The New York School of Finance

New York School of Finance

The NYSF Semester Program is the premiere finance program for individuals looking to enter the Investment Banking, Private Equity, Hedge Fund, or Equity Research industries.

Students will receive world class finance training and case studies in addition to an internship to teach, broaden, and strengthen the necessary skills for Investment Banking, Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Equity Research, and Asset Managemet roles on Wall Street. Students will learn key skills in areas such as constructing full scale financial models, pitch books, research reports, conducting due diligence, and sourcing targets for deals and transactions. Other technical skills include training in Macros, VBA, and Advanced Excel to make your models more efficient and functional. Understanding these essential building blocks is the foundation to being a strong Financial Analyst in the industry.

The program comes in three stages:

  1. Core Training. Financial Modeling is the fundamental building block of analysis in Investment Banking. Our core training courses are designed around a Fortune 500 company. We will analyze its financial standing, building a complete financial model as done by Wall Street Analysts.
  2. Advanced Training. We will build upon our core knowledge of finance and take a look at more advanced concepts. We will explore various transaction structures, hostile takeovers, defence strategies, and complex leveraged buyouts. We will re-create several landmark case studies, building complete merger and leveraged buyout models as a Wall Street Analyst would in a Bulge Bracket Investment Bank.
  3. Real Experience. Step into the actual role of an analyst through our Advantage internship program.

Make no mistake, this program is not for everyone since it is a significant investment of time and money. The program lasts 14 weeks and it costs about what you would pay for a semester at a private university in the US.

Note: All candidates that apply through WSO and are accepted to the Program will receive 1 year access to the WSO Video Library and WSO Job Board ($450+ value)!

I have been fortunate to have received three offers, and have decided to sign with JP Morgan for an IB Analyst position. As of the beginning of July, I wasn't familiar with the concept of EBITDA, let alone how to build valuation and merger models. I credit the Advantage program with filling in the knoweldge gap. Much appreciated!

— Mark, JP Morgan IBD

This program is for the serious candidate looking to make sure they are prepared to land a job on Wall Street. Whether you are trying to break into investment banking, private equity, hedge funds or another competitive financial field, a foundation in financial modeling training and having a relevant finance internship on your resume can play a major role.

With hundreds (if not thousands) of applicants vying for each spot, The New York School of Finance will make you a more competitive candidate so that you can submit your resume with confidence.

I just wanted to update you on my recent job search - I recently signed with Evercore and would not have been able to snag the internship without your help and the opportunity you provided me two summers ago. Thanks so much again!

— Anthony

I am writing to tell you some really good news -- I just got an offer from GS IBD in HK this summer! This is so exciting! I am also happy that I am having final round interviews with 6 other banks (7 incl GS: GS, MS, BX M&A, CS, Barcap, Citi, RBS) and am happy to say that I've had a 100% conversion rate from first rounds to final rounds. Will definitely keep you posted if more offers come rolling along! I still have yet to hear from CS and will be interviewing with BX, MS, and Barcap this week.

— Jamie

Note: All candidates that apply through WSO and are accepted to the Summer Program will receive lifetime access to the WSO Video Library ($1,000 value)!

Message from Patrick, Founder of

This program is not for everyone since it is a significant investment of time and money. If you are still trying to find some strong internship experience for your resume, read on...

I continue to recommended the New York School of Finance semester-long training program because I feel like for some people it provides a great option to those with the means to afford it. It's not cheap because it's an intensive14 week program.

You get to work on real deals (and put them on your resume), and you really learn the most important concepts in-depth since you get constant practice and exposure over many months....developing these skills makes you very attractive to investment banks and other financial firms.

After a few years promoting NYSF, they have a great track record and real results to report from previous students (see some of the great firms in the right side of this page where graduates have secured jobs).

Don't get me wrong...if you expect to pay your tuition and automatically be granted an entry level analyst position at a bulge bracket, you are being delusional. You should not apply -- this program is a great stepping stone, but it's not an automatic ticket to Wall Street success.

And, of course, if you already have an internship or full-time work experience at a bulge bracket bank (or mega-fund on the buy-side), then it won't help you as much as it would help someone with no work experience in the industry.

How Do You Apply and Get Free Bonuses?

First off, make sure that you're actually serious about doing this.

Yes, the program is effective... but it's also a significant commitment of time and money.

The program lasts 14 weeks and it costs about what you'd pay for a semester at a private university in the US.

It is more of a commitment than online training courses like Wall Street Prep and to gain entry you need to go through several rounds of interviews.

If you're OK with that and you're confident that you can complete the program, enter your information below to get started:

Note: All candidates that apply through WSO and attend NYSF will receive 1 year access to the WSO Video Library ($360 value) and 1 year access to the WSO Job Board ($99 value).

Your Free Bonuses

If you apply, get accepted, and decide to enroll in the New York School of Finance program, you will receive 1 year access to the WSO Video Library and job board!

That's worth $450+, but it's yours at no charge once you sign up for this program.

Whatever you decide, best of luck in your internship search!

Chief Monkey & Founder,

finance internships
financial modeling training instructor

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (23) $378
  • Associates (95) $261
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • 2nd Year Analyst (69) $168
  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (207) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (152) $101


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