Deloitte S&O prospects vs MBB

I am actually considering joining Deloitte S&O. I wanted to know that is Deloitte the best for consulting after MBB and is lateral transition from Deloitte to MBB possible. Also do S&O employees automatically work on monitor projects or are they different

Best Response

im still in school, but i've had the chance to talk to 15+ deloitte and MBB guys this summer while networking, so I'll try to sum up what they said:

1.) the lateral transition is very hard- there isn't really an incentive for MBB to take you on 1-2 years into your career (this obviously completely changes if you get an MBA)- the only case I could see this working is if you wanted to work in a place like South Africa, emerging markets, where they need consultants and would be open to a lateral switch (I've seen someone go from Accenture Strat -> Bain in South Africa)

2.) I think most people would put Deloitte in the same category as ATK, OW, etc- maybe a bit higher than those firms- so your exit opps would probably be very good regardless

3.) When you say Monitor cases (someone correct me if I'm wrong, but they dissolved Monitor completely into S&O), if you mean only strategy then no that's not the case- there is some luck involved getting Strat vs Operations cases to start out, but the average person gets a healthy balance of the two.


Thanks for such a thorough answer. Actually I am a final year student from a Top Indian college. I actually want to do MBA after 3-4 years from a top B school. So how would Deloitte look in terms of prestige. Also as you mentioned lateral transition is tough, is it the same case for within MBB like McKinsey to Bain


I really don't want to speculate and give you wrong info (I'm not familiar with the Indian MBA Scene other than the fact that IIM is probably your best bet)

It's always tricky when looking at B school, you could always look at sites like poets and quants to see if they have any info on that kind of transition.

Again, can't really comment on MBB from McKinsey to Bain, I'm not really sure why you'd want to make that transition, but I'd assume it isn't easy? (Again this is just speculative)


Deloitte to MBB is just as big of a chance as any other school to MBB after MBA. It's all about getting the right MBA, after that it doesn't really matter as far as companies that are in the same league. Just perform well.

There are few transitions between MBB. I've seen a few McKinseyites join Bain, and a few BCGers and Bainies join McKinsey. It's pretty uncommon though. These companies are largely the same, so unless you've got a compelling reason nobody switches. Most just leave for industry/PE/entrepreneurship.

If you really want a certain MBB but receive an offer from another (e.g. your McKinsey --> Bain question) you can probably interview quite soon if you perform well.


Widely regarded as the next best option to MBB.

MBA placement is incredible - W/S/H are possible with great ug stats, kill the GMAT, and letters of rec. The rest of the MBA business schools ">M7 is very reasonable and everything past that is nearly 100%. There was a chart that showed acceptance to the top schools and I believe that it was 70-100% at schools such as Yale and Cornell. OW and ATK are in the same ballpark of prestige, but I dont think you'd have the same exposure as you would at a place like S&O. OW is very good in FSI, but you wouldn't have the opportunity to move around to what interests you as much.

If you are looking for MBA exit ops S&O is the "best of the rest"

Cheers and good luck in recruiting!


Hey @M Do you know where I can find this chart? Or where would be a good lead to hunt for it? Thanks in advance!


Depends. Deloitte in the US is pretty good overall, but outstanding nowhere. Places like OW/ATK all have their own specialism in which they compete with MBB. Deloitte is pretty shit outside of the US. I'd place them on the same level as S&/OW/ATK/Roland Berger/P-EY. It's just all dependent on what you want to do, and that's why ranking is even dumber than tiering.


I know Deloitte pays well for post-MBA and manager levels, but I think as you become more senior, the pay difference increases between MBB and others

Obviously for a partner pay is correlated with performance/client utilization, but I've heard that at the senior partner level, on average McKinsey pay is over 30% more than even BCG

I'm biased, but in most of the cases yes it is better to go for MBB, especially since you might change your mind later on and the brand name definitely helps

Had a friend at McKinsey who had no problems getting jobs from Disney, GE, Google, etc


You're not crazy, and since you're an MBA looking to start a career (as opposed to an undergrad who always has B-School) I get it. That being said, the prestige of MBB will likely leave more upside in the future as your career progresses. Furthermore, the MBB to Deloitte switch is likely far easier in the future than the Deloitte to MBB switch, if you change your mind.

As far as pay, I do believe Deloitte S&O is comparable (if not equivalent) to MBB at the lower levels, and that the discrepancies occur higher up the hierarchy. Also, I believe the McKinsey senior partner pay is higher because they have a tiered partnership structure. Senior Partners get more voting rights and more generous incentive pay agreements. BCG's partnership structure, from what I hear, is one partner one vote; this flatter hierarchy probably "pinches" the pay packages at the very top, though I'm sure they're not hurting.


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Career Advancement Opportunities

July 2024 Consulting

  • Bain & Company 99.4%
  • McKinsey and Co 98.9%
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) 98.3%
  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
  • LEK Consulting 97.2%

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  • Oliver Wyman 97.7%
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Total Avg Compensation

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  • Engagement Manager (101) $227
  • Manager (153) $170
  • 2nd Year Associate (159) $140
  • Senior Consultant (331) $130
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (108) $130
  • Consultant (594) $120
  • 1st Year Associate (542) $119
  • NA (15) $119
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (148) $116
  • Engineer (6) $114
  • 2nd Year Analyst (348) $103
  • Associate Consultant (167) $98
  • 1st Year Analyst (1054) $87
  • Intern/Summer Associate (190) $83
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (558) $67
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