What conspiracy theory do you believe in?

I believe Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 wasn't an accident. There were definitely external forces that catalyzed its disappearance. The flight path was diverted many times and there was a lot of shady stuff about some of the passengers and the pilot of Flight 370. We may never know unless the plane is found.


George HW Bush played a role in the JFK assassination and the attempted assassination of Reagan.

-FBI archives showed a phone conversation in which J. Edgar Hoover talks about CIA agent "George Bush" being in Dallas on November 22, 1963. -Reagan's shooter was a mentally unstable man named John Hinckley Jr., who apparently shot Reagan to get attention from actress Jodie Foster. His dad was an energy executive in Houston and a very close friend of HW Bush. The night before the assassination attempt, George W. Bush and Jeb Bush had dinner with Hinckley Junior's older brother.


That wouldn't surprise me at all. Nancy Reagan hated the Bushes and barely spoke to them. I suspect she thought something was strange about this.

Maybe I listen to Joe Rogan too much, but the moon landing not being real has legs. Not the whole thing, but the fact it's become "too expensive" when most technology has become cheaper.

Legitimately every single "gotcha" in the moon landing conspiracy theory has been thoroughly debunked in the same way that 100% of "gotchas" in the 9/11 conspiracy have been debunked. 100%. Not 99% with a few loose ends. 100% of gotchas have been debunked in both conspiracy theories.

Maybe I listen to Joe Rogan too much, but the moon landing not being real has legs. Not the whole thing, but the fact it's become "too expensive" when most technology has become cheaper.

It's more that in the age of 24-hour cable news and the internet we've become much more risk-averse as a society. The guys who went to the moon had something like a 50% chance of coming back according to estimates at the time. No way the government green lights something like that today


There are millions of things that have become exponentially more expensive way above the rate of inflation since then. Like buildings and infrastructure, airplanes etc.

Pio nono:
There are millions of things that have become exponentially more expensive way above the rate of inflation since then. Like buildings and infrastructure, airplanes etc.

Cost to build a house isn't "way" above inflation, and much of the reason for costs being pushed is gov't regulation and economic protectionism (that increases costs of inputs). The free market will almost always lower the costs of goods and services when not impeded by a regulatory superstructure.


I believe lots of these theories; am I a muppet or woke? That's still to be determined.

  1. Vegas - Stephen Paddock was a patsy of a much larger coup which didn't materialize.
  2. Moon Landing - I'm on the fence. There is a video of Buzz Aldrin punching a guy who claimed he was a fraud. The rocks that returned from the moon are no different than rocks found on Earth.
  3. 9/11 - Every New Yorker wants the answer to why 7 World Trade Center fell when it was not directly hit and neighboring towers were unaffected by debris.
  4. Pulse Nightclub - There is zero CCTV or cell phone video to substantiate anything that allegedly happened.
  5. JFK Assassination - We are lead to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in this murder. Yet Lee was murdered live on TV by a known mobster. Further conspiracy theories say that the mobster even had one of those cops in his pocket and coordinated the exact time of the perp walk as he was running late.
  6. NBA - Created the 3 point shot just to give whitey a chance of balling.
  7. OJ - Innocent on the merits of the case.

I'm sure there are more, will wait for more replies.

6. NBA - Created the 3 point shot just to give whitey a chance of balling.
https://media0.giphy.com/media/ZqlvCTNHpqrio/giphy.gif" alt="laugh" />

It didn't work...

I believe lots of these theories; am I a muppet or woke? That's still to be determined.
  1. Vegas - Stephen Paddock was a patsy of a much larger coup which didn't materialize.
  2. Moon Landing - I'm on the fence. There is a video of Buzz Aldrin punching a guy who claimed he was a fraud. The rocks that returned from the moon are no different than rocks found on Earth.
  3. 9/11 - Every New Yorker wants the answer to why 7 World Trade Center fell when it was not directly hit and neighboring towers were unaffected by debris.
  4. Pulse Nightclub - There is zero CCTV or cell phone video to substantiate anything that allegedly happened.
  5. JFK Assassination - We are lead to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in this murder. Yet Lee was murdered live on TV by a known mobster. Further conspiracy theories say that the mobster even had one of those cops in his pocket and coordinated the exact time of the perp walk as he was running late.
  6. NBA - Created the 3 point shot just to give whitey a chance of balling.
  7. OJ - Innocent on the merits of the case.

I'm sure there are more, will wait for more replies.

