a douche bag.
David Beckbacon:
BTW, I drove a porsche to the interview( which I bought using my own money), which you could only dream of until you become combover.

This is where you start looking like a douche to me

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.
David Beckbacon:
Ok, watch your month buddy. My family runs successful business in west coast. I was already managing a subsidiary of the business when I was junior in college, generating millions revenue for the company. To me, that is normal, I earn every piece of that. I applied IB not because I need money. I left the family business because I have my own goal to chase.

You think I am the shit but to me you ain't any different. Bullying your junior employees and interviewees while kissing your clients' asses. Being a dick to your analyst while being humble to those who have the cash.

BTW, I drove a porsche to the interview( which I bought using my own money), which you could only dream of until you become combover.

You're not a banker and you're already wearing designer stuff like it's normal. This tells me that you think you are the shit. That's not what we want, at least on our team. If I'm going to see your face 6 days a week, then you can't be a douche bag.

This is exactly my point. It had nothing to do with your clothes, it has everything to do with your attitude. You are reinforcing alot of judgements right now. They looked at you and said conceited douchebag. Looks like they were right.

David Beckbacon:
Ok, watch your month buddy. My family runs successful business in west coast. I was already managing a subsidiary of the business when I was junior in college, generating millions revenue for the company. To me, that is normal, I earn every piece of that. I applied IB not because I need money. I left the family business because I have my own goal to chase.

You think I am the shit but to me you ain't any different. Bullying your junior employees and interviewees while kissing your clients' asses. Being a dick to your analyst while being humble to those who have the cash.

BTW, I drove a porsche to the interview( which I bought using my own money), which you could only dream of until you become combover.

You're not a banker and you're already wearing designer stuff like it's normal. This tells me that you think you are the shit. That's not what we want, at least on our team. If I'm going to see your face 6 days a week, then you can't be a douche bag.

AJ from models and bottles, is that you?

Pretty women make us BUY beer. Ugly women make us DRINK beer.
David Beckbacon:
You think I am the shit but to me you ain't any different. Bullying your junior employees and interviewees while kissing your clients' asses. Being a dick to your analyst while being humble to those who have the cash.

BTW, I drove a porsche to the interview( which I bought using my own money), which you could only dream of until you become combover.

I'll be concise. Shut up and move on. And stop bragging.
The 'look' comment may just have been a diplomatic way of saying they didn't like your attitude.

Or maybe the dude was trying to get his buddy from college into the spot you were interviewing for, and there's NOTHING you could have done to win him over. Just keep moving, you'll find something.

Get busy living

Sounds like some shitty boutique where they focus more on dress than closing deals.

I work at a BB and none of these apply, we have a dude with a pony tail, a guy who brings a louis V bag to work everyday, a first year who rocks a Patek and an analyst who wears the most absurd colored shirts everyday.


Exactly. That's why most BB and MM eat bread and most boutique banks only get crumb. They don't focus on analysts' abilities, but whether they are obedient. They can accept any junior level employee to be better than them.

Have you guys experienced that every time you submit a draft to your supervisor or associate, they always try to change something, a word, a comma, etc. just to show that they are smarter than you. Most of the time it doesn't make any difference at all.

Sounds like some shitty boutique where they focus more on dress than closing deals.

I work at a BB and none of these apply, we have a dude with a pony tail, a guy who brings a louis V bag to work everyday, a first year who rocks a Patek and an analyst who wears the most absurd colored shirts everyday.


LOL, some years ago, I had a boss change 1 color on the spreadsheet just to put their "touch" on it and bless it.

David Beckbacon:
Have you guys experienced that every time you submit a draft to your supervisor or associate, they always try to change something, a word, a comma, etc. just to show that they are smarter than you. Most of the time it doesn't make any difference at all.

Sounds like some shitty boutique where they focus more on dress than closing deals.

I work at a BB and none of these apply, we have a dude with a pony tail, a guy who brings a louis V bag to work everyday, a first year who rocks a Patek and an analyst who wears the most absurd colored shirts everyday.

