idk..does calvin klein to custom?

there are independent tailors / dry cleaners that tailor existing clothes for your measurements

other than..if you've a grand to spend on this - then paul stuart, tom james , etc.

------------ I'm making it up as I go along.

The first that came to mind was Geneva if you don't care about price – I personally would go through Jantzen (cheap and good quality, but it is a process from what I understand), see below. I have not used either, so can't offer personal experience.

From Ask Andy About Clothes

In the past year I have had the opportunity to try many NYC shirtmakers. Given that quite a few questions are asked about these makers on a regular basis I have detailed below a quick summary of my experiences.

Alex will undoubtedly chastise me for being such a cheater, but I am a naturally curious person - shirts, relative to suits, are not horribly expensive and thus, allow me to try various makers without breaking the bank.

Geneva Custom Shirts I have been very happy with Geneva and they are now my "go-to" shirtmaker. There is a real willingness on their part to correct mistakes and ensure the customer leaves their store happy. Quality of contruction is top notch, with a beautifully designed semi-soft collar (a little roll but it doesn't rumple much). All of my styling and fit requests were promptly accepted, and in some cases, a polite alternative was suggested. Price is reasonable as well. However, mistakes happen at a fairly regular clip - simple stuff like a sleeve placket button missing and the like but it is still somewhat frustrating - they will however fix everything asap

Thomas Mason Silverline (or equivalent shirting) Price: $225 Rating: A

Ascot Chang AC was my first NYC custom shirt experience and I have been very happy with them. Their location right off 5th avenue may lead one to believe that they simply want to rush customers out the door and book profits but that is definitely not the case. Unlike Geneva, AC is a MTM shirt ( i.e. a pattern is not cut for each customer) but prices for TS Silverline are reasonable (~$200) and the service is outstanding. I received 3 fittings from them on my first shirt with not a single complaint on their part. Highly recommended.

Thomas Mason Silverline (or equivalent shirting) Price: $200 Rating: B+

CEGO I mentioned in a recent SF thread that I was very dissapointed with Carl's service. I placed an order for 3 shirts, none of my requests were acknowledged, much less incorporated, and Carl was less than pleasant during the process. That's all I'll say on CEGO as I do not want this thread to mutate into another CEGO Lovers v. CEGO Haters.

Thomas Mason Silverline (or equivalent shirting) Price: $200 Rating: E

Paris Custom Shirts Paris was disappointing only because they make such an outstanding product but fall short on customer service. Their collars are outstanding and the fit is good. However, Paris will make mistakes and often fail to acknowledge the fact. Simple example, I have never asked for a box pleat on a shirt (I abhor them and have always opted for a plain back) - Paris put the box pleat on one of my shirts and, after I complained, argued that I had specifically requested the box pleat. Simple summary: outstanding shirts, poor customer service

Thomas Mason Silverline (or equivalent shirting) Price: $285 Rating: C

Dege & Skinner Robert Whittaker visits NYC ever so often and offers a good MTM shirt service. The fabrics offered are nice (lots of Acorn) and Whittaker is knowledgeable and easy to work with - the price is a about 20% higher than NYC shirtmakers who use comparable cloth. All in, a good service but the lack of a fitting and dealing with a shirtmaker who travels to NYC only every few months makes this less than optimal.

Thomas Mason Silverline (or equivalent shirting) Price: $280 (depends on xe rate) Rating: B

Salvatore Piccollo A lot of negative things have been written about Piccolo, a Neapolitan shirtmaker who visits NYC every 2 months. The majority of these reviews have come from people who have 'friends' in Naples who have been less than impressed with Piccolo. My impression was different - Piccolo was good to work with, all my requests were incorporated and the final shirt fits very well. Piccolo, despite being a traveling shirtmaker, also insisted on giving me 2 fittings as he correctly deduced that I was a hard fit. He also carries interesting fabrics (like Riva) which are not easily available from NYC shirtmakers. He is, however, expensive with the Riva's coming in at $350 and TS Silverline at $280.

Thomas Mason Silverline (or equivalent shirting) Price: $280 Rating: B+

Charvet MTM Through Saks This is NOT the same product you would get in Paris so please do not email me calling me a twit for having less than positive things to say about Charvet through Saks. A few months ago I had quite a few Amex points saved up and decided to get myself some Charvet shirts through Saks Fifth Avenue. The lady responsible for Charvet shirts continously bragged about how she had flown to Paris to learn the measuring process from senior Charvet salespeople, but she had absolutely no clue what she was doing. The resulting $450 shirt took 6 months to make and fit like a OTR shirt.