  1. I thought this for a while, but nothing connects Paddock to intelligence agencies, military, or other government operations. We just need to accept that he's a psychopath who blew up. I do wonder why he chose a country music concert, but that's probably because it's an easy target. He intentionally wanted to shoot up a different target before changing his mind.

  2. No. Moon landing happened. I can't blame Buzz Aldrin for getting mad that a whacko claimed that his biggest life achievement was an utter fraud.

  3. The 7 WTC question is legit. Haven't read a good explanation of it yet. I certainly don't buy the theory that W Bush knew about it, but I think there were definitely people in the government who had a sense of what was going to happen.

  4. So many eyewitnesses.

  5. I don't find the theory that convincing. Lee Harvey Oswald was a marine and a communist who despised JFK. I do think the was the lone gunman, but it's possible that he was ordered by the CIA who hated JFK for trying to take down the military and intelligence industrial complex and for being anti-war.

  6. Lol. No comment.

  1. I don't buy the whole crisis actor argument, but it's just strange that there are zero YouTube videos of the event popping off. The Vegas event has tons of authentic videos.

  2. There is a loose argument that Hoffa had the mob do a favor for him by getting JFK killed to send a message to Robert Kennedy. Then we know the rest with Hoffa.


LOL, JFK wasn't anti-war. He launched America's role in the Vietnam War. Kennedy attempted to overthrow the Castro regime. Kennedy faced down the Soviets in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy was not some anti-war hippie.

The problem with so many conspiracy theories is that they are predicated on false information.

Most Helpful
The rocks that returned from the moon are no different than rocks found on Earth.

False. Moon rocks are low in 'volatiles' i.e. elements with a low boiling point. The theory is the moon was originally formed by a massive collision of a mars-sized object with the earth creating a debris field orbiting the earth. As the heat melted the volatiles these lighter mass particles were absorbed by the earth while the solid elements were accumulated by the moon. Plus, moon rocks have been blasted by literally billions of years of radiation while earth rocks have been shielded by the magnetosphere and the atmosphere, which explains the crystal damage and the absence of water bearing minerals in moon rocks. So while Moon rocks are geologically 'similar' in that they are composed of minerals commonly found on Earth, scientists and geologists can easily differentiate between earth rocks and moon rocks via the presence or absence of certain minerals, not to mention the fact that even 50 years later no-one has been able to synthetically recreate the geological fingerprint of a moon rock. Hope that clears things up for you.


I stand corrected. As you can see, some of those items on the list are solely for amusement. I believe we landed on the moon; but there are some interesting tidbits on the contrary.

I believe lots of these theories; am I a muppet or woke? That's still to be determined.
  1. Vegas - Stephen Paddock was a patsy of a much larger coup which didn't materialize.
  2. Moon Landing - I'm on the fence. There is a video of Buzz Aldrin punching a guy who claimed he was a fraud. The rocks that returned from the moon are no different than rocks found on Earth.
  3. 9/11 - Every New Yorker wants the answer to why 7 World Trade Center fell when it was not directly hit and neighboring towers were unaffected by debris.
  4. Pulse Nightclub - There is zero CCTV or cell phone video to substantiate anything that allegedly happened.
  5. JFK Assassination - We are lead to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in this murder. Yet Lee was murdered live on TV by a known mobster. Further conspiracy theories say that the mobster even had one of those cops in his pocket and coordinated the exact time of the perp walk as he was running late.
  6. NBA - Created the 3 point shot just to give whitey a chance of balling.
  7. OJ - Innocent on the merits of the case.

I'm sure there are more, will wait for more replies.

3 - When WTC 1 collapsed the debris started fires on multiple levels of WTC 7 which burned out of control due to a failed sprinkler system (for starters and multiple reasons). There is continued structural degradation throughout multiple floors as fires continued to rage on but in short this led to the fall.

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.

JFK assassination was either CIA or mob, not sure which.

85 NBA draft lotto was rigged so Knicks would get Ewing.

Most recent: Kawhi chose the Clippers because the league found some back-door incentive to keep him from joining Lakers. Joining the Lakers would've cost the league minimum $3b over 3 years as viewership would've declined dramatically due to one team being so dominant (they'd have arguably the 3 best players in the league plus would've filled out the roster with top vets playing for below fair value). Accounting for longer-term damage to the brand and sponsors, could be several billion more in total economic value at stake. I think the Commish made a phone call or two . . could buy a favorable result for a few tens of millions, instead of losing a few billion. Easy math.