I'm guessing they don't get face time w/ the clients unlike at a boutique? Most clients I've dealt with tend to not like seeing a 'pony tail' or 'psychedelic shirt' guy work on their deals...of course, NYC may be different.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!

Well I guess having thick hair that looks like shit long, not being able to afford Gucci bags and expensive watches, and only being able to afford a couple (white) shirts will actually help me out when it comes interview time haha.

What DO you wear to an interview for google anyways?

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

That hair is too long for a business setting imo.

You need to be humble as an analyst because you now represent the brand. You want to be known for the quality of your work and not as the ridiculous shit you wear. As analysts, we don't know shit about the business, and we don't have any track record to be judged upon. So the only things we can be judged on are things like fashion, personality, etc which are highly subjective as you learned this week. So just blend in. When you churn out great work, give em a bit of your personality then. But as a blank sheet of paper, best to be conservative.

Leave the fancy shit for the MDs to wear. So no contrast collars, crazy cuff links, suspenders, wtv.


if i were you... take his advice for everything during the interview process, EXCEPT keep the hair. while a combination of those 4 things may be too much to handle for a stiff MD, just one will not be a deal breaker.

you can always change your clothes, but you have to live with your haircut. change the other 3 things for work purposes and keep your haircut to minimize intrusion into your personal life.

Money Never Sleeps? More like Money Never SUCKS amirite?!?!?!?
David Beckbacon:
Thank you for being jealous. I can totally understand.
Fuck your Porsche and your gay hair.

jealous of the job you didn't get?

Fuck your Porsche and your gay hair.

What is wrong with his hair, I think it is good. You know, some people just don't look good in short hair with jell. The only problem with long hair is you have to realize that if you don't take a shower every morning it will be greasy. I also suggest using conditioner with the shampooing as it controllers dandrifies.

Come at me brah..


Never stick out. It's better to be told to start expressing yourself more than to be told to tone it down. Wall st is CONSERVATIVE.

Translation = you're dealing with people who typically don't have much imagination.

For what it's worth, you probably wouldn't have been happy there.

Get busy living

Sorry about my terrible english. I'm improving.

Longish feathered bangs, Gucci bag.

That sounds about as cool as aids.

Your english is also terrible.

David Beckbacon:
back to India
wrong guess, loser

ah sorry. back to pakistan.

"I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people"

OK why are feathered bangs bad? Lets all post a picture of are hair cuts and see whos is better go!

that is mine, blondish bc of the sun but less thick and not as blond and black more blond and brown with blond being in the front.....I don't think you should ding some one on there hair UNLESS it is some fag color like the rainbow

This sounds like your typical Korean NYU kid
El em eff ay oh.
I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.

Listen OP. The guy you spoke to for feedback was obviously trying to send you a message... Seriously, not a single major point regarding your interview skills or your lack of experience/knowledge. They are all about your appearance and the way you handle yourself.

Look in the mirror and do some real assessment instead of trying to make excuses. We get it! youre rich and successful. No one's telling you to lose your strong opinions or style. Just know that there is a time and place for everything mkay?


Is it just me or does anybody else hear a straight Asian accent when they read the original post and the subsequent responses? Please learn grammar. How are you going to succeed in a service industry that has constant client interaction when you're constantly trying to show off your daddy's wealth and can't write an email with correct grammar?

Is it just me or does anybody else hear a straight Asian accent when they read the original post and the subsequent responses? Please learn grammar. How are you going to succeed in a service industry that has constant client interaction when you're constantly trying to show off your daddy's wealth and can't write an email with correct grammar?

Haha, the first thing I thought when I read the post was that they didn't give him the job because he didn't speak berry good Engrish! I can tell from his posts he's Asian...or a troll.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

TLDR, but gucci bag for men is pretty douchey, ESPECIALLY if it's "guccissima", "GG", or the "signature green-red-green ribbon" You could have come with a Ferragamo briefcase and looked more respectable. Long shaggy hair is not ok, classic taper (or graduation) is ok

I'm sure you would have gotten away with the shirt and/or watch if it wasn't everything all at once.

