Is Accenture a good match?

I just graduated from Tufts this past may. I had a 3.1 GPA and graduated with an honors thesis in Classical studies. My resume is very interesting and includes two research/project internship at museums in the DC area, a summer stint with AmeriCorps, and another research internship with a very prominent think tank in the DC area. I was also active at school within the Residence and Life Department where I was a dorm adviser for three years.
I hope to get into management consulting, but will make background hurt me? Am I a good fit at Accenture in terms of my "stats"?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Could be tough with that academic record. What would be your area of expertise/specialty? Curating the best advice and making it actionable.

Because of my background I am interested in more education, nonprofit, and government work.

I just wasn't sure because I went to a good (but not great) school, but did complete an honors thesis which required almost two years of work. I guess, I am also curious: if you get to the initial interview, will your GPA still matter a lot?


Well that is reassuring. I know I am not the most brilliant, but I come off as articulate, love to talk to people, and am capable.

Hmmm...Booz Allen Hamilton does look interesting. I knew they did a lot in the military sector.

Thanks for the advice Nikkisixx, I just hope that I am not applying too late for firms!


Your biggest difficulty will be that Tufts is probably not one of the target schools for Accenture's Management Consulting, which is trying to be more selective (unless you already have an interview). In that case, play up extracurricular, working in/leading teams, 'analytical/problem solving' skills.
But as far as fit goes, yeah you have a lower than average GPA, very weak major, and no real 'corporate' experience, so obviously in disadvantage compared to rest.


Yeah, that has been my problem so far. I interviewed at another firm and a boutique crisis management firm and I got the impression they were really confused why I had no experience with businesses (because they both asked me about it and I guess I couldn't give a proper answer). Quite the conundrum. I do not have an interview at Accenture (but there are quite a few alumni who work there), at the least I hope I look like an "interesting" or "different" candidate.


its going to be a uphill battle despite your degree from tufts. your gpa is low, and since you are a recent graduate, that is going to hurt even more. typically, big firms like accenture want gpa's 3.7 or higher for entry level positions. now, if you got a masters degree, it would be a different story, where you ugpa would impact only to a certain degree. accenture is a big IT firm, so your background is not very well suited for it. just as others have said, i would look at booz allen hamilton, but even that may not be enough.

“Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” - Albert Einstein
Best Response

Yeah I do wish my GPA was higher, it is marred by some bad grades freshman year, but I guess everyone has that. I am getting afraid that I will be screwing myself by taking a job somewhere that isn't very big or doesn't have great exit opportunities. I saw that Accenture also deals with the NPO/Education sector and on the requirements it said NPO or Corporate experience.

I will try to reach out to some alumni at Booz Allen to learn more about them, because the research I have done makes me think it could be a good fit. I was under the impression that they required even a higher GPA though. I am also interested in Huron, but I have no idea how good it is.

I thought I wanted to continue my classics studies in grad school, so I am kind of coming in to all of this late. However, it is good to be learning so I can be more knowledgeable when interviews come along. I do have one in a few weeks (which I was surprised) because the firm only recruits at MIT, Harvard, Brown, and Dartmouth. I just think it will be good practice, because I haven't done a formal case interview.

Thanks everyone!


You really need have to have the "why consulting" question nailed coming from your background. I guarantee you will get asked that every time. Honestly I question that myself, why do you want to do consulting? It sounds like this is your backup plan. Accenture is mainly IT consulting with a smaller strategy group. Without any prior business or technical knowledge there are likely better fits for you out there.


yea, judowned said it right. you need to have a solid answer why your background fits consulting and how you can contribute to their bottom line. as for huron, i would take a hard look with them. not that they are a bad firm (thats not at all what i am implying), but that huron is generally perceived as a powerhouse in healthcare, not anything else. most positions at huron will ask for a background in healthcare.

“Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” - Albert Einstein

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Occaecati voluptate eaque quos culpa. Amet nemo sunt id. Eveniet ratione aut sit laborum sed neque.

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