New Chinese Anti-Carrier kill weapon operational. What now?

I am worried. Any ideas on how to counter this?

In a hypothetical situation where we had to defend Taiwan from a Chinese invasion, our carriers will be sitting ducks because of this new missile. Any ideas?


It was in a developmental phase, but now it is assumed to be operational. Anyways, how do you defend Taiwan now?


I agree with Gutshot. If it comes down to war, U.S. will not have time to respond to the invasion. It'll take a day to take over Taiwan. However, I doubt this will ever happen. The backlash that China receive from the international community will be huge and there won't be many sympathizers except for North Korea (big surprise). It's not in China's best interest to invade another country.


China is working to bring Taiwan back into the fold peacefully. China has bigger issues than Taiwan anyway. Also, just because China has a 1st generation anti carrier missile, one should not think US Naval boats are sitting ducks. Carriers travel with an armada behind them whose job it is to defend and attack. The carrier is just a launching pad for air supremacy.

I really don't see the big deal with a powerful China. The only issue we should worry about is dwindling natural resources and developed nations fighting for them. China needs a strong military because it has 1 Billion people who demand food and fuel.


Agreed with ANT on not seeing a big deal on China. Unlike Iran/North Korea etc, Chinese leaders are rational and just want to better their country. They know that starting a war with the US or other powers would be stupid (they would be destroyed economically even if they somehow won). Similarly, they will not invade Taiwan-they are their biggest trading partner. China scares me much less than terrorists, Iran, North Korea, etc.

I have a question: Do we (USA) have much significant technology that China and others dont have? Obviously much of this would be secret if we do, but does anyone have insight on this?

Agreed with ANT on not seeing a big deal on China. Unlike Iran/North Korea etc, Chinese leaders are rational and just want to better their country. They know that starting a war with the US or other powers would be stupid (they would be destroyed economically even if they somehow won). Similarly, they will not invade Taiwan-they are their biggest trading partner. China scares me much less than terrorists, Iran, North Korea, etc.

I have a question: Do we (USA) have much significant technology that China and others dont have? Obviously much of this would be secret if we do, but does anyone have insight on this?

I think it's silly to make statements about how Iran and North Korea are run by less rational people than others. Spokesmen, politicians, and figureheads always make obnoxious statements but they are never the sole arbiters of foreign policy. It is a truly dangerous assumption to make that your adversaries are irrational.

And yes, the US has a significant amount of superior technology compared to China. That's why our aircraft carriers are by their country, and not vice versa.

Agreed with ANT on not seeing a big deal on China. Unlike Iran/North Korea etc, Chinese leaders are rational and just want to better their country. They know that starting a war with the US or other powers would be stupid (they would be destroyed economically even if they somehow won). Similarly, they will not invade Taiwan-they are their biggest trading partner. China scares me much less than terrorists, Iran, North Korea, etc.

I have a question: Do we (USA) have much significant technology that China and others dont have? Obviously much of this would be secret if we do, but does anyone have insight on this?

You guys have lots of toys that we do not have, for example X-37 and the carrier groups. Dunno why would anyone expect China to catch up with US in the near future. And BTW, that anti-ship ballistic missile is defensive, no need to worry about it as long as the carrier groups keep the distance. Yes it's sophiscated technology, but IMO high orbit planes are more useful.

Best Response

Our technology is superior, but the big thing is in experience and man power. Take an Aircraft Carrier. China bought one of Russia's old ones. Now Russia was never a true bad ass Air Craft power, but they had a couple. China reverse engineered that and is now building their first. It is impressive, but nothing like what we have. The real thing is training pilots to take off and land. Training a crew to man the ship. The whole catapult system is complex and requires trained individuals.

Not taking anything away from China, but we have been doing it for a long time now. Eventually they will catch up, but we freak out too easily. The USA spends an insane amount on the military and that is only the stuff you see and hear about. China is building their first Aircraft Carrier. We have an unmanned, secret space shuttle that can orbit the earth for months and do all kinds of top secret shit.

I am more worried about Iran and socialism in the USA than I am about the Chinese getting more powerful. If anything they will just attack Japan out of revenge. Chinese people really don't have an issue with the USA. Fuck, we basically build that damn country.

Our technology is superior, but the big thing is in experience and man power. Take an Aircraft Carrier. China bought one of Russia's old ones. Now Russia was never a true bad ass Air Craft power, but they had a couple. China reverse engineered that and is now building their first. It is impressive, but nothing like what we have. The real thing is training pilots to take off and land. Training a crew to man the ship. The whole catapult system is complex and requires trained individuals.

Not taking anything away from China, but we have been doing it for a long time now. Eventually they will catch up, but we freak out too easily. The USA spends an insane amount on the military and that is only the stuff you see and hear about. China is building their first Aircraft Carrier. We have an unmanned, secret space shuttle that can orbit the earth for months and do all kinds of top secret shit.

I am more worried about Iran and socialism in the USA than I am about the Chinese getting more powerful. If anything they will just attack Japan out of revenge. Chinese people really don't have an issue with the USA. Fuck, we basically build that damn country.

We've also built Saudi Arabia and armed Afghanistan. Dont be such a bric lover, Ant

More is good, all is better

I highly doubt the Chinese are capable of penetrating the Aegis missile defense system, we spent years and an insane amount of money developing that system and it has worked flawlessly for decades.

Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions. -Niccolo Machiavelli

China is a paper dragon. Their military technology is years behind ours (that's just the publicly known stuff) and their country is a house of cards with a dismal physical infrastructure that is stretched to it's maximum. I have little concern about them.