Thomas Mason Silverline (or equivalent shirting) Price: $450 Rating: F

Special Mentions

Jantzen For $43, Jantzen produces, hands-down, the best value shirt anywhere on the planet. Fabrics are decent, construction is excellent and customer service is honestly not as bad as many assume. The trick is to CALL Ricky once you have placed an order, be very polite and send him a Xmas card. Using this method, my shirts ALWAYS came within 6-8 weeks. However, as this is a long-distance service, I ran through 6-8 shirts before I even came up with a shirt I considered wearable. I soon tired of the back and forth, and decided to cough up the extra cash to work with pricier folks like Geneva. Its been about an year since my last Jantzen order, but I would not hesitate to recommend Ricky to anyone.

Thomas Mason Silverline (or equivalent shirting) Price: n/a (Japanese 2x2's for $43) Rating: B

Hemrajani I met Joe in a San Francisco hotel room many years ago and ordered 2 shirts to start with. The fit was good if not exceptional, but the prices were reasonable and the customer service excellent. When I received one shirt in a fabric different than the one I specified, Joe asked that I nonetheless keep the shirt and he would make the correct shirt for me asap.

Thomas Mason Silverline (or equivalent shirting) Price: $125 Rating: B-

Hope this was helpful. Please feel free to ask specific questions as I know I have simply sketched some broad strokes here.

Panzer Last edited by Panzeraxe; May 1st, 2007 at 09:27.…

fdba Emory Blaine and BBA or otherwise trying to find the perfect pseudonym.
Best Response

I've had experience with CEGO and Jantzen..

CEGO - good, had nicer cloth, the guy that runs it is not huge on customer service, but he's a nice enough guy and makes a high quality shirt. Not sure how expensive it was because I got the cloth on sale (making the shirt itself was about $110, plus maybe $50 for the cloth, although again it was on sale).

Jantzen - I got measured actually in their Hong Kong store and it was great. Measured on Friday, picked up the shirt on Tuesday. Given this, I can't comment on their online experience, but from what I have seen they are far and away the best value for the money. They don't have super high-end, name brand cloths, but the shirt cost me roughly $50 USD and it is fantastic and not noticeably different than my CEGO shirt, except again with cloth quality. If any of you are going to be in Hong Kong before starting your SA or FT gigs, I highly recommend these guys. You can't get a good off the rack shirt in the U.S. for $50, let alone a made to measure one. From what I have heard, however, their online experience is significantly less smooth, but still I think it's worth a try if you know your measurements well.

I am going to be ordering more Jantzen shirts in the future, now that they have my measurements on file. Will likely stick with these guys unless something is very much on sale somewhere else. Feel free to PM me with questions.

Hi, Eric Stratton, rush chairman, damn glad to meet you.

Go to Mohan Custom Tailors, he has the best service and great prices for custom dress shirts. I would rather pay for custom tailored shirts than brands at the store. Go check it out highly recommended, my managers and I know numerous members of senior management buy their suits and dress clothes from their. Walt Clyde Frazier is one of his top customers.


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Turnbull & Asser yet at 50 E 57th St. OP didn't mention a budget, so the sky's the limit. Just know that your first order of shirts has to be a minimum of 6 shirts.

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Turnbull & Asser yet at 50 E 57th St. OP didn't mention a budget, so the sky's the limit. Just know that your first order of shirts has to be a minimum of 6 shirts.

Turnbull & Asser is awesome. Great quality and knowledgable staff. They dress the presidents, I'm pretty sure they have Reagan's measurements on display in their NY store.


CEGO hands down. I get shirts made in less than 2 weeks. Granted I have put in numerous orders and broke bread with him over a couple glasses of scotch in his studio.

As for Carl's lack of customer service, differentiate between reluctance to fix mistakes/own his product and "jerking you off" while he measures you. I have never had any issues with him regarding fixing his product. He's opinionated simple as that and I can see how he rubs people the wrong way, but I love him. He's a straight shooter like myself. In conclusion, if you're looking for someone who will tell you what you want to hear, Carl is definitely not for you.


I second Proper Cloth. You can get fabrics for roughly $100 that fit great and are good quality. They have a first fit guarantee and have an online and a physical store downtown. They also post your measurements online which is great and very unusual. Most custom clothiers range from 130-170 for lower tier fabrics so this place offers a bit of a discount, offers a guarantee, and is stocked with plenty of good fabrics. I also like the customer loyalty program - rewards for referrals, reviews, and purchases.


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