Why is McKinsey's Sophomore Diversity Leaders Internship only open to students at Harvard, Yale, Penn and Duke?


This restriction seems kind of random. Does anyone know if they are strict about it or have plans to apply anyway if not from one of the aforementioned schools? Also, does McK offer any other networking opportunities outside of formal recruiting?

Best Response
seedy underbelly:
Unsurprised. McKinsey is obsessed with 'prestige'.

Although, I actually turned down two of those schools for my current school. :p

I agree they are into prestige, but then why would they allow Duke people to attend? lol


^Yes, but what the OP and I are wondering is whether it's only Harvard, Yale, Penn, and Duke. Their obsession with prestige doesn't explain why it's strictly those four schools, excluding Princeton/MIT/Stanford.


Relationships with career services offices, strong alumni networks within the firm ... prestige whoring ... the general McKinsey trend.

I am permanently behind on PMs, it's not personal.

Penn over Stanford !? Actually Duke over Princeton is rather believable, Duke has been on the rise for the past couple of years and has a virtually unrivaled alumni network in consulting. The only thing Penn has going for it is Wharton (although its reputation is also in a precarious position); McKinsey should have specified that only Wharton students are eligible for the internship. This would have stopped jokers from the college from applying.

Penn over Stanford !? Actually Duke over Princeton is rather believable, Duke has been on the rise for the past couple of years and has a virtually unrivaled alumni network in consulting. The only thing Penn has going for it is Wharton (although its reputation is also in a precarious position); McKinsey should have specified that only Wharton students are eligible for the internship. This would have stopped jokers from the college from applying.

I was considering Penn last year, How about you take a look at career reports from 2010? The College placed more at McKinsey than Wharton. And the college placed one straight out of undergrad at Bain Capital. Even my Ivy, which is considered more prestigious didn't. Heck, even Princeton, Yale, and Stanford didn't. All this while placing the same number at MBB. Penn's College is perhaps the most under-rated program and I somewhat regret turning it down. It certainly utterly demolishes Duke (a joke to get into--received a likely letter 2 weeks after applying lol). No competition there. Stanford, of course, is another story. But, you can't deny the strength of Penn when you add CAS + SEAS + Wharton.

Then again this site is full of morons like you, so how would you know?

I hate and am somewhat surprised that they didn't add Columbia though. We've placed the same number at BCG and McK as Yale for a couple years now. And we have a much more selective admissions process (6.4% vs 7.5% with same SAT ranges), and the Econ major here is more applicable to business. Whatever, I wouldn't have been eligible anyways lol.

seedy underbelly:
Penn over Stanford !? Actually Duke over Princeton is rather believable, Duke has been on the rise for the past couple of years and has a virtually unrivaled alumni network in consulting. The only thing Penn has going for it is Wharton (although its reputation is also in a precarious position); McKinsey should have specified that only Wharton students are eligible for the internship. This would have stopped jokers from the college from applying.

I was considering Penn last year, How about you take a look at career reports from 2010? The College placed more at McKinsey than Wharton. And the college placed one straight out of undergrad at Bain Capital. Even my Ivy, which is considered more prestigious didn't. Heck, even Princeton, Yale, and Stanford didn't. All this while placing the same number at MBB. Penn's College is perhaps the most under-rated program and I somewhat regret turning it down. It certainly utterly demolishes Duke (a joke to get into--received a likely letter 2 weeks after applying lol). No competition there. Stanford, of course, is another story. But, you can't deny the strength of Penn when you add CAS + SEAS + Wharton.

Then again this site is full of morons like you, so how would you know?

I hate and am somewhat surprised that they didn't add Columbia though. We've placed the same number at BCG and McK as Yale for a couple years now. And we have a much more selective admissions process (6.4% vs 7.5% with same SAT ranges), and the Econ major here is more applicable to business. Whatever, I wouldn't have been eligible anyways lol.

