How To Fix Shoe Wrinkles

Guys, any tips of fixing or eliminating shoe wrinkles in the future? Some of my shoes get them, some don't.

Fix Creases in Leather Shoes

Our users shared their thoughts below. Generally speaking, the best way to avoid the wrinkling is prevention. You should purchase shoe trees and put shoe trees on your shoes as soon as you get home. You should also wear your shoes in rotation giving them time to "recover." Do not wear the same shoes on back to back days.

cphbravo96 - Private Equity Analyst:
I use shoe tree religiously for all of my shoes and haven't had the wrinkling occur.

As SEC said, buy shoes trees, decent quality cedar trees, not plastic or anything else. When you get home, take your shoes off and put the trees in as soon as possible, preferably still warm and moist from your hard day at work. The trees will help keep the form while drawing the moisture out.

Lastly, the best way to keep your shoes in good condition is to not wear them two days in a row. Obviously, that means buying 2 pairs of dress shoes, but the theory is that rotating will make them last longer, thus providing you a better return on your investment. I realize that might seem a bit crazy, but it's probably all the more important for IBers because the recovery time for their shoes to dry out is substantially less than the average worker bee.

Most people getting home at 6pm and taking their shoes off have a solid 12 hours before putting them back on. For lots of bankers, that might be 4-8 hours depending on the give it some thought if you can spare the change.

User @TNA" explained how to rehab already creased shoes.

  1. Get leather cleaner and use it.
  2. Get leather conditioner and use it.
  3. Polish when step 1 and 2 is done.
  4. Insert shoe tree.

Different leathers wear differently, but you should be able to help those shoes out some.

Allen Edmonds Shoe Trees

You can find this popular shoe tree - Allen Edmonds on Amazon.

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Best Response
Shoe trees.

I actually don't wear my dress shoes very much, as we have a pretty casual working environment, but I use shoe tree religiously for all of my shoes and haven't had the wrinkling occur.

As SEC said, buy shoes trees, decent quality cedar trees, not plastic or anything else. When you get home, take your shoes off and put the trees in as soon as possible, preferably still warm and moist from your hard day at work. With the trees will help keep the form while drawing the moisture out.

Lastly, the best way to keep your shoes in good condition is to not wear them two days in a row. Obviously that means buying 2 pairs of black and 2 pairs of dress shoes, but the theory is rotating will make them last longer, thus providing you a better return on your investment. I realize that might seem a bit crazy, but it's probably all the more important for IBers because the recovery time for their shoes to dry out is substantially less than the average worker bee.

Most people getting home at 6pm and taking their shoes off have a solid 12 hours before putting them back on. For lots of bankers, that might be 4-8 hours depending on the give it some thought if you can spare the change.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
Shoe trees.

I actually don't wear my dress shoes very much, as we have a pretty casual working environment, but I use shoe tree religiously for all of my shoes and haven't had the wrinkling occur.

As SEC said, buy shoes trees, decent quality cedar trees, not plastic or anything else. When you get home, take your shoes off and put the trees in as soon as possible, preferably still warm and moist from your hard day at work. With the trees will help keep the form while drawing the moisture out.

Lastly, the best way to keep your shoes in good condition is to not wear them two days in a row. Obviously that means buying 2 pairs of black and 2 pairs of dress shoes, but the theory is rotating will make them last longer, thus providing you a better return on your investment. I realize that might seem a bit crazy, but it's probably all the more important for IBers because the recovery time for their shoes to dry out is substantially less than the average worker bee.

Most people getting home at 6pm and taking their shoes off have a solid 12 hours before putting them back on. For lots of bankers, that might be 4-8 hours depending on the give it some thought if you can spare the change.


Thanks bravo. Good thoughts. I have 2 pairs of black and one pair of brown. I need to switch off more (will wear them too often I think).

Will try and respond to your PM tomorrow.


That is a wicked crease. Looks like a thick/hard leather? Most shoes I own have a soft or thin leather - like they are designed to wrinkle, and eventually they do, but its consistent throughout and it looks natural.

That is a wicked crease. Looks like a thick/hard leather? Most shoes I own have a soft or thin leather - like they are designed to wrinkle, and eventually they do, but its consistent throughout and it looks natural.

