About WallStreetOasis.com

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Wall Street Oasis – Master Your Finance Career

Wall Street Oasis is one of the largest and most entertaining finance communities online. With over 3,000,000 posts to date and over 5 million page views a month, you can be sure that your questions will get answered in our finance forums by experienced professionals. WSO also provides several services to help as you progress through your business career. We currently offer:


The 3 Missions.

1. To become the most entertaining and useful finance community in the world.

2. To bring transparency to notoriously opaque industries.

3. To help every student and professional around the world, regardless of their background, develop superior career skills and access the same opportunities as those with the most privilege.


What's the Point?

Every year some of the brightest, most driven and optimistic undergraduates from top colleges and universities embark on a career on Wall Street. At some point along the way, many of these same young professionals become disillusioned, frustrated and stressed about their job. What is my next step? Should I go to business school? Should I try to get a job in private equity at X fund? What about hedge funds or consulting at Y company?

The primary goal of WallStreetOasis.com is to help educate young finance professionals and students as they approach critical career decisions while simultaneously providing an outlet that can make them laugh. It is a place where finance professionals can come to learn more about other related fields, network with other members and even apply to specific jobs that interest them.

We strive to give transparency to industries with little public information and rampant misinformation. We accomplish this through the WSO Company Database and a unique forum platform that allows anonymity but fosters respect. We actively identify and confirm the professional status of our most knowledgeable members through the Certified User program which allows employees at top firms to share their insights honestly, and lets other members know who they can trust.

With the help of this increased transparency coupled with our products and services, we also aim to help the less privileged improve their chances at landing positions at some of the most competitive industries in the world.

Whether you're a young fresh-eyed chimp or an old embittered ape, we hope you find solace here at the Oasis!


The History.

WallStreetOasis.com was initially launched in May 2006 as iBankingOasis.com, a forum-based site for investment bankers and prospective monkeys. As growth has accelerated and more professionals from other industries have joined (private equity, hedge funds, S&T, equity research, Asset Management, consulting, etc.), we decided to make them feel more welcome by changing the name to WallStreetOasis.com.


The Team.