GE FMP Internship - Offering any advice?

There's a ton of great information on here about the FT program that I have enjoyed reading, very little available on the internship. I'm interning this summer with GE at one of their US HQs (not capital). I wanted to see if anyone on here has interned with GE and can offer any advice on preparing for the summer or would just care to share about their experience. How was the experience viewed by other FT recruiters after the summer?

Additionally, I am interested in advice on switching GE businesses following the internship and the difficulty of trying to do so (e.g. interning with GE Energy/HC and going full time to GE Capital).


Yes- GE Capital's FMP program is a good internship to have, as it is from a very well respected company that produces great leaders. This will help strengthen your resume, and though it won't necessarily be the primary reason for an interview (gpa, EC's, etc...), it will certainly help. Make sure you take away some good stories while at GE, as those will be the main talking points during interviews.

Enjoy your summer!

Also, are you in Cincinnati or Connecticut?

  1. Major lazer is SICK live. if you haven't had the chance to check em out live, DO IT asap.
  2. GE Capital is well respected. Know your technicals and why the switch to investment banking. Be able to talk about your exp at GE and you should be good to go.

For consulting? I'd say GE FMP, as you would be getting industry experience from a top leadership development program. Seeing how an international corporation like GE works from the inside would be much more useful than helping create pitchbooks and doing basic research IMO


I would personally go with GE. Consulting firms appreciate F500 work exp, so GE should position you well for FT recruitment.

Potentially, if you do the boutique ibanking job, consulting firms might think that you are trying to go for banking primarily and using consulting as a back up.

Best Response

I agree with the above posters. GE FMP is a wonderful leadership program that should put you in a good position for FT consulting gigs. But, if the boutique you're referring to is one of the top boutiques, think twice because MBB consulting firms love candidates who did banking at a top boutique or BB. I personally know three people who worked a top boutiques and are now going to work for BCG and McKinsey FT.


I've tried for a bunch of accelerated programs that haven't worked out and have gone for sophomore programs in the past. I will keep applying for IB, but but I'm mainly looking for WSO's opinions on the long-term opportunities afforded by these three positions (assuming I am given/accept a FT offer from them after the summer).



Long story short, my contacts are under the impression that I want to work in their groups (i.e. trading) because I figured it would be easier to break in that way - we've talked too much to bring up the issue now.

**I guess I should ask which of the above would be looked at as more prestigious on a top b-school app, assuming I stick with it for FT? I'd love to just accept an offer at the end of this summer and be able to relax a bit senior year.


I call bullshit. New poster, taking over the family conglomerate? Falseroni. How exactly do you expect to be a serial entrepreneur while running a conglomerate? Those two things are at opposite ends of the expertise spectrum, and either one could easily suck up 100 hours a week.

This is a poor attempt at a troll thread to get people into a pissing contest about IBM vs GE.


It isn't if you consider that this is in a small third world country NOT in the USA. I didn't think it was important but yes, my family does own several large businesses in ranching, farming and food manufacturing. So no, I can't buy my way into anything I wanted (especially in the USA ) and yes I do have several opportunities to start my own businesses (most of which will probably be small at first). I wish I had the corporate power that would bring in the US :-)

I apologize for any confusion but no I am not a troll and I would appreciate some serious answers.


Ok, well for your clarification: GE is a conglomerate. Tata is a conglomerate. A handful of family owned farms is not.

Go with GE if your goal is a top MBA program.


Thank you for your input.

I am not going to argue that my family businesses are on the same scale as GE or Tata however they are much more than a few farms and I would think that the principals of management would be the same regardless. I was just asking which program would better prepare me for entrepreneurism and managing businesses in several different fields. Not to get into my family history or be called a lier because some people don't realize that there could be international posters on this board.


FMP interns get paid based on age and experience and depending on business (Capital, Energy etc). Usually first time inter get around 17$/hr and second years get 20$. Also, depending on the business, they'll force rank your project scores and manager evals to decide whether or not you get an offer. This all varies though depending on whom you are working for and where you are working.


They want juniors and they have non-FMP internships for sophomores. Their target schools are different from what BBs look for. Not all of the Ivies - mostly top public schools with a few big-name private schools in the mix. Referrals help big time. Anything above 3.0 should be good enough for an interview. Interviews are not difficult and generally non-technical. GE wants lifers which is why they put so much effort into their leadership/rotational programs and evaluating fit.


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Qui architecto dignissimos eveniet. Nobis et et corporis ratione saepe provident eius.

Temporibus placeat ea id expedita est consequatur quidem. Iste omnis nisi sed minima veniam est. Consectetur ipsam sapiente placeat quis nemo.

Est dolores qui nulla dolorum quibusdam saepe. Beatae et dolores harum et non consequatur necessitatibus. Mollitia consequatur sunt sint sint eum. Provident vero quae aliquam modi. Similique veritatis enim qui qui. Perferendis similique est enim labore repudiandae id natus omnis.


Veritatis ullam eos voluptas. Reiciendis assumenda asperiores ut aut libero consequuntur voluptatibus. Exercitationem eius iste commodi dolores aut rem enim est. Non architecto dolore rerum quia ipsa. Mollitia ut corrupti enim voluptatem amet. Aut aut autem nulla nisi ut error modi culpa. Est placeat voluptas ipsum tenetur ut.

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Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 98.3%
  • William Blair 03 97.7%
  • Lazard Freres 06 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 06 97.7%
  • Credit Suisse 04 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (213) $160
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (154) $101
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