More is good, all is better

Not saying I'm on OP's side because he does come off as arrogant, but in his defense I'm guessing he is European (either French or Italian) because the test image he chose to show off the hair looks like someone of Euro descent and I'm assuming he chose it because it closely resembles him. I'm going to generalize here but most of the young new age Europeans I know are very fashion conscientious, so this is why he cares so much about the hair, the designer bag, the flashy shirts, and the Porsche.

With that said, complaining about it isn't going to get you anywhere, you are applying for the job, the company isn't applying for an employee, so you either fit the mold or take a hike. Also if your family business is successful and you're already raking in the dough why do you need IB as a stepping stone for whatever it is your dream is? You should be leveraging your family connections if it is as successful as you say. My 2 cents

"Do whatever it takes to keep the legend of Wall Street as it was truly intended live on. When you think back on investment banking of the early 21st century, remember the heat—remember the passion. But mostly, remember the titans. " - LSO
Not saying I'm on OP's side because he does come off as arrogant, but in his defense I'm guessing he is European (either French or Italian) because the test image he chose to show off the hair looks like someone of Euro descent and I'm assuming he chose it because it closely resembles him. I'm going to generalize here but most of the young new age Europeans I know are very fashion conscientious, so this is why he cares so much about the hair, the designer bag, the flashy shirts, and the Porsche.

With that said, complaining about it isn't going to get you anywhere, you are applying for the job, the company isn't applying for an employee, so you either fit the mold or take a hike. Also if your family business is successful and you're already raking in the dough why do you need IB as a stepping stone for whatever it is your dream is? You should be leveraging your family connections if it is as successful as you say. My 2 cents

I see where your coming from but in banking we still all dress like bankers, admittedly we wear cufflinks, hermes ties and tailored shirts rather than the american xxxxxxxxxxl parachute shirts, but anything but light blue/white/light pink shirts would have you laughed at and bullied by the entire firm.

on OP:

Your hair is probably alot longer than the pic you posted, but unless you look like a total dbag that should not be an issue.

Wearing a gucci bag in general is pretty classless and suggests your some nouveau riche russian, so that can contribute to a rejection.

Lol for getting hung up over a 1k watch. Tissot is like a b. avg brand at best in some offices youd get made fun of for not having a proper watch, but then again this being a local boutique that watch may have been more than the mds bonus.

What really killed you is the shirt, dark shirts??? rly??? are you some turkish bouncer at a club? Can I give you 20bucks to get in bro? Id insta ding anyone that showed up with a dark shirt lol.


Thanks for the advises. That shirt is already in my trash bin.

Not saying I'm on OP's side because he does come off as arrogant, but in his defense I'm guessing he is European (either French or Italian) because the test image he chose to show off the hair looks like someone of Euro descent and I'm assuming he chose it because it closely resembles him. I'm going to generalize here but most of the young new age Europeans I know are very fashion conscientious, so this is why he cares so much about the hair, the designer bag, the flashy shirts, and the Porsche.

With that said, complaining about it isn't going to get you anywhere, you are applying for the job, the company isn't applying for an employee, so you either fit the mold or take a hike. Also if your family business is successful and you're already raking in the dough why do you need IB as a stepping stone for whatever it is your dream is? You should be leveraging your family connections if it is as successful as you say. My 2 cents

I see where your coming from but in banking we still all dress like bankers, admittedly we wear cufflinks, hermes ties and tailored shirts rather than the american xxxxxxxxxxl parachute shirts, but anything but light blue/white/light pink shirts would have you laughed at and bullied by the entire firm.

on OP:

Your hair is probably alot longer than the pic you posted, but unless you look like a total dbag that should not be an issue.

Wearing a gucci bag in general is pretty classless and suggests your some nouveau riche russian, so that can contribute to a rejection.

Lol for getting hung up over a 1k watch. Tissot is like a b. avg brand at best in some offices youd get made fun of for not having a proper watch, but then again this being a local boutique that watch may have been more than the mds bonus.

What really killed you is the shirt, dark shirts??? rly??? are you some turkish bouncer at a club? Can I give you 20bucks to get in bro? Id insta ding anyone that showed up with a dark shirt lol.