Truth is we likely have defense systems in place that would protect our naval fleet and we would be a few hundred miles from the coast of their country, not ours. Chances are we would just 'shock and awe' the shit out of the mainland and destroy some key pieces of their infrastructure which would surely entice them to capitulate.

Now I'm not trying to trash talk China, it is a force to be reckoned with on an economic front, but I think they are like a new born giraffe, they may look tall, but they are standing on some wobbly ass legs. They aren't going to do anything to rock the boat and test their balance at this point in time.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
China is a paper dragon. Their military technology is years behind ours (that's just the publicly known stuff) and their country is a house of cards with a dismal physical infrastructure that is stretched to it's maximum. I have little concern about them.

Truth is we likely have defense systems in place that would protect our naval fleet and we would be a few hundred miles from the coast of their country, not ours. Chances are we would just 'shock and awe' the shit out of the mainland and destroy some key pieces of their infrastructure which would surely entice them to capitulate.

Now I'm not trying to trash talk China, it is a force to be reckoned with on an economic front, but I think they are like a new born giraffe, they may look tall, but they are standing on some wobbly ass legs. They aren't going to do anything to rock the boat and test their balance at this point in time.


Be careful there about basing your argument on "Their military technology is years behind ours". Ten years ago their military technology was probably decades behind the U.S., so you see the trend. This is the time that everyone is catching up with everyone else, who knows what the world will look like in another ten years.

But I do agree with your other points. I also don't think going into war with the States will ever be a choice for China unless they are pushed to the edge. BTW I can see the majority of their next generation of leadership will have some western education background, making it easier to communicate and keep a peaceful competition rather than military conflicts.

China is a paper dragon. Their military technology is years behind ours (that's just the publicly known stuff) and their country is a house of cards with a dismal physical infrastructure that is stretched to it's maximum. I have little concern about them.

Truth is we likely have defense systems in place that would protect our naval fleet and we would be a few hundred miles from the coast of their country, not ours. Chances are we would just 'shock and awe' the shit out of the mainland and destroy some key pieces of their infrastructure which would surely entice them to capitulate.

Now I'm not trying to trash talk China, it is a force to be reckoned with on an economic front, but I think they are like a new born giraffe, they may look tall, but they are standing on some wobbly ass legs. They aren't going to do anything to rock the boat and test their balance at this point in time.


Be careful there about basing your argument on "Their military technology is years behind ours". Ten years ago their military technology was probably decades behind the U.S., so you see the trend. This is the time that everyone is catching up with everyone else, who knows what the world will look like in another ten years.

But I do agree with your other points. I also don't think going into war with the States will ever be a choice for China unless they are pushed to the edge. BTW I can see the majority of their next generation of leadership will have some western education background, making it easier to communicate and keep a peaceful competition rather than military conflicts.

They are still decades behind us as far as their technology is concerned. I will grant you that they know more about our 'futuristic' technology, but knowing and being able to replicate are two entirely different things.

We've had tremendous leaps in our military technology because it's been heavily funded since WW2, whereas China has really just started with theirs and I don't think there is anyway for them to catch-up in the near term.

At any rate, you have to consider that it doesn't take much to make a huge difference in war. We aren't talking about a 750cc motorcycle vs. 1,000cc motorcycle in a quarter mile race...if my tank has better armor, shoots more deadly munitions and do that from a 100 yards further, guess who is going to win? It's like, I can reach you before you can reach me...advantage me. Even if we are at a reasonable distance my armor will deflect your shots better and mine, in turn, will be more deadly...again, advantage me.

Just think how this concept applies to our stealth technology and radar capabilities...if they can't hide quite as well as us and our equipment can detect them even farther would they get close enough to really harm us? Their currently being developed stealth fighter is believed to be partly reversed engineered from a Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk, which was built on technology from the 1970s and first flown in the 80s.

And back to my paper dragon comment, you can find videos on YouTube that show what appear Chinese vehicles that are very similar to our Abrams and Bradleys but it's like a kit car...looks like a Ferrari on the outside, but rides like a Fiero on the inside.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Also, the J-20 that I referenced above is still in development and not expected to be ready for another 3-5 2015 minus 1980 equals 35 years behind, give or take.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Military power correlates well with economy size. Thusly, the Chinese military will eventually match and surpass the US military in the next ~35 years.

Military power correlates well with economy size. Thusly, the Chinese military will eventually match and surpass the US military in the next ~35 years.

Possibly, but remember that China has a ton of problems when it comes to it's population. People about the age of 60 represent over 13% of the population right now but is projected to be somewhere between 22% and 28% by 2050. The number of people 14 and below has declined from about 23% to 17%.

China will also feel the impact of the "one child policy" in the coming years which will lead to a decline in their population. By 2050, they are projected to only have a few million more people than they do now even though they will gain tens of millions of more between now and then...the number that will die off will significantly lower that. Also, their total fertility rate is well below the number required to sustain a population. This will spike over the years as more woman move from the countryside to the city, but will likely fall again as the woman become more educated and career focused causing them to delay marriage and children (similar to America).

In contrast, India will have surged and probably replaced China as the most populous nation and, I suspect, will have a much stronger military and economy.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
Possibly, but remember that China has a ton of problems when it comes to it's population. People about the age of 60 represent over 13% of the population right now but is projected to be somewhere between 22% and 28% by 2050. The number of people 14 and below has declined from about 23% to 17%.
How about its economic strength by 2050?
(similar to America).
will it (Chinese economic/military strength) also be similiar to America?
In contrast, India will have surged and probably replaced China as the most populous nation and, I suspect, will have a much stronger military and economy.
Will a strong India still be ally of America?

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"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

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