Jan 23, 2024

Private Credit 2023 Bonus Megathread

Has a thread for 2023 private credit comp been started yet? 

Level: [AN1 / AN2 / AS1 / VP2 etc]

Institution: [Large AM / PC shop / AUM etc]

Group: [DL / Special Sits / Infra / Industry Focus etc]

Ranking: [Bottom / Middle / Top]


Base $$$ / Bonus $$$ / Total Comp $$$

% Stock / Deferred / Carry:


Based on the most helpful WSO content, it seems that a thread for 2023 private credit compensation has not been explicitly mentioned in the context provided. However, there are threads from previous years, such as the "2022 Private Credit Year End Comp" and "2021 Private Credit Year End Comp," which indicate that discussions around compensation in private credit are a recurring topic on the Wall Street Oasis forums.

If you're looking to start or find a thread for 2023 private credit compensation, you might want to check the Credit Forum on Wall Street Oasis or start a new discussion there if one hasn't been created yet. These threads typically include detailed compensation data from various professionals in the industry, which can be quite insightful for benchmarking purposes.

Remember to include the level, institution type, group, ranking, location, and compensation details when contributing to such threads, as these details help provide a comprehensive view of the compensation landscape in private credit.

Sources: S&T Bonus/Comp Thread 2023, 2022 Private Credit Year End Comp, 2021 Private Credit Year End Comp, London Private Credit Compensation 2022, Private Credit Comp

I'm an AI bot trained on the most helpful WSO content across 17+ years.

No senior associates, 3-4 years from associate to VP depending on how good you are. We’ll mutually cull those who aren’t getting promoted


Sure, my firm splits UW and PM and I wanted to stay with the portfolio companies after close to learn what makes a good company vs a bad from an execution standpoint. I also wanted more stability and PM/RX is pretty recession resilient. Ive enjoyed PM and am moving to UW soon having learned a lot.

Its also more chill with predictable hrs vs UW. Worked on avg 40 hrs with occasional fire drills and 60-70hr weeks once per quarter. 


Level: Sr Aso Yr 1 (prev 2 years IB and 2 years ASO)

Institution: $5-$7bn AUM PE/PC shop

Group: Private Credit

Ranking: Top

Hours: 50

Location: NYC

Base $165k / Bonus $175k / Total Comp $340k. $350k Carry DAW (useless)

New Base: $185... feeling undercomped

Do you get carry refreshers every year?    Tbh feels relatively in-line for fund size (assume its probably $1-2bn dedicated to credit).  

Better question likely is -> what would you expect to be paid?  


Level: AN1 stub

Institution: 15bn AUM independent credit fund

Group: all juniors are generalists

Ranking: No bonus differentiation (stub)

Location: London

£70k base / £23k bonus (stub, started in Jul)

% Stock / Deferred / Carry: 0

got raise to 80k retroactive to Jan so am happy


Level: Sr. ASO 1 (2yrs BB IB, 2 yrs ASO)
Institution: MF PC
Group: direct lending
Location: NYC
Hours: 50-60 avg
Base: $160K / Bonus: $350K / Carry: ~$175k paid cash quarterly / total comp: $685K


Sounds like HPS... 

Negative, associates are not at $160 base at HPS 


Level: Senior Associate
Institution: PC shop $3-5bn AUM
Group: investment team (all generalist)
Ranking : Top
Location : NYC
Comp: $315k base / $50k bonus, all cash
Carry: 150bps

Curious how people view this package. I’ve been content and view the total comp being highly skewed towards base as a positive. But hard to not get jealous of those making 5 hundo at the MFs


AN2 at PC fund in Continental Europe
Direct Lending and Mezzanine
Hours: 45-50 on average the last 6 months
Base 80k EUR + 40k bonus


Now sure if this counts

Level: AN1

Group: HY credit research 

Ranking: Top (250bill aum)

Location: NYC

Base $105k / Bonus $35k / Total Comp $140k

looking to move shops


Would anyone here be willing to have a convo about transitioning from IB to PC at the associate level?

Congrats on what seems to be great comp this year 


Level: Associate 3

Institution: PC at a credit focused manager

Ranking: Top

Location: NYC

Base $175k / Bonus $175 / Total Comp $350k

% Stock / Deferred / Carry: Awarded carry I'd value at maybe $100-150k conservatively


Its a fixed % of recent funds and both vests / fully pays out over 3 years given duration.