It´s not about the clothes, it´s about what those clothes say about you. You only need to read your answers to know that you think you´re some kind of hot-shot and you are pretty arrogant. As an analyst in IB you are just the last monkey, no one cares about you, you have no voice and no rights, you are the bottom of the financial food chain. You really think after the image you project someone will expect you to be able to handle changing a comma at 5 a.m. without killing someone? They clearly made the right call not hiring you.

Oh, and like leveredarb said, dark shirt is an instant rejection. And I agree with everything else he said regarding the clothes per-se


What would u think if any candidate came to yr 'BIG COMPANY' to interview ? Would u hire him, let see hmmmm and he might with a lambo at the park making some smokes

I'm going to take SAT soon, and breaking to US Uni :) Which public school should I attend ?

At least he and I would have something to talk about.

After the interview, I started to realize that "fit" is so important. Even if that guy did hire me, I wouldn't be happy working for him.

I met a lot of wall street people, and became good friends with most of them. Some are in equity research in BoAML, MS, some are in hedge funds. While I do appreciate people giving their advises to me, I do take issues with extremely insecure individuals who constantly project their "been-there-done-that" "listen-to-me-because-I-was-also-egolistical-like-you-once" personality onto other people.

What would u think if any candidate came to yr 'BIG COMPANY' to interview ? Would u hire him, let see hmmmm and he might with a lambo at the park making some smokes

Also I was wearing sneakers and a Timex Ironman to an interview and I still came out with an SA offer. This was in quantland, though.

This is why I hate IBD. Guys join fraternities, not sororities. Obviously wearing a suit to an analyst interview that costs two weeks salary is a little douchey on any level, but otherwise folks should not be that concerned about what you wear. Naturally some folks need to become more sophisticated in attire than others, but it is how you carry yourself and the substance that you bring to the firm that counts.


For the record, the Porsche was definitely a boxter...

"What do you mean, you're gonna pass. Alan, the only people making money passing are NFL quarterbacks and I don't see a number on your back. "

Haha, wrong again. It's a 997 Carrera 4S. Boxter and Cayman are for girls. If a guy drives a Boxter or a Cayman, that's because he can't afford a 911 but wants to impress the ladies with the porsche badge on the hood.

For the record, the Porsche was definitely a boxter...
David Beckbacon:
Haha, wrong again. It's a 997 Carrera 4S. Boxter and Cayman are for girls. If a guy drives a Boxter or a Cayman, that's because he can't afford a 911 but wants to impress the ladies with the porsche badge on the hood.
For the record, the Porsche was definitely a boxter...
You drive a car from 1997? LOL.

Sticking to my rusty 2002 honda, thank you.


dark suit, 2 or 3 button, never double breasted, preferably no pattern

conservative tie, no loud colors, preferably foulard, repp if in us but not in uk unless you attended corresponding college or served in regiment

shoes black, preferably lace up oxfords without much ornamentation, matching belt

hair combed and trimmed neatly

shirt white or light blue, point collar preferable, cuffs and collars pressed especially neatly, no cufflinks if you are under 30

no tie bars

no earrings

no jewelry other than wedding ring

no hideously tacky and expensive watch

no logos on anything, that is tacky as fuck

i have seen all these rules broken, and not to good effect

that said, i am glad to be in quant land now. i walk around in my own office barefoot in jeans. oh yeah.


Guys, just to be clear, I've worn shirts with a "medium blue" color. To give you an idea, picture a shirt a little lighter than this:…-shirt-10489-7870_thumb.jpg

It really hasn't impeded my efforts or anything, but I only wear it to networking events, not interviews.

Senior guys, do you think it's cool to keep wearing it to networking, or "less formal" events than interviews?


I'm glad the system works and somebody stopped this little faggot from getting in.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

He is trying to troll us. But with my rusty $5K Honda and insane thrift to the rescue, I don't think he's going to go very far.

OP, it's time to upgrade. I know you're a thrifty guy with your used Armani suits and all- I used to pick them up at the Salvation Army Thrift Store too, but I do a lot better driving an 8 year old car and wearing new suits from JCP these days.


