MINA Function

An Excel Statistical function that is utilized to calculate the minimum value from a list of arguments provided, including numbers, text representation of numbers, and logical values like TRUE and FALSE.

Author: Sandra Martinez
Sandra Martinez
Sandra Martinez
Reviewed By: Parul Gupta
Parul Gupta
Parul Gupta
Working as a Chief Editor, customer support, and content moderator at Wall Street Oasis.
Last Updated:May 18, 2024

What is the MINA Function?

The MINA function is an Excel Statistical function that is utilized to calculate the minimum value from a list of arguments provided, including numbers, text representation of numbers, and logical values like TRUE and FALSE.

It is one of the variations in the MIN function but with the added complexity of analyzing logical values and text representation of numbers.

Our Excel spreadsheets for work or school may have a lot of data, making it difficult to find our target data. Working with large amounts of data can be time-consuming, as you must try to find what you want by looking at or sorting it all out by hand.

That is why Excel has all these functions that we can utilize to make this process easier for us. The MINA function lets us find the smallest value within your selected data. If we think about it, MINA is a helpful tool for finding a needle in the haystack.

Depending on all the data you have, just looking at the data and trying to point out the smallest value can result in inaccurate results. There can be a chance that you miss a value that can be significant to your results.

An example is if we had an extensive data set and looked at the data and picked our lowest value, which we believe is number two. However, we did not notice that there was a number one in the data; this resulted in the answer being incorrect because the lowest value would have been one.

Instead of looking for the data and risking getting incorrect results, we could have used the Excel function provided to us. Then we would be able to distinguish our smallest value more accurately.

This function can be helpful when conducting financial analysis. It can also be found under statistical functions in Excel. For example, you can find the smallest value in data, such as cash flows, expenses, test scores, lowest stocks, etc.

This function can only be used in Excel versions 2010 and up. If you have an older version, you will have to use the MIN function.

The MINA function is very similar to the MIN function, although MIN cannot use logical values and text representations of numbers.

Key Takeaways

  • The MINA function in Excel is used to find the smallest numeric value in a list of supplied arguments, including numbers, cell references, and ranges.
  • The MINA function returns the smallest value among its arguments, including numbers, names, arrays, or references that contain numbers.
  • The MINA function is useful when you need to find the smallest numeric value in a dataset, including ranges or arrays.
  • The MINA function ignores empty cells, cells with text, and cells containing TRUE or FALSE. If all cells are empty or contain text, the function returns a #VALUE! error.

MINA Function Formula

The formula for the function will look like the following:

MINA(value1, [value2], ...)

In Excel, the function will look like this:

MINA Function Formula

Knowing what is required within the formula and what is considered optional is essential when working on Excel. This step is crucial because it can help avoid future errors or mistakes with the function entry.

The formula can either be entered manually in the cell of your choosing, or it can be found as well. As mentioned, it can be found in the statistical functions in the formula section. This can be found under the formulas tab.

After finding the category for statistical functions, a drop menu will appear. You will then proceed to find the MINA function.

If you want to enter it manually, you can enter it into your desired cell. Once you select the desired cell, proceed by typing the formula above.


Every time you enter a formula in Excel, be sure to start it off with an equal sign.

Let's proceed to what the formula entails and what argument is required or optional. The formula consists of the following arguments:

  • Value1- this argument is required. 
  • Value2- The argument is optional. 

Value1 argument will be the first range of values or the first value considered in the formula. Since it is the only required one. It can be the only one you enter.

Both arguments can have up to two hundred and fifty-five values, of which you wish to find the smallest value. If either of the arguments does not contain a value, you will get a zero result. The arguments can consist of names, arrays, logical values like TRUE and False, and written numbers.

If your data contains the logical values TRUE and FALSE, then it is essential to know what they will be translated into. For the logical value TRUE, it will be assessed as one. If the argument contains FALSE, then it will be evaluated as zero.

If you get an error when completing your formula, you may want to look over the data that was used for the formula. If text within the data is entered into the formula, it will result in an error. The text that causes an error will be any text that cannot be translated into a number. 

How to use the MINA Function in Excel?

For this example, we will start with a set of numbers to find the smallest value.

Excel Table

We will then follow to enter our formula for MINA.

MINA Function in Excel

Once you reach the value1 argument, you will enter the desired range or value that you want. For this example, we will pick all of the values.

Selecting Range in Excel

Once satisfied with your selection, you can press enter to get the results. In this example, we did not use value2 because it is optional, and we included all of our data in the first argument.

Solution in Excel

As you can see, our smallest value was 10. So, let's try it with the logical values now.

Logical Values in Excel

Now that our data has some logical values, let's enter the function for MINA.

Excel Logical Values

The smallest value within the data is zero. Now you may ask why it is zero if we do not see the number zero. The result is zero because when the logical value FALSE is used, the function will interpret it as 0. Therefore, FALSE was the smallest value.

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