WTF's going on with this board?

I'm about 5 americanos deep right now, focused on reading WSO instead of working on process materials, and I'm rattled.

It feels like half the threads lately are people who are insecure about some basic adult "romantic" decision (threads about asking a girl out, pros/cons of hooking up with a co-worker, hitting on somebody who interviewed you, etc.). No disrespect to these posters if they're honestly seeking advice I guess but damn.

The other half seems to be about how shitty life/job/social is, which I get, we all need to vent and I'm a miserable venter too (on average), and COVID fucking sucks but damn. It's turning into a depression echo-chamber.

Somebody tell me something good, interesting, or funny in this thread for gods sake. Or shit talk me, roast me, whatever, as long as it doesn't fall into the two buckets above. Throw your monkey shit at me boys and girls, but if you're gonna fling your shit you better fucking post below about something other than advice about chasing women/men or self-pity. 

I'll start with some of my own things. Respond to any one of these and I'll reply back even if you're only posting to roast me:

I'm getting drunk tonight. Bourbon. Weed. Nicotine.... Pizza.

My PA is fuckin flying over the last several months. Love the feeling of seeing my bets pay off (both long and short term plays). No tech/ETFs either.

I'm gonna buy myself a nice (ish) watch for Christmas. "Treat yo self"

I'll also grab the new Xbox Refrigerator console. Halo Infinite better be fucking good, but I'll play the shit out of it either way.

Argentina beat the All Blacks. NZ has now lost twice in a row - Love it. Huge All Blacks fan but love to see a team like the Pumas win. Some phenomenal rugby is being played right now.

Been reading More Money than God and it makes me want to try to lateral to a HF role, but then I remember how much I want out of finance... Oh shit, I guess I can't help it and just broke my own rule for this thread - fuck.


I'm growing a moustache for Movember and my MD didn't recognise me at first. Got him to donate some money because of it. 

What type of watch you thinking of buying?


Currently on £575, just hoping to raise as much as possible, don't have a formal campaign though. It's my first time growing a moustache so when I look at myself in the mirror I feel like I should be working in a hipster job, not banking haha.  

They're both very nice watches, I don't think you can go wrong with either because they're quite classic. I have to say, the Nomos is unique which makes it stand out to me! I get what you mean with leaning towards a watch one day but another on a different day. I'm currently obsessing about the Vacheron Constantin Overseas, it's a pipe dream that gives me light at the end of the tunnel! On other days I start to seriously consider getting a hulk if I can get on the waiting list. 


Both great choices - I'm not particular to chronos, especially if they're 42+ like the IWCs tend to be. That being said, IWC to me is the preferred brand but for me, due to the portugieser and their other non-chrono pieces. Seems like the nomos is a beautiful watch per my google search haha but two totally different watches as you said. You got an approximate price range for both? Or are they at least in the same range?


My PA is fuckin flying over the last several months. Love the feeling of seeing my bets pay off (both long and short term plays). No tech/ETFs either.


Most Helpful

Won't list my entire PA but some Larger longer-term positions are:

WPM - Wheaton Precious Metals (Gold/Silver Streamer - you might chirp me but I am a gold bug at the moment) 

BEP - Brookfield Renewables (Sectoral play, Brookfield is also one of the better 'asset managers' IMO)

MO - Altria (My one value pick)

APHA - Aphria (pot stock, one that I actually believe in long term unlike most others - cough ACB)

PSH - Pershing Square (Bought this a month or two after I saw Ackman on CNBC in March saying shit was going to zero... jesus christ. If you haven't seen that interview, go watch it)

CRSP - CRISPR therapeutics (this was a punt tbh. Heard about it via a quarterly recurring bloomberg article long time ago, where they ask managers where they'd put $1m right now)

Also traded some copper (First Quantum, Lundin) and oil names (Shell) over the last few months with some success. I like commodities.

A rising tide lifts all boats though.

*edited my shit formatting


FINALLY somebody mentions some rugby!! Wow Argentina really played a fucking clinical game - I don’t think I saw them miss one tackle? Plus the MVP performance from Sánchez and consistently dominant scrummaging just made me really happy. It’s about time NZ got humbled a bit - I’m thinking we may be in the midst of other nations finally catching up. I’ll be looking forward to seeing Argentina and France at the 2023 World Cup....


Haha, rugby fans are few and far between in American finance circles.. but there are literally dozens of us. I played growing up - favourite sport by a mile.

Absolutely loved to see the Pumas play like that. Sanchez is one of the games greats - proved it in that game. Matera was also a monster. NZ didn't do themselves any favors with their discipline though. A poor outing from the ABs and a stellar showing from Los Pumas. Was also great to see that Australia was competitive again in the Bledisloe. 

Definitely agreed re: France.. young team looks to have lots of potential.


