Non Finance/Econ Masters and MBB Recruiting

I'm wondering if MBB or other top consulting firms regularly recruit from master's programs at top schools which aren't specifically finance or economics related?

For example, I'm thinking of master's programs such as LSE's poli sci / political economy, or programs at Harvard's Kennedy School or Princeton's Woodrow Wilson school?



yah I know a senior guy at a MBB with Pharmasy PHD. As long as its a hardcore degree MBB will like it... By hardcore I mean JD, PHD, Ms Physics, Engerineering, CS, Math...


Well if I've understood you correctly, then it seems a master's in political economy wouldn't be looked upon so favorably?


I know someone who went from Kennedy School to MBB...not sure whether it was directly after Kennedy or whether he had a couple more years of military service in between, but I'm pretty sure MBB was his first civilian job after Kennedy.

After all, it's a Harvard degree. I don't think you're going to have the door slammed in your face.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of Starwood Points

I have met MBB consultants with PhDs in physics, chemistry and engineering. I never met any consultant with a degree in political science, though.

Nevertheless, a Harvard degree will not, I suppose, be frowned upon, be it in some non-subject like theology.


it makes huge sense for a regular consulting co. to hire chem, phys, engin, pharma, etc experts - they serve clients in relevant industries after all. they need experts to shed light on the nature of the industry. political science on the other hand is a bit irrelevant for most. try booz. they do lots of govt consulting. then again might as well just sign up for the nsa or something... but booz split a while ago so i'm not sure which booz you'd be interested in.

random hackneyed words of wisdom

"... then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

I did think about it logically. What you say makes sense. On the other hand, I've heard about people with degrees in, say, IR coming from targets and going to MBB. Maybe the several stories I've heard about those situations were the exception to the rule, but it was enough to pique my interest.

I am aware that consulting firms want people with good experience/education in relevant fields. I'm trying to figure out what the demand is for some other backgrounds.

Also, judging from the responses, the emphasis seems to be on hard science backgrounds. I had assumed people with degrees from good schools in econ/finance would be attractive candidates. Is it just that they are more attractive than liberal arts degrees but not as much as others?


Qui delectus eius fuga aut rerum. Ex commodi a eaque quis iste. Sequi non ullam consectetur eos alias. Eius veniam laudantium et. Dolores debitis et occaecati. Vero possimus quo sint.

Voluptas sequi repellendus et veniam. Et incidunt qui velit repudiandae est vitae incidunt.

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