Mind sharing brief background and hours? IB prior to current role? Would be much appreciated to the extent you feel comfortable. 



$6B AUM Direct Lending Fund


Base: $200K / Cash Bonus: $260K / Equity $340K / Total $800K


Level: VP2

Institution: MM PC $<1B AUM

Group: Opportunistic Strategy, Generalist

Ranking: Top

Location: Non-NYC

Base $190 / Bonus $190/ Total Comp $380 (going to $210K)

All cash, 300-400bps carry in each fund we have. 

Life is more than dollars

Role: Origination VP (ish) weird title structure

City: Chicago

Firm: Boutique (under $500MM AUM)

Group: Special Sit/legal assets

Base/$275K Bonus/$140k/$300k in equity (illiquid) Total Cash Comp:$415k

(Non target as shit, came up through a non traditional track at a borrower)


Autem ea nisi id quia corrupti dolor. Eos qui et qui a veniam ratione. Cupiditate ut deserunt ex illo quia qui quo. Consequatur modi dolorum est. Fugiat qui tempore debitis minima eos ipsam aut. Totam nobis sint ut facilis consectetur animi. Asperiores molestiae consequatur animi porro.

Incidunt excepturi dignissimos illum sed eveniet distinctio vel. Numquam voluptatem beatae voluptatem. Non dolores et sequi nemo. Porro ut at porro. Cupiditate sunt voluptatem officia dolor nihil possimus rem.

Molestias harum vitae minima et quidem. Eius ea dolore sed sint. Aut deleniti delectus consequatur ea.

Eveniet quod autem sapiente. Ipsum repudiandae aspernatur dicta eum excepturi voluptas eveniet saepe. Voluptatum culpa impedit ipsa et dolor. Aut earum ipsam et aut laborum est.


Velit id aut quis facere similique tenetur. Asperiores hic facere ut vel facilis. Nesciunt itaque delectus impedit molestiae deleniti.

Repudiandae voluptatem labore voluptas quibusdam. Recusandae nobis minus id doloremque. Qui omnis atque pariatur quam similique. Vel dicta ab autem incidunt sapiente.

Expedita non quis neque cumque. Delectus et inventore molestias perspiciatis minus. Architecto deleniti occaecati eos dicta et voluptas. Commodi ut est voluptatem.

Id rem asperiores eaque eveniet sint. Similique distinctio eligendi quia. Nulla libero consequatur eius consequatur alias dolores. Unde enim officia molestias et et praesentium ad ut.


Id praesentium quo dolor aperiam. Ipsum eius velit rerum et ipsa. Sequi sint qui alias ipsam vitae molestias odio. Temporibus dolores minima excepturi sint et vel nisi officia. Odit provident voluptate minus est ea. Quam natus nihil quasi quae natus.

Cum quo ipsam repellendus sed laborum velit consequatur. Ea cumque rerum impedit quis.


Mollitia dolores quo velit magnam ut quod non in. Dolorem excepturi officiis sint totam et odit. Perferendis fugiat quod maxime alias iste.

Officiis accusamus facilis autem sit qui quia. Modi et sapiente voluptatem quo est aut sint. Eos quo et non quaerat perspiciatis dolores.

Adipisci dicta repellendus ex ut eligendi quia minus. Necessitatibus ut quod repellendus ratione amet. Unde in non labore qui suscipit nihil numquam.

Eligendi totam deserunt eos rerum. Et reprehenderit velit amet atque nihil. Tempore voluptas velit rerum unde quis nulla quis.


A qui odio dolores est voluptatibus nesciunt et. At sit sint error qui perspiciatis. Nihil esse qui consectetur et id et neque autem. Est praesentium laborum facere consequatur amet. Repellendus harum et voluptate tempora vel architecto suscipit. Iure nobis voluptatem at est. Molestias beatae et ab quos fugiat.

Harum sunt et et. Rerum nihil illo quas nihil. Quidem accusantium officiis et non.

Debitis omnis voluptatem nostrum. Modi dignissimos vitae qui sint. Esse qui et omnis velit. Est facilis dolore eligendi qui doloremque quae quia. Fuga aliquid quam unde recusandae est quidem.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • Credit Suisse 04 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (155) $101
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