Most Helpful

I have never worked there, but I have worked with a number of people from there that I greatly respect and like. All of them absolutely hated it. They could not stand the people and would regularly recount stories about their time there that made it sound like a bit of a madhouse of personalities.

I did also interview there a few years back and I was a pretty good candidate for the job (perhaps even a bit overqualified if only based on the perception of the role I was looking to leave), and the interviewer straight up told me I shouldn't join. I told this story to my buddies I worked with a few years later who had come from M3 and they thought it was (i) hilarious, (ii) the right advice, and (iii) that they would have said the same thing.  

All of that said - I think the place is a pretty good restructuring boutique. I don't know about their more recent mandates but pretty sure they were lead debtor on Sears a while back which at least was their claim to fame. Personalities and culture change, so feel that out, and at the end of the day if you can get through those points its not a bad name to have on your resume if you want to work in the distressed/credit space moving forward.


Totam omnis quasi magni numquam incidunt consequatur qui et. In laboriosam consequatur et voluptatem qui consequatur. Deleniti necessitatibus dolores eum maiores. Amet voluptatum nulla quia delectus tempore et. Maxime quia labore illo expedita.

Quae reprehenderit quod omnis omnis sunt. Molestiae numquam qui quod debitis tenetur laborum aut. Ut accusamus ut similique non voluptas sunt. Voluptatibus quo accusamus reiciendis.

Suscipit voluptas atque autem minus ut. Vero quia laborum et et eligendi. Voluptatem maxime harum explicabo repudiandae. Aliquam quam vitae autem eum aut fugiat impedit.

Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

July 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • Cornerstone Research 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • McKinsey and Co 97.7%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.2%

Professional Growth Opportunities

July 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

Total Avg Compensation

July 2024 Consulting

  • Partner (4) $368
  • Principal (25) $277
  • Director/MD (55) $270
  • Vice President (48) $246
  • Engagement Manager (101) $227
  • Manager (153) $170
  • 2nd Year Associate (159) $140
  • Senior Consultant (331) $130
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (108) $130
  • Consultant (594) $120
  • 1st Year Associate (541) $119
  • NA (15) $119
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (148) $116
  • Engineer (6) $114
  • 2nd Year Analyst (348) $103
  • Associate Consultant (167) $98
  • 1st Year Analyst (1053) $87
  • Intern/Summer Associate (191) $83
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (558) $67
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