Played rugby in highschool and college - still can't get over the looks I get from my fellow Americans when they say "oh, that's cool. so is that like football?". Meanwhile being in the starting 15 in another country means something -_-


I’ve never met a rugby fan in real life, believe it or not.

Maybe I’ll get the PS5, but I already have a nice PC. and I’m not a big gamer. Still want one just to say I have one.

Been reading a lot lately, not finance related stuff, more so books about religion, history and a few biography’s.


PC still holds up, have a gtx 1070, paired with i5 6600k and 16gb of ram. It’s much slower now (obviously) but don’t feel like upgrading just yet. 

As for books, Cancer Ward by Alexander Solzhenitsyn is a great read. His most famous work is The Gulag Archipelago, but waiting to read that one when I have a little more time during winter break. Don’t know if you like the classics, but Great Expectations was so much better than it was in high school. 


I started the thread on hooking up with co workers, I wasn't looking for advice per say, more so just funny stories and opinions from guys who have gone after it. Which there were some good posts in there. So basically, don't group me in with these other autists lol


I started the thread on hooking up with co workers, I wasn't looking for advice per say, more so just funny stories and opinions from guys who have gone after it. Which there were some good posts in there. So basically, don't group me in with these other autists lol

ive never hooked up with a coworker (a manager at sears optical i had tried to like force herself but that's another story. she was 300lb. i should have gone for it anyway. anyway.) but i fucked my wife in the caf and that was fun. it was like really wholesome actually. like im pretty sure we're the first actual couple to bang in that office.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.


I started the thread on hooking up with co workers, I wasn't looking for advice per say, more so just funny stories and opinions from guys who have gone after it. Which there were some good posts in there. So basically, don't group me in with these other autists lol

ive never hooked up with a coworker (a manager at sears optical i had tried to like force herself but that's another story. she was 300lb. i should have gone for it anyway. anyway.) but i fucked my wife in the caf and that was fun. it was like really wholesome actually. like im pretty sure we're the first actual couple to bang in that office.

Just TMI dude


So on some real life Nancy Drew shit, my wife located my dad in Ukraine who I haven't seen since I was 4. She was talking to this lady over there who was doing detective shit or whatever on the ground. She thought they found him two days ago. My wife told me they found out he died in 2018. He was 76. I have a half sister from his first marriage who's 43 and lives in Germany. 

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.


This is pretty heavy man. Hope you're all good with these revelations

Feel free to decline to answer this... but what's the back story of your dad disappearing when you were 4?

No revelations really. Just some new info. I was brought to the States when I was four from Ukraine where I was born by my mom and grandparents on her side. The reasons for this move were always vague "better life" shit with very much a vibe of "I needed to get away from your dad." Mom told me he stopped contacting her and didn't want a relationship with me. I believed her and never bothered to try to find him because if he doesn't wanna know me, then fuck him right? I don't buy the "better life" shit. He was making a lot of money at the time. Not really sure doing what. He was a computer science professor turned banker turned some sort of import/export USSR-downfall-capitalizing guy of some sort.. I don't know. She had all these stories about how he drank too much and was a bad husband. My mom says he was involved in organized crime and she thought he was going to have her killed for something when we came here. Won't tell me the full story though. My wife's been talking to his third wife and turns out, he tried to find me a bunch. My mom actively tried to keep him from me when I was younger. He died of cancer in 2018. My other half sister doesn't wanna meet me either because my mom split my dad's her first marriage to get with my dad and I guess she's still buttmad about that in her 40s. I don't care so much about that one. Oh well. Such is life in soviet russia.

I've resented my mom my whole life for this. I've always known something was off. I'm not even gonna talk to her about it though. I cut her out of my life on and off. It takes too much energy though and I'm trying to stop. But maintaining a relationship with her is also very aggravating. She watches my daughter now though on the weekends, so at least there's that.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

- I'm the side bitch of a Harvard alpha female. I found out after she fucked me that I make pennies compared to her sugar daddy 40-year-old boyfriend. 

- my VP is a 5'5 200lb bald indian dude who i want to choke slam and finish off with the people's elbow


Unrelated to this post, but on the topic of pizza, have you had a Detroit-style pizza yet?

Quant (ˈkwänt) n: An expert, someone who knows more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

"Bourbon. Weed. Nicotine.... Pizza"

Did the same exact thing last night, had a little fire going too, and watched Clockwork Orange for the first time. What a movie, no wonder it's regarded as a classic. Made some french toast sticks this morning, going to edit some pictures and watch the Bucs Vs. Panthers (I miss Tom dearly).