When you join the military, your head is shaved. This is done for several reasons, some of the most important of which are:

(1) So that you know who's boss

(2) So that you fit in and do not stand out -- you are NOT an individual any longer. This is important on a psychological level so that you can take orders without weighing your opinion against them, without hesitating.

Sound familiar?

When you join an investment bank as an analyst, you are not a human being. You are a "resource." I have sat in front of an MD speak about his team members like that when speaking to a client: "Sorry, we lost some resources this weekend."

If you would like to revert to being a human being (and stay in the industry), you must prove yourself through years of grueling labor, inhumane abuse, lose of personal expression, but most importantly, proof that you deserve to do whatever the fuck you want because at the end of the day you get your job done better than anyone else.

If you have a problem with this admittedly sick and unnecessary culture, then I suggest you stay away from it. If you're willing to accept getting your ass kicked, then work hard to prove yourself as quickly as you can and enjoy getting back some of the freedoms you like, as well as making the money you need to have the lifestyle you dream of.

Ok, watch your month buddy. My family runs successful business in west coast. I was already managing a subsidiary of the business when I was junior in college, generating millions revenue for the company. To me, that is normal, I earn every piece of that. I applied IB not because I need money. I left the family business because I have my own goal to chase.
Maybe this guy is not a troll. OP- what company is this? Want to help our PE guys out with strategy on a hostile LBO when Daddy resigns. Obviously you lack the wisdom and intellect to run a successful business.

I think they were trolling you OP. Even if they weren't why would you be such a schmuck and point out the "997" in the first place. You're being a tool


I look awful in white shirts. I'm not going to wear a white shirt to look "humble". Give me a break.

Honestly though, if anything, he probably thought you were a stuck up rich kid. Totally a guess but that might be what he was thinking with the whole be humble thing.

If I'm the MD and get to choose between some kid who looks like his dad bought him an attire he could trade in for a Benz S550 and another kid with nearly the same qualifications who looks like he got his suit at Kohls, I'll pick the latter. That's just me, but I'm more of an equalizer when it makes sense.


So your parents put you in charge of one of their business segments, you didn't fuck it up, you got a salary that you parent's paid you therefore you've earned your way and are essentially self made. Sounds about right



I disagree with what many of your posts imply: that you are stylish and are being punished for it. It's not that you're stylish and bankers are not. It's that you don't seem to dress with class. Not sure what the story is about your hair, since mine isn't that short and I had no trouble...

Anyway, it is possible to be stylish, classy, and understated simultaneously. I got an offer at a BB S&T, wearing a ralph lauren black label suit (a very tailored cut) in a lighter shade of navy, an hermes tie, and an RL shirt with silver bar cufflinks. Shoes were C&J westbournes. Briefcase was a prada saffiano. All in all, quite a solid outfit I'd say, even by your lofty standards.

The thing about all of these things is that none of them had any visible brand logo (the case has tiny lettering), anything distinctive/jarring, or anything loud. In fact I received compliments from several of my interviewers, because it is all very understated, yet polished.

You can't walk into an interview with a green+red ribbon, gold-G bag and expect a job, people recognize that you haven't got class. Instead, you should have bought a real briefcase.

As for your watch I am not sure what model it is. Watches usually are not a problem in interviews; I have used an omega seamaster and more recently, a rolex gmt master and neither has attracted comment. Once again, the impression these give off is that the owner has a few high-end things but isn't obsessed with style or fashion; rather he/she wants to own a few nice things that will last. I think that is the impression you should be trying to convey.

To all others-not trying to boast here, and I hope you don't take it as such, just trying to give OP some insights.



oh, and about the shirt:

I usually wear white, but sky blue or even a light pink is more than acceptable (maybe the pink wouldn't fly in interviews).

If you wore a dark shirt, that is simply not acceptable for business. This isn't an ad agency or fashion magazine, and don't treat it as such. As another said earlier, tailoring and style can be achieved without crossing these lines. a simple, very tailored wso/">suit with well-cut white shirt and blue tie is more than stylish enough for any setting (see DC in QoS maybe for reference).

Don't confuse fashion with style+class.