They have hardened over time. That pair I've had for over a year. Fairly regular wear (one of my 3 pairs I wear to work, unless I have a client or biz dev meeting). I used to shine/polish regularly, but I've struggled to keep up.


Cheap leather will crack easier. You can rescue most good quality shoes but once poor leather is done, it is done.

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper

Try not to bend your feet when you walk. Style > comfort.

Frank Sinatra - "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy."

1) Get leather cleaner and use it.

2) Get leather conditioner and use it.

3) Polish when step 1 and 2 is done.

4) Insert shoe tree.

Different leathers wear differently, but you should be able to help those shoes out some.

<span class=keyword_link><a href=/company/trilantic-north-america>TNA</a></span>:
1) Get leather cleaner and use it.

2) Get leather conditioner and use it.

3) Polish when step 1 and 2 is done.

4) Insert shoe tree.

Different leathers wear differently, but you should be able to help those shoes out some.

This would probably work. If it doesn't try using olive oil instead. Soccer players use it on cleats.


Just buy new shoes, those look like the cost 40 dollars. Spend money on quality shoes that will last.

"The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets." -John D. Rockefeller

Alright fellas. Still having issues. Ponied up for some more expensive brands (think just below AE in terms of price) and I'm having the same issues.

I've been waiting for AE to go on sale to try Park Avenues, but after looking at them at Nordstrom's the past weekend, I'm not sure the leather upper is any different.

From what I can tell, my walk hasn't changed, so I'm not sure why I'm having issues with creases/wrinkles all of the sudden in my dress shoes. I even shined and polished a brand new pair of Mezlan's and still got some slight creasing after only one day's wear.



Shoes are going to show wrinkles no matter what quality. I switch out a few pairs and try to keep shoe trees in them and shine them and it seems to work to an extent. If you look at anyone's shoes even the MDs with the super nice shoes, you will see the same thing. Unfortunately once you wear them once, they will never look like they did when you first opened the box.

Gunga Galoonga ...:

Shoes are going to show wrinkles no matter what quality. I switch out a few pairs and try to keep shoe trees in them and shine them and it seems to work to an extent. If you look at anyone's shoes even the MDs with the super nice shoes, you will see the same thing. Unfortunately once you wear them once, they will never look like they did when you first opened the box.

Makes sense. I always feel like mine wrinkle worse and quicker. Maybe it is just my imagination or annoyance with the problem.


Your profile says you're an associate -- stop being so cheap and spend 700 bucks on two pairs of Allen Edmonds

"I've been waiting for AE to go on sale to try Park Avenues, but after looking at them at Nordstrom's the past weekend, I'm not sure the leather upper is any different."

Well, what shoes were those in the photo?

Also, you do realize that leather shoes will wrinkle no matter what. It adds character.


Your profile says you're an associate -- stop being so cheap and spend 700 bucks on two pairs of Allen Edmonds

"I've been waiting for AE to go on sale to try Park Avenues, but after looking at them at Nordstrom's the past weekend, I'm not sure the leather upper is any different."

Well, what shoes were those in the photo?

Also, you do realize that leather shoes will wrinkle no matter what. It adds character.

True, I just hoped they wouldn't crease like the ones in the photo. Think they are CH.


Have a few pairs of them from AE.

Don't really know what to do with this information?

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper

This is dead simple, you know what they do at shoe stores is stuff them full of newspapers etc. filler up! Crease Free!


Get a shoe tree one size too big. It will straighten out the wrinkles. Put cream on the wrinkled area. Use a shoe gun about six inches of effected area no longer than 20-30 (all up). Twice is recommended. Do not do sides and especially that little flap where the shoelaces go.. it will put them out of shape. Alternatively, submerge in water for 5-10 minutes, place on shoe tree. Dry with blow dryer, careful not to dry out the leather. Moisturize! Leather is like skin.


Get a shoe tree one size too big. It will straighten out the wrinkles. Put cream on the wrinkled area. Use a heat gun about six inches of effected area no longer than 20-30 (all up). Twice is recommended. Do not do sides and especially that little flap where the shoelaces go.. it will put them out of shape. Alternatively, submerge in water for 5-10 minutes, place on shoe tree. Dry with blow dryer, careful not to dry out the leather. Moisturize! Leather is like skin.


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