I love your saturday night, sounds a lot like mine - had some edibles, sushi, and lots of sports (Masters, UFC, Bud Crawford, the works)

something good - in many ways, this is my best year ever, and I feel bad saying it because so many have been suffering. I've never had this much time with my wife (no biz travel), been in as good shape (no biz travel), made more money, or caught so many good hurricane surfs (no biz travel). I know many people are ready for 2020 to be over, and don't get me wrong, I'm tired of not being allowed to travel for pleasure, but in many ways, I'm the happiest I've ever been, and it feels weird being sorry I'm saying that during this time.

something interesting - this has been a year for introspection and a productive one at that. whether I'm reading philosophy, Eastern religion, meditating, sitting in the sauna, or doing something meditative (long distance hill running, pistol practice, surfing), I've spent a lot of time on the "self" this year and I think that's been productive.

something funny - I've nearly shit my pants 3x this year during runs. one time had to get picked up (was 5k from home and wouldn't have made it). the other times I set personal record paces for 1k, 1mi, and 5k.

something else - social media detox is a great thing. caveat is I'm in my 30s, happily married, and have group chats/ongoing convos with all of my closest friends. been off facebook almost 3y now, and the others (insta/snap/twitter) since late June (still on LNKD for work). I have not missed it. my friends will send me a funny tweet every so often but I don't miss memes, I don't miss pictures, and I've not missed any important events. I thought I'd miss a lot of stuff, and I truly haven't. I also find myself wasting a lot less time on my phone, which is nice.


be the change you want to see. if you do it, others will follow or at least contact you through other media. instagram allows you to go dormant like facebook (twitter doesn't), so I'd try that.

throw out a text to a friend instead of commenting on an insta post, call them, facetime them. if they get used to talking to more and more of their friends outside social media, it won't be so painful. most of my friends still have all of the social media platforms, but our interactions are still great in old school media like text, call, and facetime.

and lest I sound too high & mighty, it's still early on. I'm comfortable saying I'm done with facebook, but I gotta give the others more time to see if it sticks


Daaamn Tom Haverford - I didn’t know you got into investments after your real estate business crumbled in the financial crises of 2017-2018.

Also, I bought your book - I’m a Gary!


Getting trashed tonight sounds like a good plan.  Unfortunately on a diet so I'm slowing down on that for now.  Mostly packing fat lips.

I'm a lowley incoming analyst so not gambling on the market or buying watches, but making budgets on what the first year might look like and how much to save to get that sexy 2020 C8 asap. 

Actually snagged an old, used XBOX for free time now that my recruiting is done.  Putting in time on a game I'd never heard of - Sunset Overdrive.  Insane over the top game I was suspect of at first but actually love.

I haven't watched rugby in a while but glad to see some good matches happening.  Def making an effort to catch some soon.

Reading Capitalism and Freedom right now.  


I'm doing it again this weekend. I am outta control. Not sure if its common amongst the other folks on this board but I get pretty self destructive when the grind gets real. All I ate yesterday was starbucks flash-frozen & reheated food and a bag of chips. I've also been chain-smoking (don't tell my girlfriend). My body isn't a temple lately, its a goddamn cheap D-team brothel

2020 C8 eh. The "affordable" car that looks like a supercar. I actually approve. My dream car is probably a '68 vette stingray or a '67 mustang fastback. 

Never heard of Sunset Overdrive and not gonna lie, it looks a bit wack at first impression. But I've definitely bought games like that with 0 expectations and been blown away. kinda reminds me of a game I played the shit out of as a kid - Jet Set Radio Future. If memory serves, that game was ridiculous - just roller blade around and graffiti everywhere and fuck shit up.


Try intermittent fasting.  That's what I'm on (16-8 and OMED).  Works pretty well and is relatively flexible.  Weed, nic, and blow are 0 calories so that may be a good course of action.  And if possible, use what I call a Keto/Paleo inspired diet - lots of proteins and fat, very little carb and nothing refined.  If you need to snack, I'd recommend cheese, nuts, salami, or pork rinds.

Ideally, I'd get a Lexus LC down the line.  But the C8 catches my eye too much not to crank down to the thought of a fat bonus leading to that in a few years.  Of course, won't matter if I stay in a non-commuter city.

I was really hesitant at first.  Always loved stealth games like the Arkham Series and Splinter Cell, but found that this game was too fun to stop - if you can get over the anti-capitalism propaganda in the dialog.


Quia perferendis voluptate blanditiis error iste et dolores provident. Qui consequatur nemo eum possimus odio. Accusamus similique qui animi totam quia soluta et doloremque.


Omnis vero rerum quod eos ratione velit. Quas nemo ut rerum optio eaque rem possimus.

Quo ut quidem corrupti laboriosam fuga. Explicabo laborum omnis nemo. Iste error ipsa dolores non nulla. Quidem commodi velit pariatur sapiente. Qui nobis sunt est doloribus. Sequi qui sunt dolor odit quos.

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (21) $373
  • Associates (91) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
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