I agree with your point about costing the league viewership, but after winning with Toronto on his own, I also can't picture Kawhi spotting up in the corner while Lebron and AD run a pick and roll. Winning with three different teams would be unprecedented for a player of his caliber. Exception to Robert Horry.

I'm suspicious of the draft lottery in general. The fact that we don't see the actual lottery live is crazy.

I believe Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 wasn't an accident. There were definitely external forces that catalyzed its disappearance. The flight path was diverted many times and there was a lot of shady stuff about some of the passengers and the pilot of Flight 370. We may never know unless the plane is found.

I think the investigators have said the most likely scenario is that the pilot depressurized it to kill the passengers and then crashed it.


Idea that high-ups in big pharma are hiding a better treatment for cancer seems 3/10 compelling to me

I would say there is a strong likelihood of this being real. The same goes for the cure for HIV...they have too much to gain from not sharing a cure.

It is literally public knowledge that a "cure" for HIV exists. They are able to get the virus down to levels that make it undetectable.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

How does this even make sense?

How did Russia meddle in the election? By showing a few thousand boomers meme-tier Facebook ads about Hillary?

"But they hacked the election" - it hasn't been proven that the DNC "hack" was traceable to the Russian government, just that it may have been done by a Russian individual. But here's the thing, it wasn't so much a hack as it was a phishing scam, which dumbass Tom Podesta fell for hook-line-and-sinker. The RNC was targeted as well but apparently Reince Preibus actually knows how to use email, so it didn't work. So what was so damning about the information that was leaked? That Hillary basically rigged the Democratic primary. That sounds pretty bad. Perhaps we should be more concerned about that than the leak itself, no?

And lastly, what does Russia actually get out of having Trump in office? Trump has been much more belligerent in Ukraine and has continued the sanctions. More Russian soldiers have been killed by pro-Western forces under Trump's watch than at any time since the Cold War. Trump ramping up US oil production by removing drilling regulations has been hurting Russia pretty badly.

"But Trump has weakened NATO, which is what Putin wants". Has Trump weakened NATO? NATO is weak because it's long outlived its usefulness (should have been disbanded in 1991 tbh) and because our European "partners" actively don't give a fuck about it. How can Germany in good faith present a united front against Russia with us when they're dependent on Russian gas? How can they realistically be expected to be full members of the alliance when they don't even meet their spending requirements? NATO was weak well before Trump took office. He's just been shining a light on the rot.

If Putin actually tried something in Eastern Europe, he'd get rolled by the Baltics and Poland alone. The fact that he can barely put down Ukrainian guerrillas or Chechens tells you all need to know about Russia's power projection.

"But Trump badmouthed the CIA" - Good, they deserve it.

"Work ethic, work ethic" - Vince Vaughn
Yankee Doodle:
How does this even make sense?

How did Russia meddle in the election? By showing a few thousand boomers meme-tier Facebook ads about Hillary?

"But they hacked the election" - it hasn't been proven that the DNC "hack" was traceable to the Russian government, just that it may have been done by a Russian individual. But here's the thing, it wasn't so much a hack as it was a phishing scam, which dumbass Tom Podesta fell for hook-line-and-sinker. The RNC was targeted as well but apparently Reince Preibus actually knows how to use email, so it didn't work. So what was so damning about the information that was leaked? That Hillary basically rigged the Democratic primary. That sounds pretty bad. Perhaps we should be more concerned about that than the leak itself, no?

And lastly, what does Russia actually get out of having Trump in office? Trump has been much more belligerent in Ukraine and has continued the sanctions. More Russian soldiers have been killed by pro-Western forces under Trump's watch than at any time since the Cold War. Trump ramping up US oil production by removing drilling regulations has been hurting Russia pretty badly.

"But Trump has weakened NATO, which is what Putin wants". Has Trump weakened NATO? NATO is weak because it's long outlived its usefulness (should have been disbanded in 1991 tbh) and because our European "partners" actively don't give a fuck about it. How can Germany in good faith present a united front against Russia with us when they're dependent on Russian gas? How can they realistically be expected to be full members of the alliance when they don't even meet their spending requirements? NATO was weak well before Trump took office. He's just been shining a light on the rot.

If Putin actually tried something in Eastern Europe, he'd get rolled by the Baltics and Poland alone. The fact that he can barely put down Ukrainian guerrillas or Chechens tells you all need to know about Russia's power projection.

"But Trump badmouthed the CIA" - Good, they deserve it.

