Quantitative Trading Interview Questions

How to Answer the Top Quantitative Trading Interview Question?

    Author: Rohan Rajesh
    Rohan Rajesh
    Rohan Rajesh
    Rohan Rajesh is a student at the George Washington University School of Business, double majoring in finance and data science. His passion for finance has led him to consistently seek out opportunities to deepen his understanding of the complex workings of the financial world.
    Reviewed By: Adin Lykken
    Adin Lykken
    Adin Lykken
    Consulting | Private Equity

    Currently, Adin is an associate at Berkshire Partners, an $16B middle-market private equity fund. Prior to joining Berkshire Partners, Adin worked for just over three years at The Boston Consulting Group as an associate and consultant and previously interned for the Federal Reserve Board and the U.S. Senate.

    Adin graduated from Yale University, Magna Cum Claude, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics.

    Last Updated:October 5, 2023

    Quantitive Trading Interview

    Quantitative trading interviews can be intense, rigorous, and challenging. They are designed to assess a candidate's aptitude in mathematics, statistics, computer science, finance, and problem-solving skills. 

    The experience can differ based on the type of firm. Established quant hedge funds like Two Sigma, DE Shaw, or Renaissance Technologies might have a different interview process than prop trading firms like Jane Street, Optiver, or Citadel Securities.

    Quantitative trading is a highly competitive and fast-paced field involving advanced technology, statistical models, and complex algorithms to create profitable transactions in various financial markets

    The creative and lucrative industry attracts the brightest individuals from multiple academic disciplines, including mathematics, computer science, engineering, and finance. 

    Interviewers for quantitative positions are very conscientious in their hiring decisions and look to vet the candidate pool as much as possible.

    This is shown in the difficulty of the interviews for positions in this industry. The ideal candidate for a quantitative trading position has proficient analytical skills, program experience, and knowledge of financial markets. 

    We may not cover every question asked in these interviews, we suggest checking out the WSO company database for access to peer-provided corporate information, data, and reviews to stay ahead of the competition!

    It may also be beneficial to enhance your technique with one of the Wall Street Oasis’ wide variety of courses!

    These interviews can be broken down into three sections:

    1. Screening Call
    2. Technical Interview
    3. Brain Teasers
    4. Behavioral Interview

    Quantitative Trading Interview Questions Tips & Suggestions

    • Practice your Math, Statistics & Programming skills
    • Understand how financial markets work and quantitative finance concepts
    • Practice technical problems
    • Practice brain Teasers
    • Develop soft skills
    • Research company & role
    • Practice interviewing

    Screening Call

    This is probably the most straightforward part of the quantitative trading interview process. Keep in mind that job postings for positions in quantitative trading receive a high volume of applicants, applications, and resumes. 

    These applications go through multiple screening software sources before a handful reach the desk of the human resources officer to go through manually. These officers will then choose and select few to reach out to with call availability.

    These “screening calls” are short and straightforward. The Human Resources (HR) recruiter who reads your resume and application reaches out to the candidate to get a preliminary assessment of the qualifications a candidate has for the specified role.

    The HR recruiter can ask various questions ranging from the candidates' background, education, and work experience. 

    Your HR representative may also ask you some technically inclined questions as part of their assessment. These technical questions are not like the ones asked during the formal interview but may relate to probability theory, statistics, and/or programming languages.

    Here are some probable questions and sample answers to help you begin formulating your answers during the interview

    Screening Interview Questions and Sample Answers

    In the quantitative trading industry, it is essential to stay updated on the market and the industry news. You may want to follow market news and scholarly journals to make sure you give up-to-date answers.

    These screening calls are an important first step in the hiring process for candidates. This gives them a chance to introduce themselves to the interviewer properly.

    Expressing your skills and motivations through thorough preparation can increase your chances of getting a phone call requesting further availability.

    Technical Interviews

    Congratulations on receiving your interview call. This is a huge step forward in getting that Quantitative Trading Job!

    There may be multiple interview rounds for your quantitative trading position, but the questions asked can be sorted into one of three phases. The first of which is the technical interview. 

    These interviews dive deep into your qualifications and knowledge. The interviewer evaluates your expertise on the topic relevant to the position you are applying for. 

    Technical Questions and Sample Answers

    Because quantitative trading encompasses different disciplines, the interviewer can ask a wide variety of questions from mathematics, probability, finance, and programming. Thus, make sure to refresh your memory on these topics before heading into your interview.

    Brain Teasers

    This next phase of interview questioning is well-known by candidates for quantitative trading positions.

    The quantitative trading industry values the ability to think critically, analytically, and creatively very highly. Therefore, these questions are asked to get a sense of the candidate's problem-solving ability and how they handle pressure as they are asked to complete tasks with no warning beforehand.

    Brain Teasers Sample Questions and Answers

    As we can see, these questions require creative problem-solving skills and can fluster candidates during their interviews.

    There are just a couple of types of brain teasers quantitative trading interviewers like to ask. So while you may know how to solve a couple off the top of your head, be prepared to think critically to answer any brain teaser that pops up.

    Behavioral Interview

    After going through the last 2 phases of the interview process, your interviewer will evaluate your behavior to ensure that their potential addition to the workplace will help foster a positive and engaging workplace.

    They are meant to gauge the candidate’s soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and motivation.

    Behavioral Interview Sample Questions and Answers

    As you can see, there are many questions asked during the interview process to vet candidates and their qualifications. Therefore, you should be prepared to explain your experience in detail to give your interviewer a good idea of the person they plan to onboard.


    Quantitative trading is a highly sought-after industry in the field of finance. Jobs in this industry attract talent from various disciplines like mathematics, computer science, finance, and engineering.

    As a result, these interviews are very competitive and intense. The interviewer or HR recruiter will ask a wide range of questions to test your qualifications for the job position. 

    The ideal candidate for positions in this industry has proficient analytical, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. Therefore, the interviews for this industry can be broken into 2 major parts, and then further into phases. 

    The first part of the interview process is the screening call. This is a straightforward call made by the HR recruiter to the candidate to get a preliminary assessment of the qualifications a candidate has for the specified role.

    After a successful screening call, a chosen candidate will be called into multiple rounds of interviewing, where they will meet and speak with various team members at different positions, ranging from entry-level managers to executive director-level personnel (depending on the role).

    These interviews will consist of 3 different types of questions:

    1. Technical Questions

    These questions are designed to gain an understanding of the candidate’s level of understanding of concepts in the industry. They may vary from math to finance to engineering-themed questions.

    2. Brain Teasers

    These questions seek an understanding of the candidate's ability to solve problems, think critically and creatively, and handle pressure.

    These questions can vary greatly but have the same goal of gaining an understanding of how you solve a problem you have never seen before.

    3. Behavioral Questions

    These questions aim to understand how you would behave in the workplace. HR recruiters want to hire individuals that will work well with their existing team members.

    With the appropriate preparation, candidates can confidently approach quantitative trading interviews and achieve their career goals in this exciting and dynamic field.

    Researched and Authored by Rohan Rajesh | LinkedIn

    Reviewed and Edited by Max Guan | LinkedIn


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