LOL. Spoken like a true aspie striver. PSA: MBB doesn't want you. They want smart, slick bros with good social skills, which you're clearly lacking entirely. Someone needs to get laid and have the giant dildo pulled out of their ass.

seedy underbelly:
Penn over Stanford !? Actually Duke over Princeton is rather believable, Duke has been on the rise for the past couple of years and has a virtually unrivaled alumni network in consulting. The only thing Penn has going for it is Wharton (although its reputation is also in a precarious position); McKinsey should have specified that only Wharton students are eligible for the internship. This would have stopped jokers from the college from applying.

I was considering Penn last year, How about you take a look at career reports from 2010? The College placed more at McKinsey than Wharton. And the college placed one straight out of undergrad at Bain Capital. Even my Ivy, which is considered more prestigious didn't. Heck, even Princeton, Yale, and Stanford didn't. All this while placing the same number at MBB. Penn's College is perhaps the most under-rated program and I somewhat regret turning it down. It certainly utterly demolishes Duke (a joke to get into--received a likely letter 2 weeks after applying lol). No competition there. Stanford, of course, is another story. But, you can't deny the strength of Penn when you add CAS + SEAS + Wharton.

Then again this site is full of morons like you, so how would you know?

I hate and am somewhat surprised that they didn't add Columbia though. We've placed the same number at BCG and McK as Yale for a couple years now. And we have a much more selective admissions process (6.4% vs 7.5% with same SAT ranges), and the Econ major here is more applicable to business. Whatever, I wouldn't have been eligible anyways lol.

Dude, don't trust the Penn placement reports. The Engineering and College placement figures into banking/consulting are artificially inflated due to the presence of Vagelos, Hunstman and Jerome Fisher. These three dual-degree programs represent the cream of the crop of Penn and snag the most consulting offers. However, Penn counts the kid who gets a Bain offer from Vagelos in both the Wharton and College placement reports and the Jerome Fisher kid who gets a McKinsey job in both the Wharton and Engineering placement reports. Penn College kids get a couple of offers max from MBB.

http://www.vpul.upenn.edu/careerservices/undergrad/reports/WHA_2011cp.p… http://www.vpul.upenn.edu/careerservices/undergrad/reports/Class2011Car…

If you subtract Wharton from Penn, 2 students got BCG, 7 got Bain and 1 got McKinsey. In comparison, 12 Duke kids got BCG, 10 got Bain and 6 got McKinsey.

Also bro, Bain doesn't even recruit at Columbia. How does it feel like to be a non-target at a major consulting firm when you have a 6.5% acceptance rate? On the other hand, Bain schedules coffee chats at Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Penn and Duke.

I highly doubt more than a couple of kids get BCG or McKinsey from Columbia each year. It's not a great consulting school.

seedy underbelly:
Penn over Stanford !? Actually Duke over Princeton is rather believable, Duke has been on the rise for the past couple of years and has a virtually unrivaled alumni network in consulting. The only thing Penn has going for it is Wharton (although its reputation is also in a precarious position); McKinsey should have specified that only Wharton students are eligible for the internship. This would have stopped jokers from the college from applying.

I was considering Penn last year, How about you take a look at career reports from 2010? The College placed more at McKinsey than Wharton. And the college placed one straight out of undergrad at Bain Capital. Even my Ivy, which is considered more prestigious didn't. Heck, even Princeton, Yale, and Stanford didn't. All this while placing the same number at MBB. Penn's College is perhaps the most under-rated program and I somewhat regret turning it down. It certainly utterly demolishes Duke (a joke to get into--received a likely letter 2 weeks after applying lol). No competition there. Stanford, of course, is another story. But, you can't deny the strength of Penn when you add CAS + SEAS + Wharton.

Then again this site is full of morons like you, so how would you know?

I hate and am somewhat surprised that they didn't add Columbia though. We've placed the same number at BCG and McK as Yale for a couple years now. And we have a much more selective admissions process (6.4% vs 7.5% with same SAT ranges), and the Econ major here is more applicable to business. Whatever, I wouldn't have been eligible anyways lol.