Also, what is a Porsche?

I believe that a Porsche is an old wood ship. Or it means a whale's vagina. The translation seems to have been lost centuries ago. No one can be sure.

[quote=patternfinder]Of course, I would just buy in scales. [/quote] See my WSO Blog | my AMA

oops hahaha guess i need some attention to detail, didn't read the rest of the page. anyway my advice above still stands, he can have all the style he wants so long as he maintains class and respect for the business and position he's applying for.

sorry illini my bad tho


One note on blue shirts for interviews - I've always worn light blue shirts for interviews. I think that, particularly for the older generation, they still create a subconscious connection to the traditional blue collar/white collar distinguishment between labor and management. I want any potential employer to know that I am coming in there to get my elbows dirty and get work done.

I don't really think it's made much of a difference one way or the other, but I do feel that it helps connect me to my blue collar roots.


If your family is so succesful and you are running a multi million dollar subsidy. Why dont you have any connections to get you into IBanking? Why would you want to work at an Ibank for a salary when you are an heir to a throne?

"The higher up the mountain, the more treacherous the path" -Frank Underwood

dumb question. Who wouldn't pass up millions of dollars from the family business to go work 110 hours a week for $70k?


[quote=Simple As...]This is how I imagine the OP.


LOL. Fucking love Day-Day.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.
Flake][quote=Simple As...:
This is how I imagine the OP.


LOL. Fucking love Day-Day.

Your comments are infinitely more amusing knowing what you look like from the WSO Happy Hour pictures.
I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.

Cupiditate tenetur officiis nostrum ratione aut omnis voluptatem quam. Ea necessitatibus vitae aperiam quis earum minima. Quis sunt nisi culpa nihil mollitia laborum est. Ab repudiandae minima officiis qui fugiat quia harum.

Ex illum officia in. Eius quis asperiores enim tempora ut cupiditate expedita.

Nostrum sint nisi consequatur perferendis architecto fugiat vel. Qui quod nihil fugiat quo quisquam fugiat recusandae enim. Laboriosam qui laborum earum velit possimus blanditiis doloribus. Corrupti suscipit amet quia velit.

Vero minima occaecati eligendi sint. Possimus deserunt et laboriosam quibusdam optio.

[quote=patternfinder]Of course, I would just buy in scales. [/quote] See my WSO Blog | my AMA

Sit vel ut dolorem. Voluptatibus odit quae ut tempora sint. Cumque ad atque assumenda vero voluptates dolorem. Velit aut explicabo cumque perferendis nihil omnis. Sequi quos ad aperiam ratione sit. Laboriosam et dolore eos non dolores.

Vero aut commodi quia aliquam quos. Voluptatem ipsam impedit omnis officia praesentium. Qui eveniet et qui vel et. Sed laboriosam occaecati in dolorem voluptatem. Rerum vel commodi omnis eligendi dolor. Nisi iste dolorem eos voluptatibus expedita occaecati corporis.

Mollitia qui molestiae incidunt rerum sapiente. Ab culpa voluptatibus praesentium. Inventore architecto minus non. Consectetur soluta nesciunt et voluptatem repudiandae. Ut similique et beatae reprehenderit ut aut perspiciatis nihil.

Molestiae aut error in qui. Repellat ut explicabo quod ab aspernatur qui blanditiis dolores. Cupiditate occaecati tenetur excepturi doloribus commodi. Mollitia qui alias et quae. Possimus ipsum fugiat et voluptatum culpa ipsum voluptas.

More is good, all is better

Omnis ab vitae quis sit. Consequatur in quibusdam non. Esse eius repudiandae distinctio neque repellendus.

Ut voluptatem molestias et qui qui quia. Quas magnam est nemo vitae quas saepe et est. Non dolore itaque id dignissimos id et qui.

Qui similique corrupti omnis. Numquam sed reiciendis officia sapiente enim a. Et qui ut fugiat deleniti alias pariatur laudantium. Eveniet commodi rerum qui omnis. Et asperiores facilis velit quia qui qui dignissimos. Nemo sit quis quidem aut alias cumque.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 19 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (93) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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