Current bio/econ major trying to plan out my life. I want to focus on Life Sci consulting, but I don't know about the way to get there yet. I've planned out all the paths, and what I've come up with is getting into a good PhD or MD program and deferring enrollment to work at MBB for a year or two out of college on the traditional BA route, then finishing the grad degree (while doing internships) and now having a new host of opportunities on Wall street available since I have business experience (in contrast to just an MBA), but also the credibility and knowledge of the grad degree. Getting into both MBB and a good PhD/MD program will be tough, yes. But does anyone know someone who's done a similar path? any insights would be much appreciated.


Based on the most helpful WSO content, the path you're considering is ambitious but not unheard of. Here are some insights and considerations for pursuing a career in Life Sciences consulting with a combination of MBB experience and an advanced degree:

  1. MBB Experience: Working at McKinsey, Bain, or BCG (MBB) out of college can provide you with a strong foundation in business principles, analytical skills, and problem-solving. It's a prestigious start that can open many doors.

  2. Deferring Graduate Programs: Some graduate programs may allow deferral for professional opportunities, but this is not guaranteed. You'll need to check with the specific programs you're interested in to understand their policies.

  3. Credibility of Advanced Degrees: An MD or PhD can certainly add credibility, especially in the Life Sciences field. It shows a deep understanding of the subject matter, which can be a significant advantage in consulting.

  4. Combining Degrees with Business Experience: Having both the business acumen from MBB and the technical knowledge from an advanced degree can make you a very attractive candidate for roles that bridge the gap between business and science, such as in strategy or operations within biotech or pharma companies.

  5. Networking: It's crucial to network with professionals who have taken a similar path. They can provide personalized advice and may help you navigate the challenges of such a career trajectory.

  6. Internships During Grad School: These can be a great way to maintain and expand your business network while applying your growing expertise in Life Sciences.

  7. Wall Street Opportunities: With a background in MBB consulting and an advanced degree, you could be well-positioned for roles in investment banking or equity research within the healthcare sector, among other opportunities.

Remember, while planning is important, flexibility is key. The landscape of industries and job markets can change, and so might your interests and opportunities. Keep an open mind and be prepared to adapt your plan as needed. If you're looking for more specific examples or stories of individuals who have followed this path, the WSO forums are a great place to ask around and connect with professionals who've made similar moves.

Sources: Q&A: PhD -> MBB (with some steps in between), Q&A: MD/PhD --> MBB --> MegaFund, Q&A: 2.5 years @ MBB post PhD

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I’m at an MBB and I know several people who did MBB for two years and then went to MD, phd or law school. Essentially they got into their grad program, deferred it by 2 years and did MBB, or they did MBB, applied to grad school while working at MBB, and then went to grad school. So it is possible. But obviously you will have to work very hard. Getting into both MBB and grad school simultaneously will be hard but I know people who have done it


This seems like a lot of difficult recruiting multitasking when you could do the PhD/MD straight out of college and then come into MBB afterward through one of their advanced degree intake programs (Bridge to BCG, Bain ADvantage, McKinsey Insight). This path will also make it far more likely that your time in MBB can be spent on life sciences cases if that’s what you want

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Laudantium illo deserunt cum non temporibus maxime. Natus in occaecati voluptatum consequatur.

Libero ipsam explicabo iste nobis aperiam. Repellat laborum velit perspiciatis. Velit repudiandae a architecto tempora cumque.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
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Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • Cornerstone Research 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • McKinsey and Co 97.7%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Consulting

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  • Principal (25) $277
  • Director/MD (55) $270
  • Vice President (48) $246
  • Engagement Manager (101) $227
  • Manager (153) $170
  • 2nd Year Associate (159) $140
  • Senior Consultant (331) $130
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (108) $130
  • Consultant (594) $120
  • 1st Year Associate (542) $119
  • NA (15) $119
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (148) $116
  • Engineer (6) $114
  • 2nd Year Analyst (348) $103
  • Associate Consultant (167) $98
  • 1st Year Analyst (1054) $87
  • Intern/Summer Associate (190) $83
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (558) $67
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