Well seedy underbelly, you obviously prefer to live in a dream world where your opinion is the only thing that matters. Duke received MORE APPLICATIONS for LESS SPOTS for the class of 2016 than Penn (including the famed Wharton business school), automatically rendering it more selective (its published ED rate is already lower than Penn's). Ivy brats like you need to wake up and smell the coffee; stop hallucinating and commenting about issues which you have no profound knowledge of; I suggest you lose all your bravado before it comes to bite you in the behind. No one appreciates a condescending fool. The best part of this entire discourse is that I have no dog in this fight, I attended Stanford and have a cousin presently studying at Penn so I should be biased in their favor if anything. I'm just the kind of guy who gives props where they are due, and God knows Duke deserves props for establishing what is to my mind one of the best IBanking and Consulting networks in the country in an inordinately short span of time.

That is all I had to contribute at this moment, I wish you well in your future endeavors and hope that you will one day cultivate a sense of decorum. I also apologize for calling Penn's college a joke; indeed it is a fine educational institution that is a legitimate peer to both Stanford as well as Duke.

Penn over Stanford !? Actually Duke over Princeton is rather believable, Duke has been on the rise for the past couple of years and has a virtually unrivaled alumni network in consulting. The only thing Penn has going for it is Wharton (although its reputation is also in a precarious position); McKinsey should have specified that only Wharton students are eligible for the internship. This would have stopped jokers from the college from applying.

Hey dumbass. Duke over princeton is just as ridiculous as penn over stanford. You're probably a duke freshman who created a wso account just to write this post.

seedy underbelly:
Lol, never-mind you're going into consulting. Lol. Good luck with the 70-80k!

Good luck getting pigeonholed from day 1 and utterly limiting your professional options for the rest of your career while MBB hires (who are far more prestigious, btw. It's absurdly more competitive to get, for instance, a summer internship at McK than at Goldman. Not even close.) absolutely destroy you in terms of exit opps.

Oh, and we probably make more than you on an hourly basis. We just don't spend our Saturday nights dicking around on Excel.

seedy underbelly:
Lol, never-mind you're going into consulting. Lol. Good luck with the 70-80k!

Good luck getting pigeonholed from day 1 and utterly limiting your professional options for the rest of your career while MBB hires (who are far more prestigious, btw. It's absurdly more competitive to get, for instance, a summer internship at McK than at Goldman. Not even close.) absolutely destroy you in terms of exit opps.

Oh, and we probably make more than you on an hourly basis. We just don't spend our Saturday nights dicking around on Excel.

LOLOLOLOLOL. The shitty (relative to Goldman just about everything is shitty) boutique bank I'm interning at this summer (freshman summer) is known for having the same exit opps in finance and elsewhere as MBB. Haha, consultants. Funny creatures.

seedy underbelly:
Lol, never-mind you're going into consulting. Lol. Good luck with the 70-80k!

nothing wrong with 70-80k a year. most consultants at top shops bail out to top b-schools after few years anyway. at that point, these consultants can get banking gigs if they wish.

it seems that consulting offers better work/life balance than banking, albeit at lower pay. plus, the work consultants do is arguably more interesting and meaningful than the work junior bankers do.


Who cares. If your big hook for consulting is that you're a diversity candidate, good luck when you get to the job because it'll be irrelevant day one.


^ Columbia speaks for me enough that I don't need to. ;)

Lol, seriously though, I was only defending my school. If you guys were offended--again--I apologize!


Ok. Again, I'm sorry.

But, I only said that Columbia could have replaced Yale, before people went nuts lol. :)

As for Penn, it's more or less the same as Duke. I don't really care lol.

Over/Under on seedy underbelly turning into Brady4MVP in 10 years?



Good god, you people are too mean ;(


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Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Consulting

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  • Cornerstone Research 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • McKinsey and Co 97.7%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

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  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

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  • Engagement Manager (100) $226
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  • 2nd Year Associate (158) $140
  • Senior Consultant (331) $130
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (108) $130
  • Consultant (590) $119
  • 1st Year Associate (539) $119
  • NA (15) $119
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (148) $116
  • Engineer (6) $114
  • 2nd Year Analyst (347) $103
  • Associate Consultant (166) $98
  • 1st Year Analyst (1052) $87
  • Intern/Summer Associate (191) $83
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (553) $67
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