I don't really know what you want me to say..

Yankee Doodle:
How does this even make sense?

How did Russia meddle in the election? By showing a few thousand boomers meme-tier Facebook ads about Hillary?

"But they hacked the election" - it hasn't been proven that the DNC "hack" was traceable to the Russian government, just that it may have been done by a Russian individual. But here's the thing, it wasn't so much a hack as it was a phishing scam, which dumbass Tom Podesta fell for hook-line-and-sinker. The RNC was targeted as well but apparently Reince Preibus actually knows how to use email, so it didn't work. So what was so damning about the information that was leaked? That Hillary basically rigged the Democratic primary. That sounds pretty bad. Perhaps we should be more concerned about that than the leak itself, no?

And lastly, what does Russia actually get out of having Trump in office? Trump has been much more belligerent in Ukraine and has continued the sanctions. More Russian soldiers have been killed by pro-Western forces under Trump's watch than at any time since the Cold War. Trump ramping up US oil production by removing drilling regulations has been hurting Russia pretty badly.

"But Trump has weakened NATO, which is what Putin wants". Has Trump weakened NATO? NATO is weak because it's long outlived its usefulness (should have been disbanded in 1991 tbh) and because our European "partners" actively don't give a fuck about it. How can Germany in good faith present a united front against Russia with us when they're dependent on Russian gas? How can they realistically be expected to be full members of the alliance when they don't even meet their spending requirements? NATO was weak well before Trump took office. He's just been shining a light on the rot.

If Putin actually tried something in Eastern Europe, he'd get rolled by the Baltics and Poland alone. The fact that he can barely put down Ukrainian guerrillas or Chechens tells you all need to know about Russia's power projection.

"But Trump badmouthed the CIA" - Good, they deserve it.

I don't really know what you want me to say..

LOL, in a thread with people wondering if the moon landing and Pulse shooting actually happened, the “conspiracy” that gets the most vociferous pushback is one most likely to be true. Partisan politics are sure something.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

I'm not sure about it leading to Osama, but alphabet agencies trafficking narcotics and literally teaching someone to bake rock starting the crack epidemic is not a conspiracy. It is very well documented that this is the case.

Gun rights activist
I'm not sure about it leading to Osama, but alphabet agencies trafficking narcotics and literally teaching someone to bake rock starting the crack epidemic is not a conspiracy. It is very well documented that this is the case.

That's the butt of the joke--which is really on the hardo right leaners that can't see past the surface level.

I'm not sure about it leading to Osama, but alphabet agencies trafficking narcotics and literally teaching someone to bake rock starting the crack epidemic is not a conspiracy. It is very well documented that this is the case.

Can you show me the “well-documented” evidence? In about 5 mins I find 4 formal investigations by the US govt (bi-partisan in nature) that did not find what you’re claiming.


No thank you, there are literally signs saying beyond this point, all trespassers will be shot. If one million+ people come to raid the base, they are just going to drop multiple 2000 pound JDAMS from F-15 or F-16 and attack people with Apache helicopters with 30mm rounds or missiles. They already know when you are approaching towards with the base with surveillance equipment.

P.S I thought the snipers that are hidden with Barrett 50 cals was enough to keep away and their private security force Wackenhut.

"It's okay, I'll see you on the other side"

Watch this video... It will change how you see space. You're telling me aliens don't exist?

Size of universe doesn’t really matter that much. The probability of abiogenesis is the x-factor in the likelihood of alien life. For all we know alien life is abundant or it could be vanishingly rare. Without knowing the probability of abiogenesis it’s just speculation.

Intelligent life is likely extremely rare even if abiogenesis isn’t that rare. There may be a universe teeming with Neanderthals—creatures that are right at the precipice but lack just the correct parts of the brain needed to take the next leap. Neanderthals were as smart or smarter than humans but had a poorly developed part of the brain used for socialization; therefore, they lived in small, isolated communities with technology that didn’t advance at all for 250,000 years.

We really don’t know. What we do know is that humanity defied all the odds thanks to countless lucky breaks and just the right brain development. And yes, a global killer asteroid that obliterated the dinosaurs.


