How relevent is GPA at Final Round?


Just found out I made it to final rounds for summer associate (MBA) position at one of the top consulting firms. I am very surprised, since my GPA is quite low. I think I entered it in the online app (don't quite remember) but it's def not on my resume.

Every else on my resume is also pretty average (ie good schools but not Harvard or anything, ok work experience but no brand names, etc).

But considering I got invited to interview, killed first round cases, and moved to final they still look at GPA when making final decisions? Or am i shit outta luck? Will the partners ask for it during interviews or when will they ask for it again?

Of course I have to do well on the final round cases, that's a given.



Thanks Kevin.

Generally speaking, will they ask for the GPA during interviews, or consider it but don't ask in interviews, or only get the info after they give an offer (like tell you to send in transcript after they make the offer or something?)

In such a competitive environment i'm surprised I made it this far...

You have a good website btw.

Best Response

My experience (and knowledge from the recruiting process at my firm) is that the partners will not be considering GPA. The partners will evaluate your intelligence through cases and general business discussion. Remember there is also a significant fit portion that goes into final rounds - the partners want to see energy, passion, humility, and someone that is client ready.

I have only ever heard of one person being asked about marks in a final round interview; he ended up getting the job.

At the end of the day, if you've made it to final rounds, you've passed through the first few filters (resume screening, cases etc) and by this point they aren't so concerned with GPA.

Focus on killing the cases and have strong answers about leadership, creativity, your passions, when you've been an innovator etc.


I never received an explicit comment or question on my GPA during the recruiting process at MBB, litigation firms, and smaller strategy shops, although it wasn't terrible at 3.7.

You want to be prepared for anything, but I'd focus more for selling your experiences and your specific leadership role than coming up with an excuse for GPA (definitely don't complain about your school/major being hard and not giving out enough As, that just comes off poorly whether it's true or not).

I assume you are still talking about undergrad GPA since you've only been in B-school one year...


I never received an explicit comment or question on my GPA during the recruiting process at MBB, litigation firms, and smaller strategy shops, although it wasn't terrible at 3.7.

You want to be prepared for anything, but I'd focus more for selling your experiences and your specific leadership role than coming up with an excuse for GPA (definitely don't complain about your school/major being hard and not giving out enough As, that just comes off poorly whether it's true or not).

I assume you are still talking about undergrad GPA since you've only been in B-school one year...


Thanks guys, good advice. Yeah both undergrad and MBA gpa are pretty low haha....although MBA is only 1 semster and i expect it to be a lot higher later. I probably got the interview through networking cuz i did a lot of that.

I guess i'll just go kill the cases now.


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