I’m going to have to disagree... over 500,000,000 stars in a single galaxy. The entire universe known to mankind is 78 billion light years. Do you know what that means? Light travels extremely fast. There’s nothing faster in the entire universe than light. You turn on light bulb and instantaneous you’ll see the light gleaming in your eye. It doesn’t even take a single microsecond. So imagine turning on the light and for that light to travel 78 billion years in order for you to see it. The ultra deep field is the furthest we’ve ever seen and in that photo alone taken by the Hubble scope imaged 10,000 galaxies alone. In each of those galaxies there are approximately 500,000,000 stars and each of those stars have planets orbiting around it and you’re telling me you don’t think there’s a single life? That’s absurd. When you look at stars and let’s say that star is 10 billion light years away, you’re literally looking at the star from 10 billion years ago because that’s when the light finally reaches your eyes... think about that for a second on just how big the universe is.


Robin William's death wasn't a suicide, but an accidental death due to complications with auto erotic asphyxiation.

Gun rights activist

Not sure about any one specific case but odds would say that some of the celebrity suicides were actually this. Investigators are known to play ball with families cover these things up.



Cliff Baxter was murdered under the appearance of a suicide. Ken Lay faked his own death to avoid prison.


saw the boomerang on his insta uploaded 3 days ago(as of 20/7/19) and I agree with your suspicions. If they let him attend it will be veeeery interesting

made new unrelated account - dont reply or message as i never use it. 

Out of all of the terrible threads on WSO, this might actually be the worst.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

2018 Hawaii false missile alert was either one of two things. Missile's were intercepted before they reached the target destination. or World governments are doing trial runs on their own citizens. The warnings were a false flag. The “accident” was faked.

A sleepy government worker didn't just accidentally push the wrong button...


It’s plausible that the wrong button wasn’t pushed, but I think the most likely explanation is that it the alarm was triggered falsely or simply malfunctioned entirely.


Leak Seal being better than Flex Seal is absolutely preposterous. I am not sure how this theory came to be, but its blasphemous against everything Phil Swift teaches and should cease to exist. If you need a product that specializes in adhesive bonding, Flex Seal should be your go to, PERIOD.

Leak Seal being better than Flex Seal is absolutely preposterous. I am not sure how this theory came to be, but its blasphemous against everything Phil Swift teaches and should cease to exist. If you need a product that specializes in adhesive bonding, Flex Seal should be your go to, PERIOD.

Phil owns both products! Conspiracy solved.


The Mandela Effect is the first one. There seems to be a disagreement about issues and events that turned out different at another certain point and time.

1 This entire environment is just a simulation. This is just something being progressively playing out with someone's quantum computer? In essence, we are just living in a highly sophisticated computer simulation. Anyone, Rick and Morty with the civilization in a car battery?

"It's okay, I'll see you on the other side"

Similar to the part of 1984 where they ask how many fingers am I holding up?, or the part of Star Trek where the cardassian asks Picard how many lights are there ... the powers that be knew they were in total control when Maroon 5 was considered permitted to exist by the general populace.


22 Years and he gets the same question... https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a28448276/leonardo-dicaprio-titanic-d…

"Could Jack have fitted on that door at the end of Titanic?" Leo was asked.

The actor didn't give an immediate response, but Margot was quick to reply, saying: "Oh my gosh. I thought it. I remember bawling my eyes out when I was a girl."

"Well, I'm gonna go back and look now, shoot," added Brad.

"That is the biggest controversy in modern cinema," continued Margot.

Poking fun at Leo, Brad asked: "Could you, could you have squeezed there? You could've, couldn't you?"

"No comment," replied Leo – squirming a bit too.

The real conspiracy is why does Leo die in every movie? Wolf of Wall Street broke the curse.

I believe Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 wasn't an accident. There were definitely external forces that catalyzed its disappearance. The flight path was diverted many times and there was a lot of shady stuff about some of the passengers and the pilot of Flight 370. We may never know unless the plane is found.
The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in southeast Asia in March 2014 has prompted many theories. One theory suggests that this plane was hidden away and reintroduced as Flight MH17 later the same year in order to be shot down over Ukraine for political purposes. Prolific American conspiracy theorist James H. Fetzer has placed responsibility for the disappearance with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Theories have also related to allegations that a certain autopilot technology was secretly fitted to the aircraft.

The "Anti Vaccination" wave was started by Russia to weaken the health of the American middle class. People were brainwashed to believe vaccines are useless so that they would abandon them.


There is no such thing as Area 51 For several years I've been an avid reader of NoSleep, but because of my profession, I was never permitted to submit content to it (or to anywhere). Occasionally an Area 51 story pops up. "I used to work at Area 51" or "I snuck into Area 51", etc. These stories always made me want so badly to finally jump in here, but I always held my tongue until now.

Using a series of proxies and all kinds of networking jibber jabber, I think I'm in the clear making this post. I won't bore you with the details.

I came here to NoSleep after years of lurking to correct a lot of the misapprehensions and legends about the most infamous military installation in the world. I'm doing this now because even if I get caught, I have a really useful insurance policy: I'm seriously ill and not likely to recover, and I've got no family that I'm in contact with that could be retaliated against. There's nothing anybody can do (uuuuh I think...).

There is no such thing as Area 51. Sorry! And the fact that it's the golden egg of conspiracy theories worldwide is exactly what the US government wants. I'm writing this in a bit of a rush and I don't have any of my thoughts organized, so I'm just going to break it down as follows:

Groom Lake / Paradise Ranch / Edwards AF Extension / Restricted Training Facility UX104

These are a few names for the place you know as Area 51. I don't know much about its history, but essentially it was intended by the US Air Force to be a secret weapons-testing facility during the Cold War. It had a few on-site extensions; one of them was for developing experimental rocket and jet engines, one was for training contingents of troops for nuclear warfare and post-apocalyptic survival, etc. But much like the third Star Wars movie, the site and its purpose got out around the time of the Roswell incident, and a media frenzy popularized the base. The government tried at first to quell speculation about it, but then adopted another strategy: feed into the hype, and simply move the base a few dozen miles away.

Today, Groom Lake (Area 51) is a small but functional military airport and base. It's got a bunch of bunkers mostly housing low-security servers, and some munitions tests are performed there. Staff are regularly moved in and out, mostly folks who are low on the totem pole and trying to climb up the ladder to the real facility. There are some very outdated nuclear fallout shelters that are still maintained and used for storage. The facility consumes an enormous amount of power, and everything possible is done to make it look like a well-guarded military base that is engaged in some huge, secret operations.

The employees really do fly there every day from Las Vegas on conspicuously inconspicuous jets marked as "JANET," sometimes referred to as "Just Another Non-Existent Terminal." And they want you to notice. And wonder. They want you to wonder where those jets are going.

And they never want you to spend one second thinking about where they came from.

The real "Area 51"

This is the most exciting part, because as far as I can tell in my limited and clandestine researching, nobody has ever divulged the real secret before. It's pretty highly guarded, and they straight up murder people who are stupid enough to share it. Murder isn't even the right word. They erase people from existence. Sometimes entire families. That's why the government freaks out when they find that one of their employees is terminal and has nothing left to lose. It's why if you're an employee there, you only see their doctors, so that they know about your health before you even know about it. They want you to die real quick of a sudden heart attack, so that you never have a moment to think about how you might do a public service and air their dirty laundry. And sometimes they induce those heart attacks when they determine you to be an HMT, or “health-motivated threat.”

But I didn't need to see a doctor to know that I am suffering from the same malignant tumor that killed my father: glioblastoma multiforme. Every three months we get a health evaluation, and every six months we get a CAT scan. I simply didn't report the very damning symptoms this past eval, and I'll probably be gone before they scan me next. I really wanted to do this instead. Maybe just to be the first, I guess. The only other thing I've ever done with my life is fix computers.

The real secret military base is McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/5iirna/there_is_no_such_thing…


Quick question, what do you think of Area-51 S4 location? The rumor is that there are nine hanger bays camouflaged in a sand colored coating against a mountain near the dry lake bed containing alien or extraterrestrial space-craft. I thought the Denver international airport was the airport with the base underground. There are even random freemason symbols located there.

"It's okay, I'll see you on the other side"

Call me dumb but I think Ariana Grande bombed her own concert in Manchester. I mean that event single-handedly elevated her career to 3 #1 singles and billions of streams on YouTube and Spotify. She was much less of a celebrity before that.


You can't realistically be serious of this right? Ariana Grande was already famous and had enough money before the Manchester incident. It makes no sense why she should do anything to harm Manchester. She was worth minimum $50,000,000+ before that incident occurred.

"It's okay, I'll see you on the other side"
I'm not sure that's even a conspiracy at this point - I think the generally agreed account is that the pilot did it. There's no other way for the plane to have taken that course otherwise.

Curious what people think the motive would have been. If terrorism, generally terrorists like people to know who did it and why.


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Sint voluptates sint at aut rerum qui exercitationem voluptatibus. Suscipit id ex sed qui. Iure cupiditate sequi voluptas qui error fugit nobis.

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  • Associates (91) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (148) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


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Betsy Massar
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From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”